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Execution Time: 7.12 ms
Record Count: 1
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Title IX Certificate Program - Cohort #2

Virtual Short Courses

This Certificate Program is a one-of-a-kind, individualized, hybrid online and synchronous learning experience consisting of three tracks: Title IX Coordinators, Title IX Decision-Makers & Student Conduct Administrators, and Title IX Investigators. Materials are available beginning on August 10 and the deadline to complete the course is August 28.

Purchasing this Title IX training provides licensees limited access to pre-recorded videos and live sessions in addition to training materials—PowerPoint slides and handouts, if any. Title IX training participants shall ask, and NASPA will grant, permission to post the copyrighted training materials—PowerPoint slides and handouts, if any—to their institution’s website in accordance with 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D).

Presented By


With the final Title IX regulations from the Department of Education published in May, the push is on for student affairs administrators from across campus to come together to determine how their institutions will adjust to meet the requirements of the new rule by the August 14 implementation deadline. A key piece of this compliance comes in the form of training – for Title IX coordinators, Title IX investigators, and the newly created role of Title IX decision-makers, as outlined in the new rule. NASPA has partnered with Peter Lake and other experts in higher education to develop a comprehensive training tailored to each of these roles. In addition, this training is essential for student conduct administrators who will learn about how Title IX and student conduct policies may provide different ways to address various types of sexual misconduct in the community. This new training program is a one-of-a-kind, individualized, hybrid online and synchronous learning experience designed to assist administrators in getting up to speed on all facets of the new rule. This certificate program is specifically designed to assist higher education administrators in understanding the new Title IX rules.

The Title IX Certification Program consists of three tracks:

  • Track 1: Title IX Coordinators

  • Track 2: Title IX Decision-Makers and Student Conduct Administrators

  • Track 3: Title IX Investigators


Learning Outcomes

After attending this training, participants will be provided with a certificate, indicating that they have demonstrated the following:

  • Understanding the new requirements within the Title IX regulations issued by the Department of Education

  • Identify the intersections between Clery Act, Title VII, and Title IX

  • Identifying the elements of evidence under the new Title IX regulations

  • Composing policies, practices, and procedures that comply with the regulations


Track 1: Title IX Coordinators

This track is designed for Title IX Coordinators, and is the most comprehensive of the certificate program. This track covers the requirements under the new regulations for hearing proceedings; an overview of informal resolution options; and the development of policies, procedures, and practices that are compliant with the new regulations. This track is appropriate for the senior Title IX officer at an institution, or any other senior level administrators who provides oversight for the Title IX function at an institution. 

Duration: 32 hours

Audience: Title IX Coordinators

Format: Video Modules and Live Virtual Sessions 
See below for details on modules and live virtual session date and time.

Recorded Sessions

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (1 hour)

Topics include:

  • Four Corners Model             
  • Special issues that inform our work
  • Recurring and prominent legal issues: cross examination, standard of proof, bias, mediation, training, advocates, etc.
  • Overview of the new regulations and impacts on preexisting conduct systems
  • Supportive services
  • “Tuning” and “staying in your lane”
  • College “court” in an educational context: alternative and less formal systems of dispute resolution
  • Redefining the role of personnel: Staffing, budgetary, and operational concerns
  • Efficacy and assessment
  • Retaliation/vigilantism
  • VAWA/SaVE and COVID-19: impact on caseload
  • Impartially, conflicts of interest, and bias
Title IX: Legal Issues (6 hours)

Topics include:

  • Detailed legal foundations and the new regulations

  • Legal Intersectionality: Title IX, Title VII, Clery Act, VAWA, Disability, etc. 

  • Trends in Title IX case law and related state legal mandates

Title IX: New Grievance Procedures (7 hours)
Title IX: Investigations (6.5 hours)
Title IX: The Critical Role of the Title IX Coordinator (1 hour)
Title IX: Campus Culture and Prevention (1 hour)

Live Virtual Sessions

Title IX: Legal Issues (2.5 hours)

Participants must view the recorded sessions on “Title IX: Legal Issues” prior to attending this live virtual session. Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session.

The live virtual session will take place on:

  • Wednesday, August 19, 5:30-8:00 pm (ET)


Title IX: Grievance Procedures/Sexual Misconduct Procedures (3.5 hours)

The live virtual session will take place on:

  • Friday, August 21, 1:00-4:30 pm (ET)

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session.

*More dates may be added, depending on demand. Attendance at this virtual live session is strongly encouraged, but the session will be recorded for those who cannot attend. 


Title IX: Investigations (3.5 hours)

The live virtual session will take place on:

  • Saturday, August 22, 1:00-4:30 pm (ET) 

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session.

*More dates may be added, depending on demand. Attendance at this virtual live session is strongly encouraged, but the session will be recorded for those who cannot attend. 

Track 2: Title IX Decision-Makers & Student Conduct Administrators

This track is designed for student conduct staff and those who will be designated as Title IX decision-makers under the new guidance. Title IX decision makers will be those who are charged with making a determination of responsible or not responsible at the conclusion of a hearing proceeding, distinct from the Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX Investigator. This track will cover the development of policies, procedures, and practices that comply with the new regulations; Title IX hearing proceedings; evidentiary standards; and informal resolution. This track also specifically covers adjudication of sexual misconduct by student conduct administrators, for cases that are not covered by Title IX policy. 

