October 29, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
December 3, 2024
Regular Registration Deadline
December 20, 2024
Hotel Deadline
NASPA Strategies Conferences
In-Person Conferences Health, Safety, and Well-being Alcohol and Other Drug Health, Safety, and Well-being Initiatives Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention, Education, and Response Wellness and Health Promotion AVP or "Number Two" Faculty Mid-Level New Professional Senior Level
January 16 - January 18, 2025 Boston, MA
The NASPA Strategies Conferences provide student affairs practitioners with the knowledge and skills to effectively address collegiate alcohol and drug misuse prevention, mental health, sexual violence prevention and response, peer education and well-being through a variety of comprehensive and integrative approaches.
Registration is now open for the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences!
The full 2025 NASPA Strategies schedule is now available!
2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences Full Schedule
Presented By
The convergence of the NASPA Alcohol, Other Drug, and Violence Prevention, Mental Health, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response, Well-Being and Health Promotion Leadership, and the Peer Education conferences allows campus practitioners a unique opportunity to learn, network and engage. This years' conferences will also host the Power and Place Symposium, with the goal to invite, center, and privilege Indigenous perspectives on student success, health, safety, and wellbeing, as well as professional and leadership development experiences in higher education.
Register Today!
Conferences Themes & Learning Outcomes
Alcohol, Other Drug, and Campus Violence Prevention Conference
The AODVP conference planning committee invites you to submit sessions that meet the themes and learning outcomes below. We ask that you consider the CDC’s published definitions of substance use and violence prevention as you prepare your program submissions.
Campus or Community Coalitions and Partnerships
Understand the ways in which diverse stakeholders across the campus and the larger community can work collaboratively to address alcohol and other drug use/misuse or violence prevention and best serve the needs of campus community members
Analyze models of collaboration, case studies from integrated systems, successful partnerships, and efforts to engage all stakeholders in prevention efforts, including individual and environmental level strategies
Identify and evaluate health promotion efforts for alcohol and other drug misuse and violence prevention through collective impact
Explore how campuses are addressing violence prevention with an intersectional lens including (but not limited to) mental health, substance use/misuse, and health promotion.
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: How have you utilized campus or community collaboration to build and implement policy? How can you or have you utilized coalition work to navigate restrictions or bans on DEI while still providing inclusive programming and prevention? How have you built partnerships with unique groups, offices, departments, organizations?
Current Trends and Emerging Issues in an Ever-Changing Environment
Analyze ongoing data and research surrounding alcohol and other drug misuse or campus violence prevention efforts, especially those addressing use patterns and implications for college students (including cannabis and its products, fake pills, and illicit fentanyl)
Evaluate the scope of alcohol and other drug misuse on campus as well as its relationship to academic attainment, sense of belonging and retention
Evaluate the scope of alcohol and other drug misuse and campus violence and the intersection with other prevention efforts (suicide prevention, sexual violence and harm, interpersonal violence, etc.)
Explore considerations for health equity in prevention efforts for alcohol and other drug misuse and violence prevention
Amplify the voices and experiences around alcohol and other drug misuse and campus violence of underrepresented populations
Identify best practices for campus, local, state or federal policies surrounding alcohol and other drugs in the current socio political climate
Explore innovative solutions and best practices from other fields to identify areas of application
Understand the ways in which campus prevention staff are successfully educating students about general alcohol and other drug misuse and polysubstance use.
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: How has your campus supported the increasing accessibility and education around use of naloxone and fentanyl test strips? How has the decriminalization, legalization and regulation of Cannabis and its products affect your campus community? How have recent bans/restrictions on DEI work impacted your alcohol, other drug, and violence prevention practices? How have you navigated policies/guidance to provide inclusive programming and prevention?
Evidence-Based and Evidence Informed Practices
Examine how evidence-based prevention strategies can be modified to fit varying institutions, communities, populations, and resource levels
Identify evidence-based and evidence informed programs and strategies while navigating campus, local, state or federal policies surrounding alcohol and other drugs.
Explore replicable and adaptable evidence-based policies, programs, and practices
Evaluate the efficacy and fidelity of prevention strategies led through a variety of technical modalities
Articulate how to support students who choose not to use alcohol and other drugs and those in recovery communities, using promising theory-based strategies, and provide guidance for replication within a variety of settings.
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: Is there a case study example of the way we are using evidence to inform our prevetion work? What is that evidence? How are we utilizing CollegeAIM? How are we partnering with Faculty? How can other campuses adopt and implement an evidence-based or evidence-informed program for theiy campus context?
The Strategic Prevention Framework
Use local data to assess drug misuse and related problems; risk and protective factors, and capacity for prevention
Build capacity (i.e., resources and readiness) to take action to address prevention priorities
Plan how to best address identified prevention needs and associated factors, ensuring it is designed to meet the specific needs of the campus and/or surrounding
Implement evidence-based and evidence-informed programs and strategies according to a strategically developed prevention plan
Evaluate the processes and outcomes of the prevention interventions to reduce uncertainty, improve effectiveness, and make decisions
Address issues around cultural competency and cultural humility and their importance in prevention efforts
Build sustainability into all efforts in the spectrum of prevention and health promotion to maintain desired long-term results
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: How are you using the Strategic Prevention Framework? What are lessons/case studies you can share around implementation? How are you building sustainability in your prevention work? How are people, places, and systems empowering prevention professionals around political navigation, professional empowerment, and garnering buy-in from across campus?
Mental Health Conference
Creating Capacity
Explore new and innovative service models to address growing client waiting lists, increased demand, and limited or reduced provider capacity.
Identify and explore the intersections among the multiple and very complex roles assumed by mental health professionals, including clinical, advocacy, administrative, and other roles.
Identify challenges, successes, and lessons learned in addressing administrative, financial, and other barriers to student access to mental health services.
Explore effective strategies to promote help-seeking and referral to mental health services.
Highlight innovative strategies to promote equitable access and inclusion in mental health service delivery across the prevention and intervention spectrum.
Identify new and innovative strategies to promote increased awareness of and access to mental health services for students.
Identify the unique challenges to and develop strategies for recruiting and retaining mental health staff on college campuses.
Explore approaches for preventing and addressing professional burnout, especially as it relates to intersectional identities.
Cross-Campus Collaboration and Coordination
Highlight successful interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration models.
Explore models of successful collaborations with local, state, and national organizations aimed to promote mental health on campus.
Develop strategies to successful cross-campus collaboration in the delivery of mental health services.
Explore how mental health intersects with violence prevention and response, substance use, and collegiate recovery efforts on campus.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Identify barriers to mental health and well-being among traditionally underserved and historically marginalized populations and strategies to address social justice and identity-related stress.
Highlight models supporting the provision of inclusive services, as well as the recruitment, hiring, and retention of diverse staff members to respond to current and emerging student needs.
Discuss the strategic, ethical, and practical aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion on the delivery of mental health services and the promotion of a healthy environment for all members of the campus community.
Explore the mental health needs of students representing individual and cultural diversity and best practices to respond to these needs within the contextual framework of power and privilege.
Current Trends and Emerging Issues
Highlight innovative and effective programming across the public health spectrum focused on supporting and enhancing student mental health.
Examine current national trends and socio-political issues and their relationship to the provision of mental health services on campus (e.g., abortion support access, transgender healthcare).
Identify effective treatment strategies to address depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, substance misuse, risk for suicide, and other mental health concerns experienced by college students.
Explore professional and ethical considerations in the delivery of mental health services.
Explore new and innovative strategies to support the engagement of students, faculty, staff members, and administrators on campus.
Examine barriers as well as solutions to providing increased mental health support and outreach on campus.
Identify strategies to effectively communicate the need for increased resources to the institution.
Discuss strategies to address and overcome institutional barriers.
Explore strategies to address basic needs scarcity with college students (i.e., housing, food, transportation).
Analyze the complex interplay between social, environmental, and individual factors that contribute to the mental health consequences of gun violence.
Successful and Innovative Solutions
Explore innovative and effective strategies that are relevant and responsive to a range of target populations, including first-year students, student-athletes, veterans, international students, first-year students, students with families, students from equity deserving groups, survivors of trauma, and other groups.
Highlight innovative and effective programming across the public health spectrum focused on supporting and enhancing student mental health.
Explore new and innovative strategies, programs, and policies to promote student resilience, connection, and belonging.
Identify strategies and practices that reimagine the intersection of resilience among mental health professionals during an epidemic (e.g., COVID, social justice, opioid, mental health).
Explore strategies for campus stakeholder collaboration aimed at developing unified and actionable mental health and wellbeing goals and messaging.
Identify effective strategies for communicating to students the variety of mental health resources that exist on a college campus.
Peer Education Conference
For more detailed information visit the Peer Education Conference website.
Individual Skill Building and Leadership Development
Develop individual hard and/or soft skills that will enhance an individual's capacity in their role as a peer educator and/or advisor.
Evaluate current research and best practices around contemporary health education topics to build high impact programming
Reflect on different leadership styles and how they support and enhance individual and group development.
Develop leadership, supervision and mentorship skills centering accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion for peer educators and/or advisors.
Adaptable Solutions and Creative Approaches to Programming and/or System-Level Change
Identify innovative and promising approaches for prevention, harm-reduction, and risk-reduction programming.
