Region III
Region III
Region III is dedicated to serving the needs of NASPA members in what would broadly be described as the Southeastern United States. Our regional challenge is to fulfill the national mission by offering professionally relevant and personally meaningful activities to NASPA members in our geographic area.
Message from the Regional Director
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to NASPA Region III! We are delighted you visited our webpage and hope you will find information here about how to connect with volunteer opportunities, learn about professional development programs, and connect with your colleagues across our region. We are always seeking input and new ideas about how our region can best serve you so please reach out. From our state-specific activities to our professional development institutes for new professionals and mid-managers, NASPA Region III is here to help you engage with colleagues and support your professional growth and development.
About NASPA Region III
Who We Are
Region III leadership strives to ensure that national initiatives inform our regional activities and find expression in our ongoing growth, development, and contributions as student affairs professionals. We carry out our regional activities through conferences, institutes, publications, technology, networks and other opportunities that promote personal and professional learning and colleagueship. All are designed to help us work efficiently so we engage in state-of-the-art practices that promote organizational effectiveness and student learning and development..
Region III encompasses the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia; the Central American country of Mexico; the Caribbean Islands of the Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago; the Bermuda Islands; the African countries of Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa; the Eastern European country of Bulgaria; the Middle Eastern countries of Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates; and the East Asian countries of Taiwan and Japan.
Region III is rich with history. A few years ago, our Regional historian, Kat Callahan visited the Archives at Bowling Green State University to do a little research about our past and here is a short start of the history of Region III:
Region III History by Kat Callahan
The Southern region (Region III), according to the 1965 proposal, consisted of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Over the years, reorganization of regions was proposed; however, Region III has remained intact and gained additional representation by 1967 with one institutional member in Puerto Rico (Crookston, B.B. & Briggs, C., personal communication, June 25, 1967). One of the first questions for redistribution came in 1967. Crookston and Briggs (1967) developed a Report and Recommendations on NASPA Regional Distribution and the Vice Presidency for the NASPA Executive Committee. These recommendations established the two year term that currently exists with our Regional Directors, formerly Regional Vice Presidents as well as recommendations for other regional redistributions and suggested duties for Regional Vice Presidents. It is in this memo to the NASPA Executive Committee that there is an acknowledgment of size being an issue in a formal sense. It notes that the annual conference needs formalization, whereas, prior to the need for regions, members often knew one another and could meet in an informal way. Crookston and Briggs (1967) acknowledge this is no longer the case, “hence the need for regional structure and meetings where informal relationships can be maintained and continued” (p. 2). In 1967, Region III had 105 institutional members as compared to the other regions with Region II with the most at 129 institutional memberships and Region VI with 30; however, the representation of the Regions at this time was not the same as today.
In 1968, a second attempt at redistribution occurred. Upon the recommendation of NASPA Region III President, Arden French, Texas and Louisiana would be moved to Region IV as well as considering West Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia to be added. Members were encouraged to write to Channing Briggs with their reactions (French, 1968). Nothing came to fruition after these recommendations were made. But again, in 1976, Alice Manicur, NASPA President, questioned the re-alignment of regions that would delete Virginia and Texas and add Arkansas. Texas would have moved to Region IV-W and Virginia to Region II. These changes were considered due to membership numbers as well as location (Manicur, A., personal communication, Aug 13, 1976). In response to this recommendation, Channing Briggs, NASPA’s first Executive Director, responded with some interesting insights to Region III, mainly focused on Texas. He notes that if Texas was moved, that it would dominate Region IV-W. Also, he questions the consideration to other organizations that would be impacted, noting the importance of liaisons with Texas and southern associations. Finally, Briggs alludes that Texas has always struggled in Region III with geography, but would do the same if added to IV-W (Channing, B., personal communication, Sept 1, 1976). When this realignment was brought to the Region III Advisory Committee in 1977, “the comment made and supported was that it was all right for the task force to “mess with the rest of the country, but not with us” (Minutes, 1977). Yet again, Region III stays intact.
Other regional realignments took place over the years that impacted other regions, but it wasn’t until 1995 that Texas took it upon itself to question their own place in Region III with their own Resolution in which they state that “the existing structure of Region III may not be the most effective to achieve enhanced access to programming to the extent possible for the membership of NASPA in Texas” (resolution, 1995). Texas argues multiple reasons why Region III may not be the best regional fit due to never having held a Region III meeting in Texas after 30 years even though Texas had the most members in the region. This resolution was brought to the NASPA Executive Board; however, because no other region expressed interest in revisiting regional reorganization, once again, nothing changed. Rather it was suggested that Texas be polled about their interest in changing regions as well as a conversation among the Region III Board members to address this issue (Minutes, July 21, 1995). Since, Region III has held the Summer Conference in Texas three times, in 1995, 2005, and 2013.
