NASPA is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment in all its programs, services, and volunteer opportunities. The Association strives to address the interests of its members and the student affairs profession. We seek to foster a positive environment built upon a foundation of trust, respect, open communication, and ethical behavior.
NASPA’s Guiding Principles of Integrity, Inclusion, Inquiry, and Innovation ground the manner in which we expect members, participants, and staff to interact with one another in our programs, services, and volunteer opportunities. We seek to cultivate a welcoming environment based on open communication, ethical behavior, accountability, and learning.
If you experience or witness discrimination or harassment at a NASPA program/event or occurring while you or others have acted in a NASPA-related capacity, we encourage you to report the incident to a member of the NASPA staff. Reports can be made online, through the event mobile app or a form available at the registration desk for in-person events (if applicable), or by email to Monica Nixon, Vice President for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at You can report anonymously or share your name and contact information for follow-up by NASPA staff.
NASPA does not discriminate on the basis of race; color; national origin; religion; sex; age; gender identity or expression; affectional or sexual orientation; veteran status; disability; marital status; personal appearance; family responsibilities; genetic information; educational status; political affiliation; place of residence or business; source of income; caste; matriculation; credit information; status as a survivor or family member of a survivor of domestic violence, a sexual offense, or stalking; reproductive health decision making; or any other basis protected by law in any of its policies, programs, publications, and services. NASPA prohibits discrimination and harassment at any time, including during its events or within publications and online learning communities.
Adapted from the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification Code of Ethics, the NASPA Code of Ethics governs the Association’s professional development, operations, and volunteer engagement. Ethical practice is essential, fundamental, and integral to student affairs and services work. The Code of Ethics is as follows:
As student affairs educators, in collaboration with other institutional stakeholders, our objectives include protecting the well-being of our students, fostering their individual and personal development, and teaching and learning from our colleagues to achieve these objectives.
This Code is structured in three parts, beginning with ethical guiding principles, which serve as overall objectives for student affairs educators. The second section, ethical goals, outlines goals that serve as aspirational guideposts to motivate high-level performance in the profession. These goals pertain to contributing to the profession, higher education institutions, and students and others. The third section, ethical obligations, sets forth ethical actions of student affairs educators and behavior they must avoid.
The following guiding principles serve as overall objectives for student affairs educators:
Act with integrity and honesty.
Communicate relevant and appropriate information while protecting confidentiality and privacy.
Deliver quality and excellence in our work with students.
Improve our competencies through continuous learning and skill development.
Pursue welcoming, inclusive, equitable, and just student affairs communities.
Respect the diversity and diverse identities of our students and colleagues.
Support the well-being of ourselves and others.
Treat people with dignity, respect, and compassion.
The following are aspirational goals to promote high-level performance as student affairs educators:
Student affairs educators are encouraged to engage in the following types of actions to support and advance the student affairs profession:
Cultivate one’s knowledge and skills within student affairs.
Develop ideas, conduct research, and share information within the profession to improve student affairs practices and the overall higher education student experience.
Engage honestly and responsibly in professional, personal, job reference, and career communications.
Exemplify and promote ethical standards in student affairs, including professional preparation and development programs.
Identify and intervene with appropriate resources and procedures in crisis situations.
Participate in higher education association activities, and make colleagues and students aware of the career and educational opportunities within the profession.
Promote the well-being of students, colleagues, and supervisees.
Student affairs educators are encouraged to engage in the following types of endeavors to contribute to the well-being and ongoing improvement of their institutions:
Avoid private interests, obligations, and transactions that conflict with one’s responsibilities and work obligations.
Be a responsible steward of the institution’s human, environmental, fiscal, and technological resources.
Pursue advancements in institutional programs and efforts that foster equity in the learning, social, and developmental experiences of students and communities.
Uphold institutional policies and work to identify, address, and advocate for areas of improvement.
Student affairs educators are encouraged to engage in the following types of endeavors to contribute to the well-being and ongoing development of their students, colleagues, and supervisees:
Communicate responsibly, whether in person, through social media, or with other technology.
Consult colleagues and other qualified professionals when unsure about professional practice responsibilities.
Engage other resources and professionals appropriately when individuals and situations call for it.
Ensure the arrangement of accessible, safe, and comfortable physical spaces for students and staff.
Honor the intellectual property of others by ensuring the accuracy of others’ work and giving proper attribution.
Maintain healthy and appropriate relationships with students, clients, stakeholders, and supervisees.
Represent professional qualifications, including education, professional affiliations, and relevant experiences, in an accurate, complete, and truthful manner.
Respect the privacy, identity, and confidentiality of students and other stakeholders as appropriate.
Treat others fairly and without discrimination.
Individuals must not violate the following ethical requirements as a student affairs educator. The requirements focus on the expectation that, in the course of their professional work and activities, student affairs educators are not to harm others. NASPA will not tolerate individuals who engage in the following:
Acts of violence, sexual misconduct, dishonesty, or gross dereliction of duties, including when such acts result in being terminated from your professional position or being convicted of a crime.
Harass, intimidate, or unlawfully discriminate against students, colleagues, supervisees, or others.
Harm others by engaging in conflicts of interest or dual or multiple relationships with students or supervisees.
Harm others by the unauthorized use or disclosure of personal, confidential, or sensitive information.
Misrepresent your credentials, professional qualifications, achievements, professional affiliations, and relevant experiences to Association or to others.
Put others at risk by working while impaired or in a condition in which you are unable to fulfill your duties.