Articulate how to train students to apply innovative strategies to problem-solving.
Examine how successful programs or initiatives can be adapted to a variety of campus contexts.
Illustrate through case studies how peer education groups can build collaborative campus relationships to support students engaging in high-risk behaviors.
Utilize evaluation data to build capacity, inform programming, and promote campus engagement.
Current Trends and Emerging Issues in an Ever-Changing Global Environment
Identify current and emerging issues impacting peer educators, groups, and/or advisors.
Discuss campus, community, and digital wellness trends that peer educators and/or advisors need to be aware of.
Highlight best practices for amplifying the voices and experiences of historically marginalized populations engaging in peer education work.
Identify changes and explore solutions in peer education group development, recruitment, and retention due to societal, cultural, and political climate.
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Conference
Personal, Professional, and Community Sustainability and Development
Consider the implications of secondary trauma and explore opportunities to increase professional well-being and implement interventions to help prevent employee burnout.
Explore strategies to establish personal and professional boundaries.
Build institutional capacity through navigating external funding and/or internal institutional priorities.
Develop cross-campus, local, state, and national relationships to build a network of creative and supportive professionals (advocates, prevention educators, etc.).
Identify models of collaborative partnerships with diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to increase effectiveness of prevention, response, policy, and advocacy efforts.
Evidence-informed Policy and Practice
Identify evidence-informed approaches to power-based violence prevention and response from a range of disciplines/fields.
Explore strategic use of assessment and data to inform and influence policies, programs, organization, infrastructure, and other higher order change that helps build a culture in which power-based violence is eliminated.
Discuss best practices in: implementing sustainable, evidence-informed prevention programs; improving campus response to violence and those who have survived acts of violence; and evaluating the impact of these efforts.
Review strategies for developing or revising comprehensive campus sexual misconduct policies, including how they are impacted by the latest federal and state legislative policy changes.
Identify gaps that exist within evidence-informed policy and practice and discuss ways to address them.
Innovative Approaches to Prevention and Response
Identify strategies, programs, and policies which are innovative and whose grounding in foundational theories, models, or frameworks make them promising in their efficacy.
Describe project implementation and program evaluation associated with the initiatives listed above.
Discuss innovative approaches to the prevention of and response to power-based violence in higher education, including discussions of lessons learned, assessment and evaluation, and replicability.
Establish strategies for promoting trauma-informed activism and supporting students in creating meaningful change.
Explore restorative and transformative justice and community based accountability practices.
Identify strategies for introducing innovative approaches to prevention education.
Transforming Social Narratives
Examine and interrupt the problematic dominant narratives of power-based violence (e.g., racism, sexism, heteronormativity, gender identity, ableism, U.S.-centrism), including narratives around those who experience violence and those who perpetrate violence.
Describe the ways in which professionals who prevent and respond to violence participate in or shift dominant narratives (e.g., racism, sexism, heteronormativity, gender identity, ableism, U.S.-centrism) .
Propose new perspectives, approaches, and strategies to honor all identities in power-based violence work.
Identify practices that foster inclusive and equitable efforts to address power-based violence.
Examine how society develops sexual scripts and the impact of those scripts. In the context of media, explore ways to increase media literacy and how this relates to the perpetuation of power-based violence.
Propose ways to decolonize safety by challenging traditional security methods and instead utilizing indigenous and community-led approaches.
Developing or Expanding Campus and Community Partnerships
Discuss the ways in which a diversity of stakeholders from within and across the campus and the larger community can work collaboratively to address power-based violence and best serve the needs of campus community members.
Describe models of collaboration, case studies from integrated systems, successful partnerships, and efforts to engage all stakeholders in power-based violence prevention and response.
Describe collaboration and identify strategies for working with local, state, and national organizations to prevent and respond to campus power-based violence.
Explore best practices for campus safety that go beyond the use of law enforcement to foster collaborative relationships with local organizations, implement preventive measures, and promote community engagement.
Identify identity-specific resources within communities that specialize in serving marginalized communities.
Well-being and Health Promotion Leadership Conference
Engagement, Collaboration & Cross-functional Partnerships
Understand the importance of fostering engagement and collaboration for effective health promotion and well-being initiatives.
Develop skills and strategies to establish, develop, lead, and maintain cross-functional partnerships for collaborative impact in promoting health and well-being.
Learn effective communication and advocacy techniques to engage and mobilize stakeholders across different departments and disciplines.
Gain insights into leadership approaches that support and enhance engagement, collaboration, and cross-functional partnerships for long-term success in advancing health promotion and well-being.
Describe various models of partnership and collaboration advancing flourishing campuses
Leadership, capacity building, grow mid level professionals
Health Disparities, Biases, and Systemic Inequities of Well-being
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which health disparities, biases, and systemic inequities manifest in underrepresented and marginalized populations and communities.
Analyze the impact of social determinants of health disparities and inequities in higher education settings, and explore strategies to address them through health promotion initiatives.
Discuss the ways in which power differentials operate, are experienced, and are reinforced in the health promotion process at individual, group, community, institutional, and global levels.
Explore innovative approaches and best practices for promoting health equity and well-being while reducing systemic inequities in diverse settings and communities.
Discuss how social, political, and historical movements have shaped health promotion strategies to intentionally address systems of power, privilege, and oppression in higher education settings.
Develop leadership strategies and advocacy skills to support a campus culture driven by diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
Current Trends, Promising Practices, and Emerging Issues
Identify promising practices that are theoretically grounded, evidence-informed and/or interdisciplinary to improve campus well-being.
Compare and contrast mentorship, coaching, and organizational leadership models across institutions and their impact on well-being.
Promote innovative practices addressing the social determinants of health, including health equity and environmental justice.
Identify and share best practices that campuses have utilized, integrating new guidance, to create healthy and well communities.
Describe future trends in systemic well-being on university campuses.
Examine innovative programming in the field of health promotion.
Data, Policies, Laws, and Research to Advance Well-being
Discover how data is gathered, disaggregated, contextualized, shared and utilized by campus community members for health promotion.
Using data and research to tell stories of our campus communities to build champions, influence decisions, develop resources, and advocate for policy change.
Describe the complexity of data and its use in building a salutogenic narrative.
Identify institutional, local and national policy changes that are showing promise in their proposal or implementation stage.
Foundations for Health Promotion
Learn effective strategies for developing leadership qualities and promoting professional growth.
Apply foundational frameworks and principles for health promotion strategies in higher education.
Describe the progression of health promotion in higher education leading for a clear understanding of current industry standards.
Develop marketing and communication strategies to model effective health and well-being initiatives.
Sustaining hope, resiliency, and impact through cultivating community within health promotion
Essential Ecosystems and Infrastructure for Change- Centering Well-being in Person, Place and Planet
Discover ways to synergize sustainability, equity and health using a settings and systems approach.
Foster a viable infrastructure to impact system change and create a culture of well-being.
Explore how planetary health serves as a primary driver of well-being.
Describe opportunities for systems change through coalition-building, collective impact, or other collective-minded approaches
Apply theories and practical principles of the settings-based approach
Registration as a member is based on individual membership status at the time of the event. If your current membership will expire prior to the event, you will have the option to renew at the time of registration to receive the member rate.
If you are not a current member and are employed by a college or university that is an institutional member, you can join as a professional affiliate member for $80. If your institution is NOT a member, you can join as an associate affiliate member for $250. Both membership types provide access to the individual member rate for the event. Please visit the membership section of the NASPA website to learn more about membership types and benefits. We hope you’ll consider joining today!
For a comprehensive listing of NASPA registration policies, please visit this page.
Register Today!
The Strategies Conferences converge five events into one. Please select the conference which is most applicable to you, though you are welcome to attend sessions and presentations selected by any of the conference committees.
Early Registration 04/01/2024 to 10/29/2024 |
Regular Registration 10/30/2024 to 12/03/2024 |
Late Registration 12/04/2024 to 01/16/2025 |
NASPA Member |
$595 | $645 | $725 |
Non Member |
$795 | $845 | $925 |
NASPA Student Member |
$245 | $295 | $375 |
Early Registration | Regular Registration | Late Registration |
NASPA Member |
$75 | $95 | $145 |
Non Member |
$175 | $195 | $245 |
Early Registration | Regular Registration | Late Registration |
NASPA Member |
$125 | $145 | $195 |
Non Member |
$225 | $245 | $295 |
Pre-Conference Sessions
Full-day pre-conference institutes
Full-day pre-conference institutes will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
NASPA Power and Place Symposium The NASPA Power and Place Symposium advocates for the inclusion of Indigenous worldviews in the work of higher education by questioning, reflecting, and imagining how the concepts in the foundational text Power and Place: Indian Education in America engender conditions for student success and wellness. The Power and Place Symposium is designed for student affairs administrators, higher education scholars, knowledge-keepers, community members, allied educators, and anyone else interested in questioning, reflecting, and imagining how the ideas in the Power and Place text can be applied, as theory, and practice, to transform institutional practices and contexts. Registration forthcoming. More information is available by clicking here.
