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Journal of College and Character

Journal of College and Character

Student Success Student Affairs Partnering with Academic Affairs Undergraduate

Journal of College and Character is a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities influence the moral and civic learning and behavior of students. Published quarterly, the journal features scholarly articles and applied research on issues related to ethics, values, and character development in a higher education setting.

Issues Per Year
4 issues per year

About JCC

Aims and Scope

Journal of College and Character is a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities influence the moral and civic learning and behavior of students. The journal publishes scholarly articles and applied research on issues related to ethics, values, and character development in a higher education setting.

Published quarterly, the journal encourages the submission of manuscripts from around the world and from a wide range of academic and professional fields, including higher education, student affairs, psychology, religion, sociology, business, social work, philosophy, law, and education.

The journal audience includes faculty, administrators, graduate students, and practitioners in student services and campus ministry, as well as others engaged in research and practice in moral education in colleges and universities.


JCC Areas of Interest

Journal of College and Character publishes the following types of articles (open submission)

  • Peer Reviewed 
  • Opinions & Perspectives

The journal also publishes these regular columns (invited only)

  • Civic Engagement on Campus
  • College Student Development Outside the US
  • Cultural Cross Currents on Campus
  • Diversity and Social Justice
  • Ethical Issues on Campus
  • Interfaith Cooperation
  • Invited Featured Article
  • Preparing Students for Careers & Callings
  • Student Engagement With Spiritual & Secular Worldviews
  • What They're Reading

Read the Current JCC

Journal of College and Character is a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities impact the moral and civic engagement of students. Read the current issue.

JCC Submission Guidelines

The Journal of College and Character considers manuscripts of these two types of articles:  Peer Reviewed Articles; and Opinions and Perspectives.  Read more to see how to prepare your manuscript..

Submit a Manuscript

Submit a manuscript to the Journal of College + Character. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.

Submit a Manuscript


JCC Editors

JCC Editorial Board

William H. Arnold, Alma College
Michelle L. Boettcher, Clemson University
Christopher Broadhurst, University of New Orleans
Patience D. Bryant, California State University Long Beach
Dan Sarofian-Butin, Merrimack College
Sara Connolly, University of Bridgeport
Elizabeth Connor, The Citadel
Andrew Courtner, Lincoln Memorial University
Christy Moran Craft, Kansas State University
Rebecca E. Crandall, Ohio State University
Claudia F. Curry, Community College of Philadelphia
Marylee Demeter, Rutgers University
Pitt Derryberry, Western Kentucky University
Tonya M. Driver, Texas A&M University
Sean Gehrke, University of Washington
Perry L. Glanzer, Baylor University
Corday Thomas Goddard, St. Norbert College
Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Tech
Eric Grospitch, Washburn University
Kathy L. Guthrie, The Florida State University
Laura M. Harrison, Ohio University
April Herring, Carroll Community College
Tori A. Holmes, Marshall B. Ketchum University
Jonathon M. Hyde, Appalachian State University
Joshua Moon Johnson, American River College
John Klatt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dena R. Kniess, University of West Georgia
John Kolligian, Princeton University
Lynda Tierney Konecny, A.T. Still University
Forrest C. Lane, Sam Houston State University
Phyllis McCluskey-Titus, Illinois State University
Donna J. Menke, University of Memphis
Leslie Sadler Meyerhoff, Cornell University
Demetri Morgan, Loyola University Chicago
Jonathan J. O'Brien, California State University, Long Beach
Jennifer E. Pope, Adler School of Professional Psychology
Judith McGuire Robinson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alyssa N. Rockenbach, North Carolina State University
Joanne Rojas, University of Kentucky
Larry D. Roper, Oregon State University
Pietro Sasso, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Douglas N. Searcy, Barton College
Gabriel Ramón Serna, Virginia Tech
Timothy C. Shiell, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Scott Silverman, California Lutheran University
Audrey Sorrells, University of Texas at Austin
Adam Burke Sterritt, University of Alabama
Eric Swank, Arizona State University
Ashley Tull, Southern Methodist University
Thomas A. Walker, Wayne Community College
Elizabeth Wallace, Tarleton State University
Kelly Ward, Washington State University
Diane M. Waryold, Appalachian State University
Rich Whitney, University of La Verne
Jermaine F. Williams, Nassau Community College
John Zacker, University of Maryland

JCC Connexions Latest Issue

JCC Odyssey logo


Formerly known as JCC ConnexionsOdyssey is the official blog of the Journal of College and Character. Odyssey provides a platform for emerging and established scholars to contribute to conversations about moral, civic, and character development in higher education. We are currently accepting submissions for our Fall 2024 issue. Submissions are due by November 30, 2024


Inside This Issue. . .

