Certified Peer Educator Student Workbook (Version 4.1)
Health, Safety, and Well-being Alcohol and Other Drug Health, Safety, and Well-being Initiatives Undergraduate
July 1, 2019
The CPE student workbook is full of information and interactive exercises for each of the modules in the CPE Program. The activities are designed to reinforce learning and provide ample opportunity for self-reflection. The workbook is not just a student’s gateway to completing the certification process; it is also a powerful tool that they can take with them to use as a resource upon the completion of the course.
You may ONLY purchase the CPE workbook if you have completed the CPE Train-the-Trainer or are bringing a NASPA facilitator to campus. Please e-mail cpe@naspa.org with any questions.
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Learn more about CPE here.
To purchase an eBook version of the CPE Student Workbook, click here.
ISBN 9781948213110