Duration: 20 hours

Audience: Title IX Decision-Makers and Student Conduct Administrators

Format: Video Modules and Live Virtual Sessions 
See below for details on modules and live virtual session offering dates and times.

Recorded Sessions

Introduction: Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (1 hour)

Topics include:

  • Four Corners Model             
  • Special issues that inform our work
  • Recurring and prominent legal issues: cross examination, standard of proof, bias, mediation, training, advocates, etc.
  • Overview of the new regulations and impacts on preexisting conduct systems
  • Supportive services
  • “Tuning” and “staying in your lane”
  • College “court” in an educational context: alternative and less formal systems of dispute resolution
  • Redefining the role of personnel: Staffing, budgetary and operational concerns
  • Efficacy and assessment
  • Retaliation/vigilantism
  • VAWA/SaVE and COVID-19: impact on caseload
  • Impartially, conflicts of interest, and bias
Title IX: Legal Issues (4 hours)

Topics include:

  • Detailed legal foundations and the new regulations
  • Legal intersectionality: Title IX, Title VII, Clery Act, VAWA, Disability, etc. 
Developing Policies, Procedures, and Practices (3 hours)
Preparing for Implementation of Sexual Misconduct Rules: Title IX Requirements and Your Code (9 hours)

Topics include:

  • Imagining Title IX Hearing Proceedings Under the New Regulations (Including Online Hearings)
    • Dimensions of consent
    • Credibility and reliability determinations
    • Witness availability
    • Evidence standards
    • Role of lawyers and advocates
    • Safety and security
  • Adjudication for Non-Title IX Conduct Officers
    • Intersections with CARE/Threat Assessment/BIT Teams
    • Title IX’s influence on work under codes of conduct
    • Investigations
    • Evidence
    • Credibility assessments
    • In-person and video interviews of parties, witnesses, etc.
    • The role of incident and police reports
    • Hazing and Title IX
    • RSO management
    • Intersectionality issues
    • Conduct hearings
    • Appeals
  • Informal Resolution, Restorative Justice, and Mediation
    • Mediation
    • Restorative justice
    • Remedies
  • Record Management and FERPA

Live Virtual Sessions

Title IX: Grievance Procedures/Sexual Misconduct Procedures (3.5 hours)

The live virtual session will take place on:

  • Friday, August 21, 1:00-4:30 pm (ET) 

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session.

*More dates may be added, depending on demand. Attendance at this virtual live session is strongly encouraged, but the session will be recorded for those who cannot attend. 

Track 3: Title IX Investigators Track

This track is designed for Title IX investigators, or those individuals at an institution who have been deputized by the Title IX Coordinator to conduct sexual misconduct investigations. This track covers interview techniques, constructing a report, and evidentiary standards used in Title IX cases. This track is best suited for individuals with responsibility for conducting Title IX investigations, separate from the Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX decision-maker. 

Duration: 12 hours

Audience: Title IX Investigators

Format: Video Modules and Live Virtual Sessions 
See below for details on modules and live virtual session offering dates and times.

Recorded Sessions

Critical Issues in Title IX and Sexual Misconduct (1 hour)

Topics include:

  • Four Corners Model             
  • Special issues that inform our work
  • Recurring and prominent legal issues: cross examination, standard of proof, bias, mediation, training, advocates, etc.
  • Overview of the new regulations and impacts on preexisting conduct systems
  • Supportive services
  • “Tuning” and “staying in your lane”
  • College “court” in an educational context: alternative and less formal systems of dispute resolution
  • Redefining the role of personnel: Staffing, budgetary, and operational concerns
  • Efficacy and assessment
  • Retaliation/vigilantism
  • VAWA/SaVE and COVID-19: impact on caseload
  • Impartially, conflicts of interest, and bias
Title IX: Investigations (7.5 hours)

Live Virtual Sessions

Title IX: Investigations (3.5 hours)

The live virtual session will take place on:

  • Saturday, August 22, 1:00-4:30 pm (ET) 

Meeting log-in information will be shared with course enrollees prior to the date of the live session.

*More dates may be added, depending on demand. Attendance at this virtual live session is strongly encouraged, but the session will be recorded for those who cannot attend. 



Register here for Title IX Training Certificate: Title IX Decision-Maker Sexual Conduct Track

Register here for Title IX Training Certificate: Title IX Investigator Track       

Group Discount Available

Register four, or more, individuals from the same institution and receive a 20% discount off the total registration amount! Registrants may register for any of the three tracks and must be currently employed at the same institution. Discount may only apply at time of group registration, and is not retroactive. For instructions on accessing this discount, please contact Jill Dunlap, Senior Director of Research, Policy, and Civic Engagement with the names and titles of all registrants to be included in the discount. The registration deadline is August 17th.

Registration Fees
Track 1: Title IX Coordinators
NASPA Member: $1,499 Non-Member: $1,699
Track 2: Title IX Decision-Makers & Student Conduct Administrators
NASPA Member: $1,199  Non-Member: $1,399
 Title IX: Investigators
 NASPA Member: $799  Non-Member: $999


Title IX Resources