Leveraging Meaningful Drug/Alcohol Misuse Prevention Strategies: Grounded, Practical and Impactful Leadership With drug and alcohol misuse continuing to affect students’ success, mental health, and quality of life, enhanced leadership is essential for making a substantive difference. Campus and organization leaders will gain confidence and enhanced competence for leading quality prevention efforts with an extensive ‘tool box’ of resources, strategies and skills. Highlighting aspirational and practical leadership, emphasis is on implementing grounded, data-driven, evidence-informed, locally appropriate, and comprehensive approaches. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Leveraging Leadership: Strategies, Competencies, and Strengths Needed for Health and Well-being Areas Spend a day with seven current senior leaders exploring what it means to be an AVP or similar role: from strategy development and implementation, to team development, budget, data, and politics. Facilitators will help attendees to leverage their strengths regardless of professional identities, and walk away with individualized plans for next steps. While the program is focused on current Directors, sitting AVPs/similar and those not yet a Director will likely benefit and enrich the conversation. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Basic Counseling Skills: Mental Health Awareness The presenters will share their knowledge and skill in identifying and communicating concern over potential mental health issues to students. Through interactive discussion and activities, the presenters will help you improve your confidence in approaching students who show signs of stress, depression, and anxiety and responding to a student who comes to you for help. We will discuss current mental health research and trends on campus, as well as the best practices in responding and referring to counseling centers or other resources. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Morning Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions
Morning half-day pre-conference sessions will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Morning Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Train-the-Trainer Do you work with student leaders who host programs for their peers on campus? Join us to become certified as a trainer in NASPA’s own student leadership training: Certified Peer Educators (CPE). This session will prepare you to certify your students on campus with our curriculum, enabling them to become CPEs. Through modules that include everything from personal and group development, programming strategies, and bystander skills, the curriculum empowers students to create change on campus and in their communities through the lens of well-being. For more information about the Certified Peer Educator program, click here. |
Grant Writing for the Student Affairs Professional This program is designed for student affairs professionals with little to no grant writing experience. The session will explore various types of grants, describe the grant writing process, and share strategies of how to construct a fundable proposal. The presenter will identify key the components of most grants. Various examples of grants will be shared to provide practice with interpreting and responding to grant proposals. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Hazing Prevention Academy: Bolstering Commitment, Capacity, and Sustainability for Comprehensive Prevention The Hazing Prevention Academy™ (HPA) is a program geared for professionals with a foundational or developing understanding of hazing and its prevention. Guided by the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF), the HPA emphasizes HPF components of commitment, capacity, planning, and sustainability. The training includes assessment tools and introduces evaluated implementation strategies. It provides time to foster discussion and Q&A opportunities to explore how we can all influence prevention through research-based, collaborative practice. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Integrating Behavior Change Theories and Health Equity into Student Well-Being Work As a field, we aim for work that is evidence-based and equity-focused; applying well-supported health behavior theories is essential. This session will include hands-on work relevant for all levels of learners, from those encountering these theories for the first time to seasoned professionals regrounding themselves. This highly-interactive and, daresay, fun session incorporates the Health Belief Model, Stages of Change Model, and Socio-Ecological Model and applies them to topics within each conference track and promises actionable takeaways. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Strategic Leadership in College Well-being: Elevating Health Promotion Professionals to Executive Roles There is a rise of the executive leader in college health and Well-being. Those in health promotion are uniquely positioned to lead efforts from a systems and settings, whole campus perspective. Health promotion practitioners can strategize, manage a brand, oversee funding, and supervise multiple disciplines. Emerging leaders must master storytelling and self advocacy to demonstrate that thier health promotion skillsets are fit for advancement. Attend to well position yourself to become the next leader in college health and Well-being. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Afternoon Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions
Afternoon half-day pre-conference sessions will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Afternoon Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions (2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Empowering Advisors: Strategies, Resources, and Best Practices for Peer Education The NASPA Peer Education Advisor Faculty empowers advisors to promote effective peer education and foster campus environments. In this collaborative session, attendees will deepen collegiate peer health education advisors' understanding of the complex needs of diverse learners and will explore implementation approaches and best practices. Participants will learn from experts and from peers, develop their professional networks, gain access to resources and skills, and bring back new strategies and solutions to their campuses. For more information about the Peer Education Advisor Faculty, click here. Learning Outcomes
Empowering Campus Communities: A Holistic Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention and Well-being This interactive session explores sexual violence prevention and response as essential components of student well-being. Through the social-ecological model, scenario-based discussions, and strategy development, participants will gain tools to address campus sexual violence while supporting student mental health. Attendees will create actionable plans to foster safer, healthier campuses through multi-level approaches and collaborative prevention efforts. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Hazing Prevention Academy 2.0: Implementing (and Evaluating) Research-informed Hazing Prevention Strategies The Hazing Prevention Academy™ 2.0 is geared for professionals with a foundational understanding of hazing prevention and will provide several implementation strategies to take back to campus. Guided by the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF), presenters will overview implementation strategies, guidance for gaining support for campus-wide initiatives and connecting hazing prevention efforts to other campus health issues. Presenters will discuss how strategies are culturally competent, informed by assessment, and evaluated. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
“More Than a Feeling”: Using Science to Guide Strategic Planning for Prevention The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s (NIAAA’s) College Alcohol Intervention Matrix (CollegeAIM) reviews over 60 individually and environmentally focused strategies that can be part of a campus’s strategic plan for alcohol prevention, yet campuses still report using ineffective strategies and adjusting effective strategies in a way that could compromise fidelity. Within CollegeAIM, campuses are encouraged to use a “mix of strategies,” and campuses may be challenged to find the right mix for them. In this preconference, we will review how CollegeAIM can be used to compile a mix of strategies, review ineffective strategies (and how AOD professionals can lobby for more effective options), and discuss threats to fidelity (and ways to overcome these). We will also present findings from a recently published review of what works for cannabis prevention and discuss what these findings mean for strategic planning, particularly as colleges enact recommendations from their recent DFSCA biennial reviews. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Promising Practices for Holistic Student Success: Integrating Health Equity, Literacy & Case Management The presenters will share integrated approaches for enhancing student success and well-being beyond traditional methods. Topics include health equity, literacy, and case management. Participants will explore frameworks, data-informed practices, and quality improvement strategies to implement holistic student success models on their campuses. The session includes discussions, practice sharing, and case studies from diverse institutions. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
The Connection Project: An Innovative, Scalable, & Evidence-based Approach to Addressing Loneliness & Depression This workshop presents an innovative and evidence-based program that reduces depression and loneliness and increases belongingness among college students – The Connection Project – and offers it as a model for discussing (1) the process of implementing and scaling a new program, (2) developing high-quality training for peer leaders, and (3) how to foster connection among students and student affairs professionals alike. Audience members will be asked to participate in mini-sessions of the intervention as an experiential learning opportunity. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
NASPA Foundation Scholarships
Justification for Attendance
Looking for make the case to use your professional development funding toward attending the NASPA Strategies conferences?
The justification letter templates below will provide you with a starting point to outline the benefits of attending NASPA Strategies, including the benefits for you, your colleagues, students and campus. We are confident this will help you get one step closer to joining us in Boston.
Not sure if you are a member? email [email protected] to find out.
Registration Policies
Refunds will be given for cancellations, received in writing by October 29, 2024, less a $50.00 processing fee. In addition, a processing fee of $50.00 per registration will be charged for credit cards declined.
For a comprehensive listing of NASPA registration policies, please visit this page.
NASPA Events Event Registration Support Email: [email protected] Phone: (202) 265-7500 |
NASPA Staff Event Specific Support Email: [email protected] |
Boston Marriott Copley Place
Boston, Massachusetts
All conference activities will take place within the Boston Copley Place, at both the Boston Marriott Copley Place and the Westin Copley Place.
We are sold out of rooms for Tuesday and Wednesday night at the Boston Marriott Copley and the Westin Copley Place. Rooms still available Thursday through Sunday. If you have questions, please reach out to [email protected]
Reserve at Westin Copley Place Today!
Reserve at Boston Marriott Copley Place Today!
Hotel | Room Rate / Night |
Boston Marriott Copley Place 110 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02116 |
$179.00/Night |
The Westin Copley Place 10 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA, 02116 |
$179.00/ Night |
The Boston Marriott Copley Place hotel is serviced by the Boston Logan International Airport (BOS). The hotel is approximatley 5.5 miles southwest of the the BOS airport. Visit the BOS Airport website for more information.
This hotel does not provide shuttle service. An estimated Ride Share will cost $45 - $55 USD (one way)
On-site parking, fee: $69 USD per car / per night
Valet parking, fee: $69 USD per car / per night with in/out privileges
The Westin Copley Place hotel is serviced by the Boston Logan International Airport (BOS). The hotel is approximatley 3.7 miles from e the BOS airport. Visit the BOS Airport website for more information.
This hotel does not provide shuttle service. An estimated Ride Share will cost $45 - $55 USD (one way)
All parking limited, Oversize parking fee $90. E.V. Charging available 1st come 1st servet
Valet parking, fee: $70 USD per car / per night with in/out privileges
The average temperatures in Boston, MA are around 37 degrees F during the day and 22 degrees F in the evening. As the conference gets closer, please visit the Weather Channel for more information.
Please note, the hotel and meeting area temperatures vary. Laywering with a sweater or jacket is recommended.
