FirstGen Fact Sheets

FirstGen Forward Network

Journal of First-generation Student Success

FirstGen Forward is the proud home to the first academic peer-reviewed journal dedicated to first-generation student success.
JFGSS COver Mockup 2

The Journal of First-generation Student Success accepts practice articles grounded in research and literature and, reciprocally, research articles that speak to practice. While traditional scholarship will be encouraged and accepted, articles prioritizing innovative solutions and advanced thought that dispute deficit-based conversations while propelling an asset-based, evidence-driven national narrative, are welcome.

Through the deep intersectionality of the first-generation identity, the large presence of first-generation students at institutions, and the necessary engagement of both academic and student services areas for success, this journal offers many opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

The Journal is a publication owned and managed by FirstGen Forward. NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education partners with FirstGen Forward and supports its work through a management services agreement, which includes operational support for the Journal. Via this relationship, the Journal joins other publications of NASPA and access is a member benefit.

Edition Cost

Individuals: $141 (print and online)
*Local tax will be added as applicable

Institutions: $383 (online); $548 (print & online)
*Local tax will be added as applicable

*Access to JFGSS is a NASPA member benefit.

Editorial Leadership

Rashné Jehangir Headshot

Rashné Jehangir, Ph.D.

Professor of Higher Education and Assistant Dean of Education Opportunity Program; Robert H. Beck Chair of Ideas, University of Minnesota—Twin Cities

Kem Saichaie Headshot

Kem Saichaie, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Center for Educational Effectiveness, Office of Undergraduate Education, University of California, Davis


Radomir Ray Mitic, Ph.D.

Associate Editor
Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota


Jason K. Wallace, Ph.D.

Associate Editor
Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University

FGF Reserve Logo_Dark Blue Background

Michelle Rossi

Editorial Assistant
Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Davis


The Journal of First-generation Student Success (JFGSS) accepts manuscripts that offer new and innovative perspectives and interventions in the context of the postsecondary success of first-generation students. The Journal contributes to the scholarship of those in the higher education field seeking a research-based approach to best practices and practitioners interested in utilizing research to inform their work.

Researchers, practitioners, education leaders, college access partners, and doctoral candidates are invited to submit manuscripts of original work conducted by the submitting author(s). Proposed work or simple conceptualizations of issues are not accepted. Manuscripts under review by JFGSS should not be under consideration by other journals.

The Journal accepts submissions on a rolling basis and is published three times per year, in April, August, and November.

AI-based Tools and Technologies

In accordance with the standards set by our publisher, Taylor & Francis, the JFGSS policy on the use of AI-based tools and technologies for content generation is as follows:

  • Authors must be aware that using AI-based tools and technologies for article content generation, e.g. large language models (LLMs), generative AI, and chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT), is not in line with our authorship criteria.
  • All authors are wholly responsible for the originality, validity and integrity of the content of their submissions. Therefore, LLMs and other similar types of tools do not meet the criteria for authorship.
  • Where AI tools are used in content generation, they must be acknowledged and documented appropriately in the authored work.

Submission Guidelines

Review Process

Submissions to the Journal of First-generation Student Success are accepted on a rolling basis. All manuscripts are subject to a closed, peer-review process (this language reflects a shift to employ inclusive language rather and move away from the industry term “blind review”). Once submitted, the first author will receive confirmation that the submission has been received. Authors are able to track the progress of their submissions in the ScholarOne system.

Reviews may take up to four weeks, or longer, depending on the volume of submissions. Please see the Submission Guidelines section for greater detail on submission types, review process, and technical requirements. For more information, please contact the Co-Editors, Kem Saichaie, Ph.D., and Rashné Jehangir, Ph.D.,

Editorial Board

Frequently Asked Questions