Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 5.48 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.S. Live Briefing Series-Get On Board: Developing New (and New-to-a-role) Employees

Virtual Live Briefings Career and Workforce Development Supporting the Profession Mid-Level New Professional Senior Level

One of the keys to retaining great staff and ensuring positive impact on students is a well-curated onboarding plan – for employees new to campus or internal folks new to their role.  Designed for leaders and managers of staff at all levels, this event invites you to plan how to help your staffer go from “first day jitters” through to “rock star performance review.” Satisfied and confident employees ensure student satisfaction and retention and promote institutional loyalty among your team members.  If you have someone joining your team or shifting to a new position in your area this event is for you!

Presented By



NASPA individual members and Voting Delegates have access to member pricing for all NASPA events. If you are not a NASPA individual member, please visit our membership section to learn more about membership types and benefits. In many cases, an annual NASPA membership plus the event member registration fee are still less than the event non-member registration fee. We hope you’ll consider joining today!


Registration Fees
NASPA Members

Policies and Contact Information

Contact Information
Registration Issues/Questions:  
NASPA Main Office - (202) 265-7500
- registration@naspa.org
Program Questions/General Information:
Abby Vollmer - (202) 719-1199 
Payment Policies

To view NASPA's complete payment policies and procedures, click here.

Captioning Assistance

Text Captioning Support: NASPA kindly requests five business days notice for captioning requests. You can request captioning within the online registration process. If your registration is received within the five business days prior to the live event, you will be contacted by NASPA staff.

P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.S. Spring Live Briefing Sessions

January 2021
Element: Compliance
Talking BITS: Addressing the Common Challenges of Today's Behavioral Intervention Teams


February 2021
Element: Resources

Get On Board: Developing New (and New-to-a-role) Employees

February 2021
Element: Policy
Tobacco 21: What New Regulations Mean for the Design of Tobacco and Nicotine-Free Campus Environments
March 2021
Element: Academics
Bridging the Gap Between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs: An Inclusive Model for Collaboration


March 2021
Element: Technology
Where’s the Online Support? Collaboratively Improving Support Services for Online Students


April 2021
Element: Inclusion
An Institution-Wide Approach to Racial and Social Justice
April 2021
Element: Community
Markers and Making Change: Using Design Thinking to Impact Campus Culture and Community
May 2021
Element: Evidence
Sit on the Shelf? Not Ours! Sustaining a Strategic Plan


May 2021
Element: Students
Positioning Transfer Students for Success: How Different Campus Units Can Create Programming to Help Transfer Students Be Successful