The schedule will be designed to provide participants with interactive and engaging programming, opportunities for deeper discussion, and networking. The 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences program book will be available in early January 2025. Registration to one conference grants access to content over all four conferences.
The full 2025 NASPA Strategies schedule is now available!
2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences Full Schedule
The building of the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences is still in progress. The below times are easter standard time and are subject to change.
2025 NASPA Strategies Schedule at a Glance
January 15
January 16
January 17
January 18
7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Pre-Conference Institute (Full Day)
Full-day pre-conference institutes will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Pre-registration is required for all Pre-Conference Workshops. Click here for Registration Information.
NASPA Power and Place Symposium The NASPA Power and Place Symposium advocates for the inclusion of Indigenous worldviews in the work of higher education by questioning, reflecting, and imagining how the concepts in the foundational text Power and Place: Indian Education in America engender conditions for student success and wellness. For more information click here. |
Leveraging Meaningful Drug/Alcohol Misuse Prevention Strategies: Grounded, Practical and Impactful Leadership With drug and alcohol misuse continuing to affect students’ success, mental health, and quality of life, enhanced leadership is essential for making a substantive difference. Campus and organization leaders will gain confidence and enhanced competence for leading quality prevention efforts with an extensive ‘tool box’ of resources, strategies and skills. Highlighting aspirational and practical leadership, emphasis is on implementing grounded, data-driven, evidence-informed, locally appropriate, and comprehensive approaches. |
Leveraging Leadership: Strategies, Competencies, and Strengths Needed for Health and Well-being Areas Spend a day with seven current senior leaders exploring what it means to be an AVP or similar role: from strategy development and implementation, to team development, budget, data, and politics. Facilitators will help attendees to leverage their strengths regardless of professional identities, and walk away with individualized plans for next steps. While the program is focused on current Directors, sitting AVPs/similar and those not yet a Director will likely benefit and enrich the conversation. |
Basic Counseling Skills: Mental Health Awareness The presenters will share their knowledge and skill in identifying and communicating concern over potential mental health issues to students. Through interactive discussion and activities, the presenters will help you improve your confidence in approaching students who show signs of stress, depression, and anxiety and responding to a student who comes to you for help. We will discuss current mental health research and trends on campus, as well as the best practices in responding and referring to counseling centers or other resources. |
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pre-Conference Session (Half Day)
Morning Half-day pre-conference sessions will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Pre-registration is required for all Pre-Conference Workshops. Click here for Registration Information.
Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Train-the-Trainer Do you work with student leaders who host programs for their peers on campus? Join us to become certified as a trainer in NASPA’s own student leadership training: Certified Peer Educators (CPE). This session will prepare you to certify your students on campus with our curriculum, enabling them to become CPEs. Through modules that include everything from personal and group development, programming strategies, and bystander skills, the curriculum empowers students to create change on campus and in their communities through the lens of well-being. For more information about the Certified Peer Educator program, click here. |
Grant Writing for the Student Affairs Professional This program is designed for student affairs professionals with little to no grant writing experience. The session will explore various types of grants, describe the grant writing process, and share strategies of how to construct a fundable proposal. The presenter will identify key the components of most grants. Various examples of grants will be shared to provide practice with interpreting and responding to grant proposals. |
Hazing Prevention Academy: Bolstering Commitment, Capacity, and Sustainability for Comprehensive Prevention The Hazing Prevention Academy™ (HPA) is a program geared for professionals with a foundational or developing understanding of hazing and its prevention. Guided by the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF), the HPA emphasizes HPF components of commitment, capacity, planning, and sustainability. The training includes assessment tools and introduces evaluated implementation strategies. It provides time to foster discussion and Q&A opportunities to explore how we can all influence prevention through research-based, collaborative practice. |
Integrating Behavior Change Theories and Health Equity into Student Well-Being Work As a field, we aim for work that is evidence-based and equity-focused; applying well-supported health behavior theories is essential. This session will include hands-on work relevant for all levels of learners, from those encountering these theories for the first time to seasoned professionals regrounding themselves. This highly-interactive and, daresay, fun session incorporates the Health Belief Model, Stages of Change Model, and Socio-Ecological Model and applies them to topics within each conference track and promises actionable takeaways. |
Strategic Leadership in College Well-being: Elevating Health Promotion Professionals to Executive Roles There is a rise of the executive leader in college health and Well-being. Those in health promotion are uniquely positioned to lead efforts from a systems and settings, whole campus perspective. Health promotion practitioners can strategize, manage a brand, oversee funding, and supervise multiple disciplines. Emerging leaders must master storytelling and self advocacy to demonstrate that thier health promotion skillsets are fit for advancement. Attend to well position yourself to become the next leader in college health and Well-being. |
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Pre-Conference Session (Half Day)
Aftrernoon Half-day pre-conference sessions will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Pre-registration is required for all Pre-Conference Workshops.Click here for Registration Information.
Empowering Advisors: Strategies, Resources, and Best Practices for Peer Education The NASPA Peer Education Advisor Faculty empowers advisors to promote effective peer education and foster campus environments. In this collaborative session, attendees will deepen collegiate peer health education advisors' understanding of the complex needs of diverse learners and will explore implementation approaches and best practices. Participants will learn from experts and from peers, develop their professional networks, gain access to resources and skills, and bring back new strategies and solutions to their campuses. For more information about the Peer Education Advisor Faculty, click here. |
Empowering Campus Communities: A Holistic Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention and Response This interactive workshop explores the social-ecological model to address campus sexual violence through prevention, intervention, and response strategies. Participants will engage in scenario-based discussions, collaborative strategy development, and action planning, gaining practical tools and insights to implement at their institutions. The session emphasizes multi-level approaches, fostering a safer campus environment by empowering communities to drive meaningful change. |
Hazing Prevention Academy 2.0: Implementing (and Evaluating) Research-informed Hazing Prevention Strategies The Hazing Prevention Academy™ 2.0 is geared for professionals with a foundational understanding of hazing prevention and will provide several implementation strategies to take back to campus. Guided by the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF), presenters will overview implementation strategies, guidance for gaining support for campus-wide initiatives and connecting hazing prevention efforts to other campus health issues. Presenters will discuss how strategies are culturally competent, informed by assessment, and evaluated. |
“More Than a Feeling”: Using Science to Guide Strategic Planning for Prevention The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s (NIAAA’s) College Alcohol Intervention Matrix (CollegeAIM) reviews over 60 individually and environmentally focused strategies that can be part of a campus’s strategic plan for alcohol prevention, yet campuses still report using ineffective strategies and adjusting effective strategies in a way that could compromise fidelity. Within CollegeAIM, campuses are encouraged to use a “mix of strategies,” and campuses may be challenged to find the right mix for them. In this preconference, we will review how CollegeAIM can be used to compile a mix of strategies, review ineffective strategies (and how AOD professionals can lobby for more effective options), and discuss threats to fidelity (and ways to overcome these). We will also present findings from a recently published review of what works for cannabis prevention and discuss what these findings mean for strategic planning, particularly as colleges enact recommendations from their recent DFSCA biennial reviews. |
Promising Practices for Holistic Student Success: Integrating Health Equity, Literacy & Case Management The presenters will share integrated approaches for enhancing student success and well-being beyond traditional methods. Topics include health equity, literacy, and case management. Participants will explore frameworks, data-informed practices, and quality improvement strategies to implement holistic student success models on their campuses. The session includes discussions, practice sharing, and case studies from diverse institutions. |
The Connection Project: An Innovative, Scalable, & Evidence-based Approach to Addressing Loneliness & Depression
This workshop presents an innovative and evidence-based program that reduces depression and loneliness and increases belongingness among college students – The Connection Project – and offers it as a model for discussing (1) the process of implementing and scaling a new program, (2) developing high-quality training for peer leaders, and (3) how to foster connection among students and student affairs professionals alike. Audience members will be asked to participate in mini-sessions of the intervention as an experiential learning opportunity.
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 9:50 AM
Exhibit Hall Open
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
First Time Attendee Conference Orientation
As a first-time attendee of the NASPA Strategies Conference, get excited to experience unparalleled education to help you dive into a variety of topics focused on improving student and campus well-being. Join us for this session to learn about the various educational sessions, exhibits, and networking opportunities at this year’s event and how to navigate the conference. You will also learn about ways that NASPA can enhance your personal and professional growth as a higher education professional both during and after the event. Come prepared with questions you may have, so we may answer them and provide additional guidance for you to maximize your time at this year's conference.
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Peer Educator Orientation: Student Orientation Session
Students are invited to join this orientation session tailored for Peer Educators at this year's conference. The Peer Education Conference promises a unique journey filled with educational sessions, renowned speakers, and opportunities to connect with fellow Peer Educators, fostering a lasting network. Come prepared to actively shape your conference experience: bring your questions, enthusiasm, and curiosity. Leave with the tools to make the most of every moment at the Peer Education Conference. Don't miss this opportunity—see you there!
