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Journal of College and Character

Journal of College and Character

Student Success Student Affairs Partnering with Academic Affairs Undergraduate

Journal of College and Character is a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities influence the moral and civic learning and behavior of students. Published quarterly, the journal features scholarly articles and applied research on issues related to ethics, values, and character development in a higher education setting.

Issues Per Year
4 issues per year

About JCC

Aims and Scope

Journal of College and Character is a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities influence the moral and civic learning and behavior of students. The journal publishes scholarly articles and applied research on issues related to ethics, values, and character development in a higher education setting.

Published quarterly, the journal encourages the submission of manuscripts from around the world and from a wide range of academic and professional fields, including higher education, student affairs, psychology, religion, sociology, business, social work, philosophy, law, and education.

The journal audience includes faculty, administrators, graduate students, and practitioners in student services and campus ministry, as well as others engaged in research and practice in moral education in colleges and universities.


JCC Areas of Interest

Journal of College and Character publishes the following types of articles (open submission)

  • Peer Reviewed 
  • Opinions & Perspectives

The journal also publishes these regular columns (invited only)

  • Civic Engagement on Campus
  • College Student Development Outside the US
  • Cultural Cross Currents on Campus
  • Diversity and Social Justice
  • Ethical Issues on Campus
  • Interfaith Cooperation
  • Invited Featured Article
  • Preparing Students for Careers & Callings
  • Student Engagement With Spiritual & Secular Worldviews
  • What They're Reading

Read the Current JCC

Journal of College and Character is a professional journal that examines how colleges and universities impact the moral and civic engagement of students. Read the current issue.

JCC Submission Guidelines

The Journal of College and Character considers manuscripts of these two types of articles:  Peer Reviewed Articles; and Opinions and Perspectives.  Read more to see how to prepare your manuscript..

Submit a Manuscript

Submit a manuscript to the Journal of College + Character. Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.

Submit a Manuscript


JCC Odyssey Latest Issue

JCC Odyssey logo


Formerly known as JCC ConnexionsOdyssey is the official blog of the Journal of College and Character. Odyssey provides a platform for emerging and established scholars to contribute to conversations about moral, civic, and character development in higher education. We are currently accepting submissions for our Fall 2024 issue. Submissions are due by November 30, 2024

 Read more about this issue's submission guidelines. 



Inside This Issue. . .

February 2025, Vol. 11, No. 1

A Case for Caring: Humanizing the Student Experience (Part I)

Vic Massaglia Melody Kruzic Amy Martin

As student-facing professionals in higher education, we have seen it. Likely, you have as well. A student begins the session very engaged, motivated, and productive. Then something happens. They drop off and do not respond to outreach. Or, they share their struggles with you—struggles that seem so insurmountable that they don’t think they can continue in their studies. With six decades of experience in higher education student services and teaching, we have encountered numerous students facing challenges, such as fear of being forced to return to their home country, homelessness, domestic abuse, physical and mental health issues, or increasing responsibilities at work or home—or any combination of these and other challenges. Read More.

Peer Mentorship: A Lifeline for International Students Navigating Success and Growth

Richmond Nti

Navigating college life can be particularly challenging for international students who must adapt to new academic environments, cultural norms, and social systems. In this landscape, peer mentorship programs offer a powerful means of support. They provide students with the guidance needed for academic success, personal development, and community integration. This article draws from real-world examples, research insights, and best practices to highlight the benefits of peer mentorship programs, focusing on how these initiatives impact the academic and personal growth of international college students. Read more.

Cultivating Trust as an Early-Career Professional in Higher Education Administration

Richard Roman

Trust is the cornerstone of successful relationships in any field, but perhaps nowhere is it more critical than in higher education. As early- and mid-career professionals, we step into civic institutions that are expected to be pillars of knowledge, integrity, and service. Whether working in student affairs, academic administration, or governance, trust is the unseen foundation that allows us to benefit from cross-collaboration, transparent communication, and ethical decision-making. Read more.

Carrying More Than Textbooks: Navigating Grief and Growth in College

Phuong Tran Nguyen

As I reflect on my academic pathway, I recognize that there are mundane and repetitive topics associated with the college experience. In my work with higher education philanthropies and educational institutions, I have read many articles about advising incoming or current students, encouraging them to attend class and office hours, perform well, fill out their FAFSA—you know the rest. Something that caught me off guard in my journey was the amount of grief I had throughout my undergraduate and graduate studies. Student grief is a topic I feel is stigmatized and overlooked, and one I have not seen discussed in higher education literature.  Read more.

Applying a Critical Climate Education Lens to Generative AI

Nicole May

Thesis: True sustainability requires a shift in mindset. Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has created opportunities for college instructors to initiate conversations that help us practice thinking differently. Read more.

