Middle East, North Africa, South Asia (MENASA)

The Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (MENASA) area encompasses a diverse range of higher education institutions, languages and cultures. MENASA NASPA strives to engage and connect student affairs professionals in advancing service to students, campuses, and the student affairs/services field. Professionals are supported through a variety of activities including webinars, conferences, trainings, mentoring, leadership and networking opportunities.

MENASA NASPA is currently seeking individuals who want to engage in programs supporting the profession.  Individuals can participate as presenters, mentors/mentees, board members, and future conference hosts. Explore the associated pages to learn more about our programs and ways you can participate. 

Applications for the 2021 Annual Conference host institution are available here.  For questions regarding hosting or application questions please contact the Area Director.

Get Involved! 

MENASA is currently seeking nominations for country representatives to serve on the MENASA Advisory Board. Through their service Country Representatives ensure that regional and country contexts are taken into account and represent the interests of student affairs professionals in their country. Positions are typically for a two-year term. Select the Get Involved tab at the top of the site to review our current or anticipated openings. 

MENASA 2020 Conference Logo 

14th Annual (Virtual) MENASA NASPA Conference

April 13-15, 2020 online from 9:00am - 11:00am AST.




MENASA Leadership


Professional Development

At the core of NASPA and the MENASA Area’s mission is to provide professional development for student affairs/student services professionals. The MENASA Area strives to provide such support through an annual area conference, online webinars, and other online and in person learning opportunities. Professional Development opportunities exist through a variety of mediums in the MENASA Area which are outlined on this page and related links. For all NASPA Events & Professional Development opportunities, in addition to the MENASA Area ones listed below, please see the NASPA Events & Professional Development page.

Please note that some opportunities may have a cost or have restricted access to NASPA MENASA Members only (*be marked accordingly).

 MULTAQA NASPA (monthly gatherings)                                      

These are presented within three specialty categories and run approximately October thru May.

A. Professional Competencies: ACPA/NASPA professional competency webinars presented by experienced and qualified professionals on each of the various competencies and addressing applications within the MENASA region.  Professional Competencies 

B.  Special Topics/Presentations:  Topic or theme driven webinars presented by experienced and qualified professionals on a range of topics relevant to the profession and within the MENASA area.

C. Topical Information (Topical Tuesdays):  Field or topic specific discussion forums (sports, counselling, health services, advising, activities, etc.) designed to connect professionals to identify issues being encountered and explore within the MENASA area (each to be guided by a forum facilitator).

Interested in facilitating a Multaqa Webinar? If so please download, complete and submit the following form found here.  

Recordings and presentations of past Multaqa Webinars are available on the Resources page. 

MENASA Mentorship Program

A need was identified for an e-based mentoring program in the area to support professional growth and in particular that of new professionals and those without any prior graduate education or related experience. The program was founded in September 2017 and is structured so participants can engage (Oct. to April) in a single year experience. 

For details see the MENASA Mentorship Program page.

Recordings and presentations of past Multaqa Webinars, which started in 2016, are available on the Resources page. Additional resources may be added to this page to support professionals in our area when available.

Some content may have restricted access to NASPA MENASA Members only. As possible content is provided in English and Arabic.

Other Opportunities

These may include but are not limited to special events for Careers in Student Affairs Month (October), case study competitions, one-day Drive-In Events, and others.

MENASA NASPA Conferences

Get Involved

NASPA Areas and Regions are run and supported entirely by the continued hard work and contributions of our volunteers. The MENASA Area offers numerous volunteer leadership positions and opportunities for our members to become involved.

Country Representatives

MENASA is currently seeking nominations for country representatives to serve on the MENASA Advisory Board. Through their service Country Representatives ensure that regional and country contexts are taken into account and represent the interests of student affairs professionals in their country.

How to Get Involved…

The MENASA NASPA Advisory Board is seeking talented and dedicated professionals to serve as in country representatives for each of the countries represented in the Area. Positions are typically for a two-year term.

If you are interested in a Board position, or can recommend an area professional who is willing to serve please contact the MENASA Area Director (see contact details on Advisory Board page).


Current or Anticipated* Openings

Please note All Board members must have and maintain membership in NASPA. MENASA Area Board Application


Complete Your Profile

Login and update your profile.

Submit Info


الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وجنوب آسيا منطقة (ميناسا) جمعت القائمة التالية من الموارد؛ ومع ذلك، إدراجها في هذه القائمة لا تمثل إقرارا من المعلومات، الموقع، أو منظمة من قبل NASPA وأي من الشركات التابعة لها.

The Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia (MENASA) Area compiled the following list of resources; however, inclusion on this list does not represent an endorsement of the information, site, or organization by NASPA and any of its entities. 