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Opening Session & Keynote Speaker
Join us as Award-Winning Author, Playwright, Musician, Cultural Educator, Storyteller & Citizen of the Nipmuc Tribe of Massachusetts - Larry Spotted Crow Mann - opens the 2024 NASPA Strategies Conferences.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Conference Break & Working Lunch Meetings
Enjoy a conference break and lunch on your own or with colleagues.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Breakout Sessions
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Breakout Sessions
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Coffee with Exhibitors
Enjoy a conference break with colleagues and join us in the exhibit hall for a coffee with exhibitors.
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Breakout Sessions
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Opening Reception & Poster Sessions & Program Showcase
Please join our poster session and program showcase presenters for networking and continued learning. Heavy appetizers will be served.
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
7:30 AM - 8:20 AM
Coffee and Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
7:30 AM - 8:20 AM
Exhibit Hall Open
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Breakout Sessions
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Plenary Speakers/Extended Breakout Session 1
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Conference Break
Enjoy a conference break on your own or with colleagues.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Open
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Breakout Sessions
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Breakout Sessions
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Afternoon Break with Exhibitors
Join us in exhibit hall for a coffee break with exhibitors.
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Plenary Speakers/Extended Breakout Session 2
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
BACCHUS Legacy: Celebrating 50 years of Peer Education
7:00 AM - 1:00 PM
7:30 AM - 8:20 AM
Coffee and Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Breakout Sessions
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Breakout Sessions
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Closing Session
Join us as Sislena Grocer Ledbetter, Associate Vice President - Counseling, Health, and Wellbeing
Western Washington University, provides us with a motivating closing keynote to the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences.
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Optional Post-Conference Meetings
Pre-Conference Sessions
Full-day pre-conference institutes
Full-day pre-conference institutes will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
NASPA Power and Place Symposium The NASPA Power and Place Symposium advocates for the inclusion of Indigenous worldviews in the work of higher education by questioning, reflecting, and imagining how the concepts in the foundational text Power and Place: Indian Education in America engender conditions for student success and wellness. The Power and Place Symposium is designed for student affairs administrators, higher education scholars, knowledge-keepers, community members, allied educators, and anyone else interested in questioning, reflecting, and imagining how the ideas in the Power and Place text can be applied, as theory, and practice, to transform institutional practices and contexts. Registration forthcoming. More information is available by clicking here.
Leveraging Meaningful Drug/Alcohol Misuse Prevention Strategies: Grounded, Practical and Impactful Leadership With drug and alcohol misuse continuing to affect students’ success, mental health, and quality of life, enhanced leadership is essential for making a substantive difference. Campus and organization leaders will gain confidence and enhanced competence for leading quality prevention efforts with an extensive ‘tool box’ of resources, strategies and skills. Highlighting aspirational and practical leadership, emphasis is on implementing grounded, data-driven, evidence-informed, locally appropriate, and comprehensive approaches. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Leveraging Leadership: Strategies, Competencies, and Strengths Needed for Health and Well-being Areas Spend a day with seven current senior leaders exploring what it means to be an AVP or similar role: from strategy development and implementation, to team development, budget, data, and politics. Facilitators will help attendees to leverage their strengths regardless of professional identities, and walk away with individualized plans for next steps. While the program is focused on current Directors, sitting AVPs/similar and those not yet a Director will likely benefit and enrich the conversation. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Basic Counseling Skills: Mental Health Awareness The presenters will share their knowledge and skill in identifying and communicating concern over potential mental health issues to students. Through interactive discussion and activities, the presenters will help you improve your confidence in approaching students who show signs of stress, depression, and anxiety and responding to a student who comes to you for help. We will discuss current mental health research and trends on campus, as well as the best practices in responding and referring to counseling centers or other resources. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Morning Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions
Morning half-day pre-conference sessions will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Morning Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
Certified Peer Educator (CPE) Train-the-Trainer Do you work with student leaders who host programs for their peers on campus? Join us to become certified as a trainer in NASPA’s own student leadership training: Certified Peer Educators (CPE). This session will prepare you to certify your students on campus with our curriculum, enabling them to become CPEs. Through modules that include everything from personal and group development, programming strategies, and bystander skills, the curriculum empowers students to create change on campus and in their communities through the lens of well-being. For more information about the Certified Peer Educator program, click here. |
Grant Writing for the Student Affairs Professional This program is designed for student affairs professionals with little to no grant writing experience. The session will explore various types of grants, describe the grant writing process, and share strategies of how to construct a fundable proposal. The presenter will identify key the components of most grants. Various examples of grants will be shared to provide practice with interpreting and responding to grant proposals. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Hazing Prevention Academy: Bolstering Commitment, Capacity, and Sustainability for Comprehensive Prevention The Hazing Prevention Academy™ (HPA) is a program geared for professionals with a foundational or developing understanding of hazing and its prevention. Guided by the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF), the HPA emphasizes HPF components of commitment, capacity, planning, and sustainability. The training includes assessment tools and introduces evaluated implementation strategies. It provides time to foster discussion and Q&A opportunities to explore how we can all influence prevention through research-based, collaborative practice. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Integrating Behavior Change Theories and Health Equity into Student Well-Being Work As a field, we aim for work that is evidence-based and equity-focused; applying well-supported health behavior theories is essential. This session will include hands-on work relevant for all levels of learners, from those encountering these theories for the first time to seasoned professionals regrounding themselves. This highly-interactive and, daresay, fun session incorporates the Health Belief Model, Stages of Change Model, and Socio-Ecological Model and applies them to topics within each conference track and promises actionable takeaways. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Strategic Leadership in College Well-being: Elevating Health Promotion Professionals to Executive Roles There is a rise of the executive leader in college health and Well-being. Those in health promotion are uniquely positioned to lead efforts from a systems and settings, whole campus perspective. Health promotion practitioners can strategize, manage a brand, oversee funding, and supervise multiple disciplines. Emerging leaders must master storytelling and self advocacy to demonstrate that thier health promotion skillsets are fit for advancement. Attend to well position yourself to become the next leader in college health and Well-being. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Afternoon Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions
Afternoon half-day pre-conference sessions will take place on Wednesday, January 15 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Afternoon Half-day Pre-Conference Sessions (2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
Empowering Advisors: Strategies, Resources, and Best Practices for Peer Education The NASPA Peer Education Advisor Faculty empowers advisors to promote effective peer education and foster campus environments. In this collaborative session, attendees will deepen collegiate peer health education advisors' understanding of the complex needs of diverse learners and will explore implementation approaches and best practices. Participants will learn from experts and from peers, develop their professional networks, gain access to resources and skills, and bring back new strategies and solutions to their campuses. For more information about the Peer Education Advisor Faculty, click here. Learning Outcomes
Empowering Campus Communities: A Holistic Approach to Sexual Violence Prevention and Well-being This interactive session explores sexual violence prevention and response as essential components of student well-being. Through the social-ecological model, scenario-based discussions, and strategy development, participants will gain tools to address campus sexual violence while supporting student mental health. Attendees will create actionable plans to foster safer, healthier campuses through multi-level approaches and collaborative prevention efforts. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Hazing Prevention Academy 2.0: Implementing (and Evaluating) Research-informed Hazing Prevention Strategies The Hazing Prevention Academy™ 2.0 is geared for professionals with a foundational understanding of hazing prevention and will provide several implementation strategies to take back to campus. Guided by the data-driven Hazing Prevention Framework (HPF), presenters will overview implementation strategies, guidance for gaining support for campus-wide initiatives and connecting hazing prevention efforts to other campus health issues. Presenters will discuss how strategies are culturally competent, informed by assessment, and evaluated. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
“More Than a Feeling”: Using Science to Guide Strategic Planning for Prevention The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s (NIAAA’s) College Alcohol Intervention Matrix (CollegeAIM) reviews over 60 individually and environmentally focused strategies that can be part of a campus’s strategic plan for alcohol prevention, yet campuses still report using ineffective strategies and adjusting effective strategies in a way that could compromise fidelity. Within CollegeAIM, campuses are encouraged to use a “mix of strategies,” and campuses may be challenged to find the right mix for them. In this preconference, we will review how CollegeAIM can be used to compile a mix of strategies, review ineffective strategies (and how AOD professionals can lobby for more effective options), and discuss threats to fidelity (and ways to overcome these). We will also present findings from a recently published review of what works for cannabis prevention and discuss what these findings mean for strategic planning, particularly as colleges enact recommendations from their recent DFSCA biennial reviews. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Promising Practices for Holistic Student Success: Integrating Health Equity, Literacy & Case Management The presenters will share integrated approaches for enhancing student success and well-being beyond traditional methods. Topics include health equity, literacy, and case management. Participants will explore frameworks, data-informed practices, and quality improvement strategies to implement holistic student success models on their campuses. The session includes discussions, practice sharing, and case studies from diverse institutions. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
The Connection Project: An Innovative, Scalable, & Evidence-based Approach to Addressing Loneliness & Depression This workshop presents an innovative and evidence-based program that reduces depression and loneliness and increases belongingness among college students – The Connection Project – and offers it as a model for discussing (1) the process of implementing and scaling a new program, (2) developing high-quality training for peer leaders, and (3) how to foster connection among students and student affairs professionals alike. Audience members will be asked to participate in mini-sessions of the intervention as an experiential learning opportunity. Speakers
Learning Outcomes
Featured Speakers
The 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences are your opportunity to take a cross-functional approach to student success when it has never been more important.