The Conundrum of Miswanting: An Overlooked Issue in Student Career-Life Planning

Michael J. Stebleton

“How is it possible to get what we want and yet not like what we get?” Gilbert & Wilson (2000) Read more.

Learning the Hidden Curriculum of Academic Freedom 

Madeline Rowe

A primary purpose of U.S. higher education is to conduct teaching and promote learning. Yet, the system often relies on many of its members to know and understand certain tenets of higher education without ever formally teaching it. A few critical pillars support the success of U.S. higher education, and their importance is growing as the sector faces significant criticism and outright attacks from outside actors. Academic freedom—a central tenet of higher education—fits somewhere within both of these categories. It is assumed that most faculty members and graduate students understand academic freedom, despite never being formally taught about it. Read more.

Sense of Belonging and Students’ Success: International Students in the Residence Halls

Francisca Owusu Margaret R. Kahler

This article examines how international students in the resident halls at a predominantly white institution (PWI) find a sense of belonging. For this study, a qualitative research method involving the use of interviews was used in the data collection. Overall, international students in the residence halls felt connected to their communities when people accepted their thoughts, provided them with assistance, and acknowledged their efforts. Read more.

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Sense of Belonging of African International Students

Pearl Irene Oppong Bismark Wiafe Bimpong

This study examines how African international students at a research university found a sense of belonging on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study adopted a qualitative research approach using semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that African international students at the research university found a sense of belonging through student unions, a good campus culture and environment, student affairs professionals, and peers. Read more.

The Impact of Generative AI Educational Chatbots on the Academic Support Experiences of Students in U.S. Research Universities

Bismark Wiafe Bimpong

The integration of generative AI (GenAI) educational chatbots into the academic support experiences of international students in U.S. research universities presents a multifaceted impact on their educational journey. Using a review of literature, this article explores the impact of generative AI educational chatbots on the academic support experiences of international students. After gathering and evaluating content from three databases and analyzing and synthesizing data from a variety of journals, my findings indicate that the use of AI enhances students’ academic performance and engagement. Read more.

Leveraging the Power of Resilience in Your Higher Education Career

Andrew Tracy Ceperley

Resilience. This word gets tossed around quite a lot lately, doesn’t it? We hope our children will become resilient. We want the college students we serve to demonstrate their capacity for resilience. And for those of us building our careers on college campuses, we find ourselves wanting Resilience as well. Read more.


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JCC Editors

JCC Editorial Board

William H. Arnold, Alma College
Michelle L. Boettcher, Clemson University
Christopher Broadhurst, University of New Orleans
Patience D. Bryant, California State University Long Beach
Dan Sarofian-Butin, Merrimack College
Sara Connolly, University of Bridgeport
Elizabeth Connor, The Citadel
Andrew Courtner, Lincoln Memorial University
Christy Moran Craft, Kansas State University
Rebecca E. Crandall, Ohio State University
Claudia F. Curry, Community College of Philadelphia
Marylee Demeter, Rutgers University
Pitt Derryberry, Western Kentucky University
Tonya M. Driver, Texas A&M University
Sean Gehrke, University of Washington
Perry L. Glanzer, Baylor University
Corday Thomas Goddard, St. Norbert College
Jacob R. Grohs, Virginia Tech
Eric Grospitch, Washburn University
Kathy L. Guthrie, The Florida State University
Laura M. Harrison, Ohio University
April Herring, Carroll Community College
Tori A. Holmes, Marshall B. Ketchum University
Jonathon M. Hyde, Appalachian State University
Joshua Moon Johnson, American River College
John Klatt, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dena R. Kniess, University of West Georgia
John Kolligian, Princeton University
Lynda Tierney Konecny, A.T. Still University
Forrest C. Lane, Sam Houston State University
Phyllis McCluskey-Titus, Illinois State University
Donna J. Menke, University of Memphis
Leslie Sadler Meyerhoff, Cornell University
Demetri Morgan, Loyola University Chicago
Jonathan J. O'Brien, California State University, Long Beach
Jennifer E. Pope, Adler School of Professional Psychology
Judith McGuire Robinson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alyssa N. Rockenbach, North Carolina State University
Joanne Rojas, University of Kentucky
Larry D. Roper, Oregon State University
Pietro Sasso, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Douglas N. Searcy, Barton College
Gabriel Ramón Serna, Virginia Tech
Timothy C. Shiell, University of Wisconsin-Stout
Scott Silverman, California Lutheran University
Audrey Sorrells, University of Texas at Austin
Adam Burke Sterritt, University of Alabama
Eric Swank, Arizona State University
Ashley Tull, Southern Methodist University
Thomas A. Walker, Wayne Community College
Elizabeth Wallace, Tarleton State University
Kelly Ward, Washington State University
Diane M. Waryold, Appalachian State University
Rich Whitney, University of La Verne
Jermaine F. Williams, Nassau Community College
John Zacker, University of Maryland