The Technology Knowledge Community exists to provide structure for members to explore and collaborate within the topic of technology. Given the history of technology, its great breadth, and potential for rapid change, we provide a venue for discussion, research, and the distribution of information about technology.
Message from the Chair
Welcome to the NASPA Technology Knowledge Community! We are a collection of students, faculty, and staff who have an interest in how technology supports many aspects of higher education. While our focus is on Student Affairs, we touch many parts of the higher education experience. Technology can be an effective tool or support for many parts of the mission of Student Affairs, and the TKC is committed to sharing and learning with our members. You are welcome to join us and become involved to the extent of your time and interest. You can keep up on what we are doing and participate in our opportunities or, if you would like to be more involved, consider joining our leadership team, contributing to our journal, applying for our awards, or offering to provide insights into your best practices through a webinar. We are glad you are here and hope you find your best way to connect with our community.
What do we do?
The Technology Knowledge Community influenced change by reaffirming its mission for our members and our role within NASPA. We would like to make sure that everyone knows we serve Student Affairs practitioners whose job is technology related and we want to help you if you have an interest in technology. Most members want to know how other Student Affairs professionals are using technology, how they can better use technology themselves, and in general what are the current industry “best practices”. Using technology to save money and social media are also hot topics. We are a group that can satisfy the needs of Student Affairs professionals who are Enthusiasts, Managers, or Scholars of Technology.
Our Mission
The Technology Knowledge Community exists to provide structure for members to explore and collaborate within the topic of technology. Given the history of technology, its great breadth, and potential for rapid change, we provide a venue for discussion, research, and the distribution of information about technology. The goals for the Technology Knowledge Community are to
- Explore technology’s impact on and relationship with student development, behavior, values, and decision-making
- Identify and support technology’s role in providing student services and developmental programming
- To inform the profession about new research and practices regarding the development and use of technology administration
- To offer technical and creative assistance to colleagues as they explore technology resources for their campus
We welcome the participation of any individual within our KC and we hope to be place for discussion, learning, and innovation. We hope to make the Technology Knowledge Community a wonderful opportunity for graduate students, faculty, and Student Affairs professionals to come together and share knowledge, experience, and our passion for Technology.
The Four Pillars of the TKC
The Technology Knowledge Community advocates for technology in the broader scope of higher education and brings that motivation to the table for its members. The Technology Knowledge Community advocates for technology, including social media and learning management systems, and helps professionals at all levels recognize the power of and need for technology in their daily work. The TKC encourages their membership who work with technology to present at conferences on technology related issues to share best practices and new information to better inform current practice in the field.
Training and Education
The Technology Knowledge Community supports training and education in technology by offering resources for and promotion of these opportunities. The TKC offers our own training and education using the questions provided below. The Technology Knowledge Community hosts along with NASPA a #NASPAtech conference.
Research and Scholarship
The Technology Knowledge Community supports and helps advance the research conducted by its members and other scholar-practitioners in the areas of technology. The Technology Knowledge Community helps connect potential research partners, supports opportunities for interdisciplinary research, and researches best practices presented in conference sessions. The TKC strives to be more intentional about research in journals and to make interdisciplinary literature reviews less daunting to create more opportunities for new and emerging ideas about technology in higher education to be shared, debated, and put into practice.
The Technology Knowledge Community connects with its members for the advancement of technology in higher education. The Technology Knowledge Community measures the participation of their members by defining both a passive and active member. The TKC clarifies and communicates its role and its expectations from members.
Complete Your Profile
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Knowledge Community leaders are NASPA volunteers who have generously devoted their time to their Knowledge Community. Chairs are elected by the Knowledge Community members while Regional representatives are selected from within the Region. Additional roles are selected by the Knowledge Community.
Technology Competency
The Technology Competency represents an exciting new chapter for professional development and the field of student affairs. Just as our students can be seen as the ‘early adopters’ of technology, so to will we now have the opportunity to be the ‘agents of change’ in this new (virtual) world.
Competency Posts/Resources:
· The Technology Competency for Student Affairs Educators, Dr. Paul Gordon Brown
· Digesting the TECH Competency for Student Educators #SAtech, Dr. Laura Pasquini
· ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies, HigherEd Live
· Getting more Competent with Technology, Eric Stoller
· Thoughts on the ACPA/NASPA Technology Competency, Joe Sabado
· Leading the Way: Crafting the ACPA/NASPA Technology Competency, Matthew Brinton, Ed Cabellon, Tony Doody, Lisa Endersby & Kevin Valliere
Download your copy - ACPA NASPA Professional Competencies
Download your copy - ACPA NASPA Professional Competencies Rubrics
Blog Archive
2017 NASPA TKC Buisiness Meeting (audio from San Antonio, TX)
Making Your Media Accessable - Online Learning Course
Incorporating Digital Tools Into Your Departmental Marketing - Webinar (use code TechKC100% for free access)
The Annual Knowledge Community Conference Publication (2018) - (TKC article "The Impact of Technology on the Student Affairs Profession" on page 74)
- Eric Stoller on Inside Higher Ed
- Eric Stoller (@ericstoller), a nationally known thought-leader, speaker, and consultant on using social media in higher education to create connections and enhance communication.
- On the Go with Ed Cabellon
- Ed Cabellon (@EdCabellon), Director of the Campus Center at Bridgewater State University
- TechKNOW Tools
- Laura Pasquini (@laurapasquini), PhD Student and Higher Ed Professional at the University of North Texas
- Student Affairs & Technology Leadership
- Joe Sabado (@JoeSabado), Associate Director for Information Systems and Software Development in Student Information Systems and Technology (SIST) within the Division of Student Affairs at UC Santa Barbara
- Student Affairs Women Talk Tech
- Various Bloggers (@sawomentech)
Just can't get enough? Check out EDTECH's (@EdTech_HigherEd) "The Dean's List: 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs". Know a great blog that we should consider for the next update? Be sure to send it to us in an EMAIL.
Archived "DIGITAL - TKC Newsletter"