The 2025 exhibit and sponsorship application is now LIVE! Click below to view this year's offerings and pricing. The priority deadline is December 1, 2024. Applications will be open soon. Click here to submit your application.
Please reach out to Fred Comparato, Senior Director of Corporate Development, at 614-204-5994 or [email protected] with any questions regarding exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities.
Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Engagement Opportunities
If you're interested in hosting a gathering or meeting at the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences, once open, please complete the Meeting/Reception Request Form that is within the Call For Proposals. Select 'Meeting/Reception" from the drop down menu and go from there. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Take My Show on Your Road!
Are you a programming innvoator? Do you have an evidence-based program, collaboration, or intervention that you want to share with colleagues and other campuses?
In the spirit of sharing what works, the 2025 Strategies Conferences Planning Committees invite you to participate in Take My Show on Your Road!
In this interactive programming showcase, institutions are encouraged to share, through table display and take-home resources, effective strategies to address campus-based health, safety, well-being and peer education programming.
Sign up today via the form linked here. Deadline to Sign Up: Monday, December 16, 2024
Conferences Planning Committees
Alcohol, Other Drug, and Campus Violence Prevention Planning Committee
- Elizabeth Peeler, Co-chair, Emory University
- Haley Mangette Co-chair, Kalamazoo College
- Vernique Coleman-Stokes, University of Dayton
- Madeline DeMarco, University of Michigan, School of Medicine
- Jennifer Jacobsen, Macalester College
- Emmy Knowles, APNC
- Rich Lucey, Drug Enforcement Administration
- Ruby Meraz, Northern Arizona University
- Shaydean Saye, Rocky Mountain College
- Allison Smith, Louisiana Board of Regents
Mental Health Planning Committee
- Jules Grable, Co-chair, Butler University
- Phil Hughes, Co-chair, Bowling Green State University
- Sarah Besse, UNC Charlotte
- Vanessa Blaylock, University of California, Riverside
- Karen DSouza, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
- Melissa Febbroriello, Columbia State Community College
- Sadia Halim, New York Institute of Technology
- Michael LaFarr, University of Denver
- Llani Main, Metropolitan Community College
- Derek Morgan, Colorado School of Mines
- Shanice White, Mississippi State University
Peer Education Planning Committee
- Molly Dunn, Co-Cair, University of South Carolina
- Alison Halpern, Co-Chair, Mount Saint Mary’s University, Los Angeles
- McKenzie Campbell, Boise State University
- Natalie Cote, Salve Regina University
- Jorgann Holgersen, Texas Tech University
- McKenzie McNamara, University of Texas at Dallas
- Des Mejia, Mount Saint Mary’s University, Los Angeles
- Charlotte Robbins, University of Alabama
- Theresa Tantay-Wilson, Rutgers University–Newark
- Hannah Wilson, University of Northern Colorado
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Planning Committee
- Nic Francisco, Co-chair, Portland State University
- Kristin Gibson, Co-chair, Bucknell University
- Lynne Cornelius, Drake University
- Justin Kelley, Pratt Institute
- Tameika McCoy, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Zabe Thompson, Florida State University
- Sarah McCoy, Virginia Tech
- Meg Bossong, Massachusetts Society for a World Free of Sexual Harm by Youth (MASOC)
- Jamie Greenwolf, John Carroll University
- Leslie Cabingabang, University of Hawai'i
- Sarah Devitt, University of Michigan-Flint
- Priscila Ledezma, University of Arizona
Well-being and Health Promotion Leadership Planning Committee
- Ashleigh Hala, Co-chair, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
- Joe Zichi, Co-chair, University of Michigan
- Bridgette Akins, Saint Michael's College
- Timothy Burkhalter, University of North Carolina Greensboro
- Claire DePalma, Emory University
- Rebecca Kennedy, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Mallory McPherson-Wehan, George Washington University
- Brittany O’Malley, UT AUSTIN
- Joanna Royce-Davis, Pacific Lutheran University
- Lisa Schrader, Middle Tennessee State University/CHASCo
- Cassy Setzler, University of Connecticut
- Samantha Smith, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Continuing Education
Please note: The deadline to request continuing education credits for the 2024 NASPA Strategies Conferences was February 26, 2024. Requests for continuing education credits are no loner able to be fulfilled.
The 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences will seek to offer continuing education credits for APA, CHES/MCHES, CSAEd, NACP, NASW, and NBCC. NASPA is approved to be a continuing education provider for CSAEd, NBCC, NCHEC, and will submit for approval from NACP and NASW. NASPA is approved to offer APA credit through a partnership with the Association of University College Counseling Center Directors. NASPA will also able to provide a general certificate of attendance to document hours for other licenses or credentials not listed above.
The total number of hours that will be available for this conference will depend upon the eligibility of individual sessions, as well as the overall conference schedule. In the past, continuing education credits have been available during every breakout session block for the entirety of the conference. The full schedule and continuing education qualifications will be available in January 2025. For more information about each continuing education credit and offerings, please read through the descriptions below. Credit may be requested by completing the appropriate online form for the type of continuing education needed (APA, CHES/MCHES, NACP, NASW, NBCC; or CSAEd).
If you have questions about Continuing Education, please contact NASPA Staff at [email protected].
Continuing Education for Psychologists (APA)
NASPA thanks the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors for sponsoring this continuing education opportunity for psychologists. The Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. AUCCCD maintains responsibility for this program and its contents. Not all sessions are available for continuing education (CE) credit. Sessions which are eligible for APA credit will be identified within the program book and conference platform.
To receive APA credit, participants must submit a form online and are encouraged to submit an evaluation following the event. A link to the online form will be made available closer to the event date. Once complete, A PDF certificate will be sent via email after the form has been processed and approved.
Student Affairs Educator Certification (CSAEd)
NASPA has been approved by the Higher Education Consortium for Student Affairs Certification to provide CE credit for Certified Student Affairs Educators (CSAEd™). Programs that qualify for CE credit in this program are clearly identified. NASPA is solely responsible for all aspects of this program.
National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP)
The National Advocate Credentialing Program has approved the 2025 NASPA Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Conference for 12.5 total continuing education (CE) hours toward renewal requirements.
To receive NACP credit, participants must submit a form online and are encouraged to submit an evaluation following the event. A link to the online form will be made available closer to the event date. Once complete, A PDF certificate will be sent via email after the form has been processed and approved.
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
This program will apply for approval through the National Association of Social Workers (Approval #TBD).
To receive NASW credit, a link to an online form will be made available once closer to the event. In addition, attendees must complete an online evaluation of individual sessions, which will be emailed to you shortly after the conference. A PDF certificate will be sent via email after the form has been processed and approved.
National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)
NASPA has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5120. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified in the program book and MyNASPA app. NASPA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
To receive NBCC credit, a link to an online form will be made available once closer to the event. In addition, attendees must complete an online evaluation of individual sessions, which will be emailed to you shortly after the conference and a PDF certificate will be sent via email after the form has been processed and approved.
National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC)
NASPA is a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES) to receive Category 1 continuing education contact hours. Poster sessions are not approved for CHES/MCHES contact hours.
To receive CHES or MCHES credit, a link to an online form will be made available once closer to the event. In addition, attendees must complete an online evaluation of individual sessions, which will be emailed to you shortly after the conference. A PDF certificate will be sent via email after the form has been processed and approved, and individual hours will be reported to NCHEC in April 2025.
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Campus Grant Recipients
Grantees seeking to attend non-OVW sponsored events using their OVW grant funds must contact their OVW grant program specialist directly to request approval to use OVW funds to attend this event.
Call for Proposals
Review Programs for the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences
The 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences planning committees thanks all those who signed up and are reviewing the submissions! Your participation in this process helps ensure we have the best possible content for our Strategies Conferences. NASPA appreciates your due diligence in finishing the reviews by Friday, October 4 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Be sure to schedule enough time (consider 3-4 hours) to review these applications.
Click here for written instructions and screenshots
Click here for a short instructional video
- Program Review Assignments Received: Emailed September 18
- Program Review Deadline: October 4 at 11:59pm Pacific Time
Submit Your Meeting/Reception Request Today!
Submission Due Dates
- Pre-conference Workshop Submission Deadline: August 6, 2024
- Main Program Submission Deadline: September 17, 2024
- Meeting/Reception Request Deadline: October 4, 2024
Call For Proposals is now closed, decisions will be sent mid October, thank you to everyone who submitted!
The 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences planning committees will be inviting program proposals from higher education professionals who are part of the essential systems addressing college student safety, health, and well-being. These functions are irreplaceable components of an environment conducive to learning and development, and the field of student affairs prevention professionals passionately dedicated to this work need your expertise. We welcome you to submit a program for this dynamic series of conferences and join us in January to optimize your own programs and services in the company of the largest student affairs health and wellness event in the field.
The conference planning committees encourage program proposals regarding proven practices with content that algin with conference themes and learning outcomes below, engage participants in fruitful discussions and provide meaningful content to bring back to their campuses.
Please note: all presenters must register to attend the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences in-person. There will not be any virtual presentation opportunities.