Region III and the South have a unique history in the United States. Higher Education wasn’t a priority in the South as it was in the Northeast and Midwest early on, other than in Virginia, and after the Civil War, it took the South much longer to recover, therefore, effecting the growth of higher education. Yet, the dedication of professionals in the south was evident in the participation of NASPA and other strong organizations in the south. Region III didn’t have regional conferences right away due to the strength of these other organizations. The Southern College Personnel Association (SCPA), Southwestern Student Personnel Association (SWASPA), and Southern Deans were each very strong and targeted similar members. These are organizations that Briggs is referring to when discussing important relationships in 1976 during one of the re-organizational conversations (personal communication, Sept 1, 1976). However, it was SCPA, later changed to the Southern Association for College Student Affairs (SACSA) in 1982, with which NASPA Region III maintained a unique and integrated relationship.
A little more history can be found here: https://history.naspa.org/our-history/constituent-group-history/region-3
Please visit the NASPA history site for an inclusive view of the association: https://history.naspa.org/
If you have any specific questions please email Region III historian: Kat Callahan -kathleen.callahan@cnu.edu
Some documents below contain historical information about the region in the past (note: all documents are not 100% current):
NASPA Region III / SACSA Summer Institutes
NPI - New Professionals Institute is the preeminent professional development opportunity for new student affairs professionals in the south (we consider ‘new professionals’ anyone with five years or fewer of full-time experience in Student Affairs). Co-sponsored by NASPA Region III and SACSA, NPI is an intensive, interactive week of learning, sharing, networking and professional and personal development. This unique opportunity allows new professionals to draw on their first years of experience to improve their effectiveness and to learn from others. It is a time of professional and personal renewal and assists new professionals in the development of their careers. NPI requires a commitment by the new professional to work intensively over five days with other new professionals and a team of more-seasoned faculty members.
The Mid-Manager's Institute (MMI) is a focused and unique professional development experience presented by a partnership between SACSA and NASPA Region III. It offers an opportunity for mid-level professionals to enhance and develop the skills, relationships, and dispositions that distinguish them in the profession and enables them to make more meaningful contributions to the people and programs they serve.
MMI is designed for individuals with at least five years of experience as a full-time professional with oversight and supervisory responsibility of one or more units and professional staff members.
Participants will have the opportunity to learn from faculty mentors, guest presenters, and their mid-level colleagues. Past topics include managing from the middle, navigating politics and campus climate, strategic planning, the synergy between academic affairs and student affairs, and professional competencies and career planning. Participants will leave with strategies and skills to make an impact when they return to campus.
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Advisory Board
The Region III Advisory Board oversees the various operations of the Region as well as representing the state organizations within Region III and coordinating with the Knowledge Communities.
Get Involved
NASPA Regions are run and supported entirely by the continued hard work and contributions of our volunteers. Region III offers numerous volunteer positions and opportunities for our members to become involved. Whether it’s taking on a leadership role or helping out at a drive-in, there’s something for everyone. Please utilize Volunteer Central to indicate your interests and to find current volunteer opportunities.

Region III is excited to recognize outstanding colleagues! Here's how you can get involved:
- Nominate a colleague! Nominations will open on March 12 and close on April 23. Click an award tile below to learn more about the award criteria and nominate a deserving colleague!
- Serve as an award reviewer! Reviewers are an integral part of the award selection process. The call will go out on April 7 and the review process will take place April 25 - May 7.
Winners will be announced on May 9!
Please direct any questions to the Awards Co-Chairs, Damion White (dwhite1@uab.edu) and Richard Ware (rware@westga.edu)
NASPA Region III - Award Winners
NASPA Region III - 2024 Award Winners
Award | Recipient | Title at Time of Award |
Institution at Time of Award |
Region III AVP/Senior Level Student Affairs Professional Award | Laura Osteen, Ph.D. | Assistant Vice President |
Tulane University |
Region III Bob E. Leach Award for Outstanding Service to Students | Heather Herrera | Director of TRIO SSS-STEM | Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi |
Region III Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Award | Dr. Robert A. Valdez | Director for Conference and Event Services | The University of Texas at Austin |
Region III James E. Scott Outstanding Mid-Level Professional Award | Carolyn Duven, Ph.D. | Executive Director of Student Support Services | Gwinnett Technical College |
Region III John Jones Award for Outstanding Performance as a Senior Student Affairs Officer | Dr. Wilmarie Rodriguez | Associate Dean of Students & Executive Director of Student Success | |
Region III Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs Through Teaching Award | Michelle Boettcher, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Clemson University |
Region III Outstanding Graduate Student Award | Raylyn Garner | Graduate Assistant | University of South Carolina |
Region III Outstanding HBCU/Minority-Serving Institution Professional | Saranette Williams | Director of Career Services | Norfolk State University |
Region III Undergraduate Rising Star Award | Jaylyn Long | Undergraduate Student | University of Mary Washington |
Region III William Leftwich Award for Outstanding New Professional | Hadeel Hamoud | Program Coordinator | Duke University |
One of the best resources available to you is the wide range of professional development opportunities. This list contains both our “Hosted Events,” workshops and webinars that we plan and manage, and some “Related Events,” hosted by the NASPA Central Office or other NASPA Constituent Groups. To see a full listing of NASPA events, please see the Events page.
If you are interested in planning an event for the Region, you must fill out this form. The completed form will be sent to your Regional Director and Regional Treasurer for approval. Once approved, they will connect with the NASPA Central Office and a staff member will reach out to you for training and event set-up.
Travel Assistance Request for Region III Board Members