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2023 NASPA Region II Annual Conference

Division/Group Events Health, Safety, and Well-being Student Success Civic Engagement Financial Wellness Career and Workforce Development Policy and Advocacy Supporting the Profession Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Region II AVP or "Number Two" Faculty Graduate Mid-Level New Professional Senior Level Undergraduate VP for Student Affairs

Join us as NASPA Region II heads back to New York City for the first time since 2018! Be a part of a signature professional development experience as we share innovative ideas, explore emerging topics in student affairs, and develop professional connections at the annual NASPA Region II Conference. This experience will give student affairs professionals the opportunity to strengthen skills, acquire knowledge, and develop meaningful connections with peers and colleagues.

Download our conference app for the most detailed, up-to-date schedule by clicking here.  

Registration is now LIVE -- Early-bird rates will expire on April 15, 2023


Presented By

Region 2

Featured Speakers

Steve Burns


Actor, Steve from Blue’s Clues, and Musician

Read his bio here


Dr. Ilyasah Shabazz


Daughter of Malcolm X, Professor, and Author
Read her bio here




Download our conference app for the most detailed, up-to-date schedule by clicking here.  

Day 1
June 5
Day 2
June 6
Day 3
June 7
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Pre-Conference Check-In

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

SUNY VP Meeting

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Pre-Conference: New Professionals & Graduate Students

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Pre-Conference: Mid-Level Managers

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Pre-Conference: Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAO) & Assistant Vice Presidents (AVP)

1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Pre-Conference: VPSA/AVP Institute

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Conference Registration & Information Desk Open

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

First Time Attendees Meeting

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Welcome & Opening Keynote

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Welcome Reception (on-site)

9:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Late Night Gathering (off-site)

6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

SA Fit: Spin @ CycleBar Flatiron

7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Breakfast on Your Own

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Conference Registration & Information Desk Open

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sensory Space Open

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

SUNY Chief Student Affairs Officers Meeting

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Exhibit Hall Open

9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

Education Session Block 1

10:00 AM - 10:50 AM

Education Session Block 2

11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Education Session Block 3

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Featured Speaker

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Coffee Break (sponsored by Balfour)

2:45 PM - 3:35 PM

Education Session Block 4

3:45 PM - 4:35 PM

Education Session Block 5

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Dinner on Your Own

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Evening Conference Social (off-site)

8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Late Night Gathering (off-site)

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

SA Fit: Brooklyn Bridge Walk

7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Breakfast on Your Own

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Sensory Space Open

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM

Education Session Block 6

9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

Education Session Block 7

10:30 AM - 11:20 AM

Education Block Session 8

11:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Closing Session & Panel Discusssion

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Travel Safe Snack Bar


We encourage conference attendees to consider joining us on Monday, June 5, 2023 for one of our three engaging pre-conferences. Please view the schedules below. 

New Professionals & Graduate Students

  • 10:00am: Welcome and Introductions
  • 10:30am: Living Your Purpose: Leading with Purpose and Intentionality 
  • 11:30am: Let's Talk About It: Wellness & Burnout
  • 12:30pm: Lunch Panel with Senior Student Affairs Officers & VPSAs
  • 1:45pm: Break
  • 2:00pm: Making the Most of your NASPA Membership
  • 3:00pm: Charting Your Professional Journey
  • 3:45pm: Closing
  • 4:00pm: First Time Attendee Orientation (recommended for first-time conference attendees)
  • 4:30pm: Event End

**Sponsored by New York University

  • 10:00am: Welcome and Introductions
  • 10:15am: Introduction to the competencies – Discussion on what is important for mid-managers
  • 11:00am: Competency #1: Leading and Influencing from the Middle: Managing up and across
  • 12:00pm: Lunch Break
  • 1:00pm: Competency #2: Team Development: Supervision, Making Tough Decisions, Addressing Conflict
  • 2:00pm: Competency #3: Strategic Planning and Imparting Change: What is the Future of Student Affairs and where do Mid-Managers fit in? Review of the Compass Report priorities
  • 2:45pm: Break
  • 3:00pm: Senior Student Affairs Officer Panel Discussion
  • 3:45pm: Final Reflection/Question/Action Plan going forward
  • 4:30pm: Event End

Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAO) & Assistant Vice Presidents (AVP) 
**Sponsored by Virtual Care Group

  • 1:00pm: Welcome and Introductions 
  • 1:15pm: Campus Context: (Continuing to) Lead in Challenging Times
  • 2:00pm: Advancing Anti-Racism Strategy on Campus (NADOHE)
  • 3:30pm: Student Wellbeing (sponsored by the Virtual Care Group): Partnering to Care for the Well-Being Needs of your Campus Community
  • 4:00pm: Event End

*Note: Schedules are subject to change



Conference registration is now open!