Review Programs for the 2025 NASPA Strategies Conferences
NASPA is also seeking reviewers to evaluate program proposals. Did you know that you can submit a proposal AND serve as a reviewer? You will not be assigned to review your own program. Consider contributing your experience and expertise to the program review process! There are two steps to becoming a review for the NASPA Strategies Conferences:
- Complete or update your general NASPA Reviewer Profile
- The reviewers sign up is now closed, please see the schedule below for the reviewing timeline:
- Program Review Assignments Received: Emailed September 18
- Program Review Deadline: October 4 at 11:59pm Pacific Time
Additional Information
Types of Sessions Offered:
Types of sessions available to deliver your proposal content:
General Interest Session (60 mins) |
The most common educational opportunity at the conference, usually consisting of the presentation of a program, data, research, or theoretical concept followed by audience questions and brief discussion. |
Extended General Interest Session (90 mins) |
Provide additional time for audience engagement or discussion. This format is also appropriate for panel discussions, skill demonstration and practice, or multi-institutional case study presentations. There are a limited number of extended general interest session opportunities. |
Roundtable Discussion Session (60 mins) |
Less formal ways to engage other attendees around a central topic or program area. Facilitators usually provide a brief introduction to a topic (5-10 minutes) and then lead a discussion with several prompting questions. |
Poster Session Download Session Template |
Poster sessions are appropriate for sharing research or program evaluation. Participants will visually represent their data and conduct several brief presentations for small groups of attendees (3-5 minutes, usually). All Poster Sessions will be hosted during the Thursday Opening Reception from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. |
Pre-Conference Session (3 hours) Download Session Template |
Pre-conference sessions are three hour sessions offered the day before the conference. Designed as highly specialized opportunities to discuss a specific topic or program. Pre-conference sessions will require participants to pre-register for a fee. |
Pre-Conference Institutes (8 hours) Download Session Template |
Pre-conference institutes are full-day (eight hours) programs held prior to the conference. These events are usually coordinated directly with the applicable conference committee or a related NASPA constituent group. Pre-conference institutes will require participants to pre-register for a fee. |
Successful Proposals:
Program reviewers rely on a well-written description to enhance their understanding of the content and goals of the presentation. The conference planning committees encourage program proposals with proven practices and content that will engage participants in fruitful discussions and provide meaningful content to bring back to their campuses.
Successful proposals should include:
- Lengthy description about session content that you will present.
- Relationship of the program to the conference themes outlined below in 'Conference Themes & Learning Outcomes'
- Identification of the program format (e.g., lecture, panel, debate) including methods for participant involvement (e.g., discussion, effective practice sharing, case study analysis).
- Discussions of replicability: to what extent can the information presented in this program be replicated at other institutions?
- Evidence of the conceptual foundation for proposal content including ways the program content is grounded in research, relevant experience, a cogent model, or appropriate theory.
- Program proposals should establish a clear connection to the research, framework, model, or theory included in their discussions.
- A list of references to relevant research, models, or theory must be listed in the "References" section.
- Draft and save your work in a word processing program to ensure you keep a copy for your records. When you are ready, copy and paste the your description and outline into the text box below.
- There are no word limits on this section. Please provide enough details so that program reviewers can understand the breadth, depth, and scope of your program. This description will not be printed in the program book, website, or otherwise.
- Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
General Proposal Writing Tips:
For additional tips, please visit NASPA’s Program Submission Guidelines: https://www.naspa.org/events/program-submission-guidelines.
Conferences Themes & Learning Outcomes
Alcohol, Other Drug, and Campus Violence Prevention Conference
The AODVP conference planning committee invites you to submit sessions that meet the themes and learning outcomes below. We ask that you consider the CDC’s published definitions of substance use and violence prevention as you prepare your program submissions.
Campus or Community Coalitions and Partnerships
Understand the ways in which diverse stakeholders across the campus and the larger community can work collaboratively to address alcohol and other drug use/misuse or violence prevention and best serve the needs of campus community members
Analyze models of collaboration, case studies from integrated systems, successful partnerships, and efforts to engage all stakeholders in prevention efforts, including individual and environmental level strategies
Identify and evaluate health promotion efforts for alcohol and other drug misuse and violence prevention through collective impact
Explore how campuses are addressing violence prevention with an intersectional lens including (but not limited to) mental health, substance use/misuse, and health promotion.
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: How have you utilized campus or community collaboration to build and implement policy? How can you or have you utilized coalition work to navigate restrictions or bans on DEI while still providing inclusive programming and prevention? How have you built partnerships with unique groups, offices, departments, organizations?
Current Trends and Emerging Issues in an Ever-Changing Environment
Analyze ongoing data and research surrounding alcohol and other drug misuse or campus violence prevention efforts, especially those addressing use patterns and implications for college students (including cannabis and its products, fake pills, and illicit fentanyl)
Evaluate the scope of alcohol and other drug misuse on campus as well as its relationship to academic attainment, sense of belonging and retention
Evaluate the scope of alcohol and other drug misuse and campus violence and the intersection with other prevention efforts (suicide prevention, sexual violence and harm, interpersonal violence, etc.)
Explore considerations for health equity in prevention efforts for alcohol and other drug misuse and violence prevention
Amplify the voices and experiences around alcohol and other drug misuse and campus violence of underrepresented populations
Identify best practices for campus, local, state or federal policies surrounding alcohol and other drugs in the current socio political climate
Explore innovative solutions and best practices from other fields to identify areas of application
Understand the ways in which campus prevention staff are successfully educating students about general alcohol and other drug misuse and polysubstance use.
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: How has your campus supported the increasing accessibility and education around use of naloxone and fentanyl test strips? How has the decriminalization, legalization and regulation of Cannabis and its products affect your campus community? How have recent bans/restrictions on DEI work impacted your alcohol, other drug, and violence prevention practices? How have you navigated policies/guidance to provide inclusive programming and prevention?
Evidence-Based and Evidence Informed Practices
Examine how evidence-based prevention strategies can be modified to fit varying institutions, communities, populations, and resource levels
Identify evidence-based and evidence informed programs and strategies while navigating campus, local, state or federal policies surrounding alcohol and other drugs.
Explore replicable and adaptable evidence-based policies, programs, and practices
Evaluate the efficacy and fidelity of prevention strategies led through a variety of technical modalities
Articulate how to support students who choose not to use alcohol and other drugs and those in recovery communities, using promising theory-based strategies, and provide guidance for replication within a variety of settings.
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: Is there a case study example of the way we are using evidence to inform our prevetion work? What is that evidence? How are we utilizing CollegeAIM? How are we partnering with Faculty? How can other campuses adopt and implement an evidence-based or evidence-informed program for theiy campus context?
The Strategic Prevention Framework
Use local data to assess drug misuse and related problems; risk and protective factors, and capacity for prevention
Build capacity (i.e., resources and readiness) to take action to address prevention priorities
Plan how to best address identified prevention needs and associated factors, ensuring it is designed to meet the specific needs of the campus and/or surrounding
Implement evidence-based and evidence-informed programs and strategies according to a strategically developed prevention plan
Evaluate the processes and outcomes of the prevention interventions to reduce uncertainty, improve effectiveness, and make decisions
Address issues around cultural competency and cultural humility and their importance in prevention efforts
Build sustainability into all efforts in the spectrum of prevention and health promotion to maintain desired long-term results
If you are interested in submitting under this theme, it might be helpful to ask yourself: How are you using the Strategic Prevention Framework? What are lessons/case studies you can share around implementation? How are you building sustainability in your prevention work? How are people, places, and systems empowering prevention professionals around political navigation, professional empowerment, and garnering buy-in from across campus?
Mental Health Conference
Creating Capacity
Explore new and innovative service models to address growing client waiting lists, increased demand, and limited or reduced provider capacity.
Identify and explore the intersections among the multiple and very complex roles assumed by mental health professionals, including clinical, advocacy, administrative, and other roles.
Identify challenges, successes, and lessons learned in addressing administrative, financial, and other barriers to student access to mental health services.
Explore effective strategies to promote help-seeking and referral to mental health services.
Highlight innovative strategies to promote equitable access and inclusion in mental health service delivery across the prevention and intervention spectrum.
Identify new and innovative strategies to promote increased awareness of and access to mental health services for students.
Identify the unique challenges to and develop strategies for recruiting and retaining mental health staff on college campuses.
Explore approaches for preventing and addressing professional burnout, especially as it relates to intersectional identities.
Cross-Campus Collaboration and Coordination
Highlight successful interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration models.
Explore models of successful collaborations with local, state, and national organizations aimed to promote mental health on campus.
Develop strategies to successful cross-campus collaboration in the delivery of mental health services.
Explore how mental health intersects with violence prevention and response, substance use, and collegiate recovery efforts on campus.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Identify barriers to mental health and well-being among traditionally underserved and historically marginalized populations and strategies to address social justice and identity-related stress.
Highlight models supporting the provision of inclusive services, as well as the recruitment, hiring, and retention of diverse staff members to respond to current and emerging student needs.
Discuss the strategic, ethical, and practical aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion on the delivery of mental health services and the promotion of a healthy environment for all members of the campus community.
Explore the mental health needs of students representing individual and cultural diversity and best practices to respond to these needs within the contextual framework of power and privilege.
Current Trends and Emerging Issues
Highlight innovative and effective programming across the public health spectrum focused on supporting and enhancing student mental health.