February 2024, Vol. 10, No. 1

How Can Fraternal Organizational Values Serve as a Crucial Factor in Character Development? Critical Conversations #36

Ashley Tull, Texas Christian University

IIn "Recall and Recognition of Fraternal Values and Person–Organization Fit for Members of Men’s College Social Fraternities" (Journal of College & Character, vol. 24, no. 34, November 2023), Ashley Tull and co-authors examine the recall and recognition of espoused values of undergraduate fraternity members and measures of person–organization fit. Read his responses to questions posed by JCC editors about their research.   Read More.

On a Voyage Through the PhD Experience

Crafting Experiments: Embracing Uncertainty in the PhD Journey

Abby Wilfer, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Vic Massaglia, University of Minnesota School of Public Health

To pursue a doctorate is to set sail on uncharted—and often turbulent—waters. As we journey together, each moment is a new discovery, a transformative experience, and, indeed, an experiment. With this article, we draw from John Krumboltz's landmark theory of Planned Happenstance and Herminia Ibarra's concept of "identity experiments" to guide our fellow PhD students on an exciting voyage of skill building and identity development. Read more.
New Spaces & Roles for Student Affairs Educators

Building Students’ Skills or Souls? Student Affairs Educators Can Foster Both

Michael J. Stebleton, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Is the purpose of higher education to build students’ souls, or to build their skills? Is one area of development more important than the other? These are the questions I (Stebleton) posed to 18 undergraduate honors students across multiple majors and colleges in a recent fall semester seminar. The title of the class was: What is College For? Examining the Purpose and Value of American Higher Education. Read more.

Critical Religious Studies in Higher Education

 Jenny Small, Brandeis University

This is the most difficult post that I will write for Connexions. The last time I wrote myself, instead of inviting a guest columnist, was during summer 2023. The world changed for me and so many others on October 7, beginning with the horrifying Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and continuing through the fallout in both Israel and Gaza of the ongoing hostage situation, war, and humanitarian crisis. That fallout was paralleled in many places around the world by antisemitic and Islamophobic violence and rhetoric, including on many American college campuses.    Read more.

Lessons in Moral Development Learned From a Sabbatical Adventure

What Would It Look Like if Higher Education and Student Affairs Made the Climate Crisis a Priority?;

Peter Mather, Ohio University

It was spring 2023. The line was long, and the excitement was rippling through the crowd. Hundreds of young people were anxiously awaiting an acclaimed university guest perform her craft. It was among the largest audiences I’ve seen in my nearly 20 years at the university. No, the artist wasn’t Taylor Swift; it was Robin Wall Kimmerer, an environmental scientist, a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and the author of the highly acclaimed book, Braiding Sweetgrass. Dr. Kimmerer’s book is a revered text among environmentalists.. Read more.

Fostering Moral Development

Alan Acosta, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School

This blog post is bittersweet. After over three years of thought pieces, I have decided to end this Connexions blog, which has been a personal and professional joy for me over the last several years. I want to thank NASPA and the editors of the Journal of College and Character, particularly my friend Pam Crosby, for allowing me the time and space to jot down my thinking about the intersections of postsecondary education, ethical decision making, and moral development. Their support has been invaluable and appreciated, and I am honored to have them as not just colleagues but also as friends..Read more.

Engaging Civic Religious Pluralism: A Series of Articles

Harmeet Kaur Kamboj, Interfaith America

In January, just before observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I accompanied a group of college student leaders to Interfaith America and Hebrew College’s second annual tour of interfaith civic life in Washington, D.C. The Building Interfaith Leadership Initiative (BILI) Launchpad Fellowship first convened these undergraduates last August in Chicago, where 21 young people and their on-campus mentors began building the community they would carry with them during the 23-24 academic year. Upon arriving to our nation’s capital, these students immediately immersed themselves in the diversity of work done at the federal and local levels to support communities of faith seeking to strengthen our multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy. The program staff’s hope during this experience was to underscore a simple truth: Interfaith is the means, not necessarily the end. Read more.

Off the Beaten Path

Colm Fitzgerald, University College Dublin 

One of the significant initiatives that changed the fortunes of the insurance industry was the introduction of financial regulation by people of appropriate character. One element of this was the creation of the actuarial profession where an appointed actuary was given appropriate power to set financial reserves for an insurance company in the public interest that protected its long-term solvency. While many think of actuaries as being good at math, their primary reason for existence is an ethical one. The Royal Character of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries states that an actuary has to put the public interest first (IFoA, 2024). Read more.

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