Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

College Educated. Career Ready.

Career and Workforce Development
June 9, 2020 Erin Dengler Barb Ricotta Phyllis Floro

Excellence Awards recognize the contributions of members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services, and effective administration. NASPA's Excellence Awards cover eleven categories crucial to the success of students. Sharing our successes benefit students, improves institutions, and promotes our profession. 

2020 Academic Advising Careers Graduate Professional and related Excellence Award Winner: Erin Dengler and University at Buffalo.

The University at Buffalo Department of Student Life’s comprehensive career readiness program, Here to Career, is designed to provide UB students with intentional and meaningful on-campus work experience to set them apart in a highly competitive workforce. We create college-educated and career-ready students.  

We are committed to providing real-world skills to complement on-campus employment. Students will effectively transition into the workplace and be equipped with the skills necessary for a successful career.

Here to Career was developed over two years. It’s intended to provide an intentional and meaningful experience for all student employees with opportunities to enhance their skill sets, grow their knowledge base, develop their leadership potential, and connect to campus while ensuring access and equitable opportunities for all students.

Top 5 Reasons Campus Leadership Endorses Here to Career

  1.      No other program uniquely prepares UB students for employment after graduation.
  2.      Participation enhances the quality and productivity of on-campus student positions.
  3.      The program guides students and supervisors with resources necessary to ensure both an immersive and educational campus employment experience.
  4.      Campus supervisors benefit from meaningful mentoring with their student employees.
  5.      Pre and post-experience assessment validates key learnings and program effectiveness.

Here to Career Supervisor Benefits

  •        Builds community on campus
  •        Training prepares supervisors for creating a development approach to student employment
  •        Serves as a form of professional development
  •        Rewarding for supervisors
  •        Collaboration with Human Resources
  •        Ready to implement resources available via Blackboard
  •        Streamlined communication

Here to Career Student Benefits

  •        Consistency with student experience regardless of the department
  •        Ability to translate learning to future employment; storytelling
  •        Outside the classroom learning that may align with coursework
  •        Open to all students which include international students
  •        Teaches life skills that may not be built in other ways during their college experience
  •        All on-campus jobs posted in one area, Bullseye by Handshake.

Micro-Credential Badging

Students have the option to work towards earning a badge(s) during their employment.  Requirements for the Here to Career Micro-Credentials are specific to the student employment experience and aligns with the NACE competencies: Growth Mindset, Change Agent and Collaborator.

Student Success Stories

Meet Hayden! Hayden was able to take what he learned in the classroom and apply it to his position in the UB Theatre Department. 




Meet Mady! Mady earned an internship at Disney World after her experience as a Student Engagement Ambassador on campus.

Explore other students' success stories.