Examine current national trends and socio-political issues and their relationship to the provision of mental health services on campus (e.g., abortion support access, transgender healthcare).
Identify effective treatment strategies to address depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, substance misuse, risk for suicide, and other mental health concerns experienced by college students.
Explore professional and ethical considerations in the delivery of mental health services.
Explore new and innovative strategies to support the engagement of students, faculty, staff members, and administrators on campus.
Examine barriers as well as solutions to providing increased mental health support and outreach on campus.
Identify strategies to effectively communicate the need for increased resources to the institution.
Discuss strategies to address and overcome institutional barriers.
Explore strategies to address basic needs scarcity with college students (i.e., housing, food, transportation).
Analyze the complex interplay between social, environmental, and individual factors that contribute to the mental health consequences of gun violence.
Successful and Innovative Solutions
Explore innovative and effective strategies that are relevant and responsive to a range of target populations, including first-year students, student-athletes, veterans, international students, first-year students, students with families, students from equity deserving groups, survivors of trauma, and other groups.
Highlight innovative and effective programming across the public health spectrum focused on supporting and enhancing student mental health.
Explore new and innovative strategies, programs, and policies to promote student resilience, connection, and belonging.
Identify strategies and practices that reimagine the intersection of resilience among mental health professionals during an epidemic (e.g., COVID, social justice, opioid, mental health).
Explore strategies for campus stakeholder collaboration aimed at developing unified and actionable mental health and wellbeing goals and messaging.
Identify effective strategies for communicating to students the variety of mental health resources that exist on a college campus.
Peer Education Conference
For more detailed information visit the Peer Education Conference website.
Individual Skill Building and Leadership Development
Develop individual hard and/or soft skills that will enhance an individual's capacity in their role as a peer educator and/or advisor.
Evaluate current research and best practices around contemporary health education topics to build high impact programming
Reflect on different leadership styles and how they support and enhance individual and group development.
Develop leadership, supervision and mentorship skills centering accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion for peer educators and/or advisors.
Adaptable Solutions and Creative Approaches to Programming and/or System-Level Change
Identify innovative and promising approaches for prevention, harm-reduction, and risk-reduction programming.
Articulate how to train students to apply innovative strategies to problem-solving.
Examine how successful programs or initiatives can be adapted to a variety of campus contexts.
Illustrate through case studies how peer education groups can build collaborative campus relationships to support students engaging in high-risk behaviors.
Utilize evaluation data to build capacity, inform programming, and promote campus engagement.
Current Trends and Emerging Issues in an Ever-Changing Global Environment
Identify current and emerging issues impacting peer educators, groups, and/or advisors.
Discuss campus, community, and digital wellness trends that peer educators and/or advisors need to be aware of.
Highlight best practices for amplifying the voices and experiences of historically marginalized populations engaging in peer education work.
Identify changes and explore solutions in peer education group development, recruitment, and retention due to societal, cultural, and political climate.
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Conference
Personal, Professional, and Community Sustainability and Development
Consider the implications of secondary trauma and explore opportunities to increase professional well-being and implement interventions to help prevent employee burnout.
Explore strategies to establish personal and professional boundaries.
Build institutional capacity through navigating external funding and/or internal institutional priorities.
Develop cross-campus, local, state, and national relationships to build a network of creative and supportive professionals (advocates, prevention educators, etc.).
Identify models of collaborative partnerships with diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to increase effectiveness of prevention, response, policy, and advocacy efforts.
Evidence-informed Policy and Practice
Identify evidence-informed approaches to power-based violence prevention and response from a range of disciplines/fields.
Explore strategic use of assessment and data to inform and influence policies, programs, organization, infrastructure, and other higher order change that helps build a culture in which power-based violence is eliminated.
Discuss best practices in: implementing sustainable, evidence-informed prevention programs; improving campus response to violence and those who have survived acts of violence; and evaluating the impact of these efforts.
Review strategies for developing or revising comprehensive campus sexual misconduct policies, including how they are impacted by the latest federal and state legislative policy changes.
Identify gaps that exist within evidence-informed policy and practice and discuss ways to address them.
Innovative Approaches to Prevention and Response
Identify strategies, programs, and policies which are innovative and whose grounding in foundational theories, models, or frameworks make them promising in their efficacy.
Describe project implementation and program evaluation associated with the initiatives listed above.
Discuss innovative approaches to the prevention of and response to power-based violence in higher education, including discussions of lessons learned, assessment and evaluation, and replicability.
Establish strategies for promoting trauma-informed activism and supporting students in creating meaningful change.
Explore restorative and transformative justice and community based accountability practices.
Identify strategies for introducing innovative approaches to prevention education.
Transforming Social Narratives
Examine and interrupt the problematic dominant narratives of power-based violence (e.g., racism, sexism, heteronormativity, gender identity, ableism, U.S.-centrism), including narratives around those who experience violence and those who perpetrate violence.
Describe the ways in which professionals who prevent and respond to violence participate in or shift dominant narratives (e.g., racism, sexism, heteronormativity, gender identity, ableism, U.S.-centrism) .
Propose new perspectives, approaches, and strategies to honor all identities in power-based violence work.
Identify practices that foster inclusive and equitable efforts to address power-based violence.
Examine how society develops sexual scripts and the impact of those scripts. In the context of media, explore ways to increase media literacy and how this relates to the perpetuation of power-based violence.
Propose ways to decolonize safety by challenging traditional security methods and instead utilizing indigenous and community-led approaches.
Developing or Expanding Campus and Community Partnerships
Discuss the ways in which a diversity of stakeholders from within and across the campus and the larger community can work collaboratively to address power-based violence and best serve the needs of campus community members.
Describe models of collaboration, case studies from integrated systems, successful partnerships, and efforts to engage all stakeholders in power-based violence prevention and response.
Describe collaboration and identify strategies for working with local, state, and national organizations to prevent and respond to campus power-based violence.
Explore best practices for campus safety that go beyond the use of law enforcement to foster collaborative relationships with local organizations, implement preventive measures, and promote community engagement.
Identify identity-specific resources within communities that specialize in serving marginalized communities.
Well-being and Health Promotion Leadership Conference
Engagement, Collaboration & Cross-functional Partnerships
Understand the importance of fostering engagement and collaboration for effective health promotion and well-being initiatives.
Develop skills and strategies to establish, develop, lead, and maintain cross-functional partnerships for collaborative impact in promoting health and well-being.
Learn effective communication and advocacy techniques to engage and mobilize stakeholders across different departments and disciplines.
Gain insights into leadership approaches that support and enhance engagement, collaboration, and cross-functional partnerships for long-term success in advancing health promotion and well-being.
Describe various models of partnership and collaboration advancing flourishing campuses
Leadership, capacity building, grow mid level professionals
Health Disparities, Biases, and Systemic Inequities of Well-being
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which health disparities, biases, and systemic inequities manifest in underrepresented and marginalized populations and communities.
Analyze the impact of social determinants of health disparities and inequities in higher education settings, and explore strategies to address them through health promotion initiatives.
Discuss the ways in which power differentials operate, are experienced, and are reinforced in the health promotion process at individual, group, community, institutional, and global levels.
Explore innovative approaches and best practices for promoting health equity and well-being while reducing systemic inequities in diverse settings and communities.
Discuss how social, political, and historical movements have shaped health promotion strategies to intentionally address systems of power, privilege, and oppression in higher education settings.
Develop leadership strategies and advocacy skills to support a campus culture driven by diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
Current Trends, Promising Practices, and Emerging Issues
Identify promising practices that are theoretically grounded, evidence-informed and/or interdisciplinary to improve campus well-being.
Compare and contrast mentorship, coaching, and organizational leadership models across institutions and their impact on well-being.
Promote innovative practices addressing the social determinants of health, including health equity and environmental justice.
Identify and share best practices that campuses have utilized, integrating new guidance, to create healthy and well communities.
Describe future trends in systemic well-being on university campuses.
Examine innovative programming in the field of health promotion.
Data, Policies, Laws, and Research to Advance Well-being
Discover how data is gathered, disaggregated, contextualized, shared and utilized by campus community members for health promotion.
Using data and research to tell stories of our campus communities to build champions, influence decisions, develop resources, and advocate for policy change.
Describe the complexity of data and its use in building a salutogenic narrative.
Identify institutional, local and national policy changes that are showing promise in their proposal or implementation stage.
Foundations for Health Promotion
Learn effective strategies for developing leadership qualities and promoting professional growth.
Apply foundational frameworks and principles for health promotion strategies in higher education.
Describe the progression of health promotion in higher education leading for a clear understanding of current industry standards.
Develop marketing and communication strategies to model effective health and well-being initiatives.
Sustaining hope, resiliency, and impact through cultivating community within health promotion
Essential Ecosystems and Infrastructure for Change- Centering Well-being in Person, Place and Planet
Discover ways to synergize sustainability, equity and health using a settings and systems approach.
Foster a viable infrastructure to impact system change and create a culture of well-being.
Explore how planetary health serves as a primary driver of well-being.
Describe opportunities for systems change through coalition-building, collective impact, or other collective-minded approaches
Apply theories and practical principles of the settings-based approach