Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 5.39 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

JCC Connexions, Vol. 6, No. 3

August 17, 2020

August 2020

Critical Conversations #21

Eleanor J.B. Daugherty, University of Connecticut

In "Free Speech in the Academy: Living Our Values During Challenging Times,"  (Journal College & Character, vol. 21, no. 3, August 2020), JCC Connexions Focus Author Eleanor Daugherty explores the role of campuses and universities in protecting free speech while providing for the needs of students adversely impacted by speaker content. She responds to questions regarding the role of higher education in protecting free speech in the campus environment where students encounter difference, diversity, and exposure to new ideas. Read more.

Inside, Outside, and In Between

Hsin-Yu Chen, The Pennsylvania State University

In Taiwan, where I grew up, our culture has always stressed respect toward elders. For example, if a bus is full and an older person boards, it is common courtesy for a younger person to offer up their seat. Similarly, a younger person may hold the door for an elder person, help them across the street, or speak to them in a more formal manner. Even when I am in a different country from the one in which I was raised, I carry ingrained cultural values prompting me to practice honor and kindness toward seniors. Read more.

New Spaces & Roles for Student Affairs Educators

Michael J. Stebleton, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Food insecurity affects many college students and the Covid-19 pandemic—particularly the subsequent economic crisis—challenges higher education professionals to meet the needs of food insecure students. While food insecurity existed prior to the pandemic, the virus exacerbated the problem and will continue to during the uncertain academic year that lies ahead. Read more.

Engaging Civic Religious Pluralism

Becca Hartman-Pickerill, Interfaith Youth Core

“Common action for the common good" is the third part of IFYC’s definition of civic religious pluralism. How can we together meaningfully engage with this important third part of pluralism? Read more.

Critical Religious Studies in Higher Education

Jenny L. Small, Convergence

How exactly are individuals, particularly those from non-Christian backgrounds, often treated in the U.S.? They are seen through the lenses of religious privilege, oppression, and marginalization. They are seen, or made invisible, by White Christian supremacy, which has been embedded into society since the United States’s founding . . . . Read more

Fostering Moral Development

Alan Acosta

Higer education professionals MUST be willing to engage in thoughtful, critical, and difficult discussions regarding action steps to make our institutions more equitable for students, faculty, and staff. There will be a million reasons why there are constraints on our ability to make change, and those reasons are real—but that cannot stop us from appropriately and enthusiastically letting our voices be heard on racial justice issues. Students, faculty, and staff are looking for role models on creating equity on campus, and we need to embrace that challenge.  Read more.