العروض الويبينار (Webinar Presentations)


عنوان البرنامج
Program Title
تنسيق المتحدثون
Coordinating Presenters
العروض Presentations
Multaqa NASPA - خلق خطط وفرص للتنمية المهنية (Creating Professional Development Plans & Opportunities)
Amjad Abdo, Courtney Stryker and Tadd Kruse Webinar
Multaqa NASPA دعونا نتحدث شؤون الطلاب: التاريخ، والدوافع، والمصطلحات-  (Let's Talk Student Affairs: History, Motives, and Terminology) Courtney Styker, Jamil Karam, and Tadd Kruse Webinar
Multaqa NASPA خدمة العملاء في شؤون الطلبة (Customer Service in Student Affairs) Tadd Kruse, Rama Sabano, and Bader Al Sayed Ahmed Webinar
Multaqa NASPA إدارة المجتمعات الطلاب على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية  (Managing Student Communities on Social Media) Bisher Al-Homsi Webinar
Multaqa NASPA الأعلى المشكلات في شؤون الطلبة  (Top Issues in Student Affairs) NASPA Staff Webinar





عنوان البرنامج
Program Title
تنسيق المتحدثون
Coordinating Presenters
العروض Presentations
Multaqa NASPA: Getting them Talking: Quick & Easy Examples from The Discussion Book  Lani San Antonio  Webinar




عنوان البرنامج
Program Title
تنسيق المتحدثون
Coordinating Presenters
العروض Presentations
Multaqa NASPA - Internationalization of Higher Education and Student Services
 Tadd Kruse Webinar
Multaqa NASPA - International Student Advising Principles: the Foundation of Impactful Work Lisa Mayorga, Sumaira Akber, and Nicole Adoranti Webinar
Multaqa NASPA - Same-Same, but Different: Examining Critical Differences Between Tolerance, Diversity, Equity, Etc. Alta Mauro Webinar
Benefits of Membership in Professional Organizations - How NASPA & MENASA NASPA Helps You! Tiki Ayiku, Courtney Stryker, and Tadd Kruse
                               PPT / PPT
Multaqa NASPA: Careers in Student Affairs Courtney Stryker, Alla Jaber A F Al-Hajri, Amjad Abdo, Wadad El Housseini, Zeinab Said Abusoud
Multaqa NASPA: Challenges Facing the Profession in the MENASA Area Tadd Kruse, Karla Fraser, and George Marquis
Multaqa NASPA: Student Disability Services (SDS) at The American University in Cairo Alexandra Gazis, George Maquis
Multaqa NASPA: Managing Change: Student Affairs Opportunities for Innovation and Collaboration 

Naila Sherman

Multaqa NASPA: Context Matters: Designing and Implementing a Residential Curriculum Within a Specific Cultural Setting

Dr. Mathew Nelson

عنوان البرنامج
Program Title
تنسيق المتحدثون
Coordinating Presenters
العروض Presentations

Multaqa NASPA- Conscious-ish Eating (English)

Dr. Remy Shanker Webinar

Multaqa NASPA – A Paradigm Shift in Student Affairs: Supporting Ph.D. Students in Career Transition

Ashique Rafi, Graduate Career Advisor




عنوان البرنامج
Program Title
تنسيق المتحدثون
Coordinating Presenters
العروض Presentations

Multaqa NASPA - The Art of Leadership (Arabic)

Aysha Selaibeekh


Multaqa NASPA -

Let's Acknowledge Our Suffering

Katie Rose Guest Pryal






MENASA Mentorship Program


The MENASA NASPA mentor program has been developed upon the feedback of area professionals to provide a guided mentoring partnership for full-time professionals. Opportunities for mid-level professionals (4-8 years) may also exist as available. Participants will engage through online webinars, mentorship from a mid-level or senior level experienced Student Affairs professional, and a session at the Annual MENASA NASPA regional conference.  The majority of mentoring will be via online or distance communication methods (video chat, social media, email, and/or telephone) to overcome issues presented by distance/remote locations, or a lack of accessible local professional peers. 

Mentoring is a valuable component for professional growth as it partners less experienced individuals with a more experienced peer who is knowledgeable and interested in developing the skills, capability and confidence of emerging student services professionals.  Further, the mentoring process can increase personal effectiveness, explore career development, skill attainment, gain field specific insights and guidance. 


Mentors will have at least 5 years of experiences in student affairs and services and Mentees will be new to student affairs and services and have under 5 years of experience:

Specific goals for the MENASA NASPA Mentor Program are to:

  • Provide participants with professional growth opportunities, within a regional perspective, that support field specific knowledge, career development, and the attainment of professional qualities.
  • Partner mentees with mid or senior level student affairs/services professionals who have significant experience and demonstrated a professional commitment to the field of student affairs/services.
  • Promote professional development through mentorship activities which promote personal goal setting, self-reflection, and gaining knowledge of the profession.
  • Provide opportunities for new professionals to network within the region with peers.

Topics for exploration in the program may include transitioning, networking, career advancement, developing leadership attributes, accountability, skill attainment, navigating campus politics, supervising personnel, and others.


This program will enhance your understanding of issues in our global workplace and is a means for knowledge sharing and skill development by connecting emerging practitioners with established student affairs/services leaders across the MENASA Area.

To accomplish the above the program will operate based on the following:

  • The program will operate from October through April, with applications for both Mentees and Mentors accepted October to Mid-November (see below for application details).
  • Participants must be available to interact twice a month (minimum of once a month) for the specified period, and work towards a mutual agreeable time, frequency, and method for interactions.  Interactions ideally would be once a month via video/audio exchange and once a month via e-mail or other written correspondence.
  • Participants must identify goals for each pairing and a means for achieving each goal.
  • Participants must maintain regular contact with their paired professional, and with the program administrators. 

Applications for the program will be accepted from September 20 – October 26, 2020.   Applications for both mentee and mentor roles are available below.  Please note that every effort will be made to accommodate all applicants and requests, however there may be a limited number of spaces based on registration. If you have any questions, on being part of this please email the MENASA NASPA Professional Development Coordinator at [email protected].