If you are not a current member and are employed by a college or university that is an institutional member, you can join as a professional affiliate member for $80. If your institution is NOT a member, you can join as an associate affiliate member for $250. Both membership types provide access to the individual member rate for the event. Please visit the membership section of the NASPA website to learn more about membership types and benefits. We hope you’ll consider joining today!

Registration Fees
Early Bird
(March 1 - April 15)
$275 $475 $125 $155 $200 $275
(April 16 - May 15)
$325 $525 $155 $186 $225 $300
(May 16 - June 7)
$395 $595 $205 $235 $250 $325


Registration as a member is based on individual membership status at the time of the event. If your current membership will expire prior to the event, you will have the option to renew at the time of registration to receive the member rate.

Refunds will be given for cancellations, received in writing by May 29, 2023, less a $50.00 processing fee. In addition, a processing fee of $50.00 per registration will be charged for credit cards declined. For a comprehensive listing of NASPA registration policies, please visit this page

If you have any additional questions, please email us at registration@naspa.org. 

Conference Housing & Hotels

On-Campus Housing  -  NO LONGER AVAILABLE
We are pleased to announce that Region II has partnered with Pace University's Office of Residence Life to offer low-cost, on-campus housing. On-campus housing reservations are on a first-come, first-reserve basis and must be reserved before April 21, 2023. Please note, you must be registered for the conference in order to reserve a space. Failure to register for the conference before reserving on-campus housing will result in a reservation cancellation.  To make a reservation, please click here and you will be directed to Pace University's Housing Accomodation Request Form. 

 Cost Per Night:

  • Single Occupancy: $130.00
  • Double Occupancy: $90.00

Hotel Options
Pace University has established relationships with local hotels who have agreed to honor promotional codes for conference attendees. Please utilize the below information when booking. 

Name Address Promotional Code Hotel Star Avg/Night Distance from Pace
Moxy NYC Downtown** 26 Ann Street Special Rate Code: PU2 4-star hotel $365 avg/night 0.2 mile
Placemakr, Wall Street** 110 Wall Street Special Rate Code: PACEU22 4-star hotel $327.5 avg/night 0.6 mile
The Beekman 123 Nassau Street
Corporate Code: PACE 5-star hotel $609 avg/night 0.1 mile
Hampton Inn-Seaport 320 Pearl Street Corporate Account #0000925496 3-star hotel $290 avg/night 0.3 mile
Holiday Inn Financial District 51 Nassau Street Corporate ID #100203474 4-star hotel $261 avg/night 0.3 mile
Mint House Hotel 70 Pine Street Special Rate Code: UNIV 4-star hotel $377 avg/night 0.5 mile
Residence Inn by Marriott World Trade 170 Broadway at Maiden Lane Special Offer for Pace University –15% off Best Available Rate 4-star hotel $381 avg/night 0.3 mile
Soho 54 Hotel 54 Watts Street Promo Code: PACE 3-star hotel $275 avg/night 1.1 mile
**indicates verified hotel by conference committee


Thank you to our generous partners for sponsoring the 2023 Region II NASPA Conference.

Pace University
*A special thank you to Pace University for serving as our top sponsor and conference host for 2023.
City Experiences Platinum
Farmer's Fridge Platinum 
APB Speakers Platinum 
PocketRA Platinum
The Virtual Care Group Platinum
EdSights Platinum
Forbes Marketing Platinum
New York University Platinum
Room 3 NYC Silver
SUNY Student Conduct Institute Silver
Balfour Silver
Hofstra University Bronze
Skyfactor/MacMillan Bronze
Grand River Solutions Bronze
FUN Enterprises Bronze
Shore Design Bronze
Inkwell Global Marketing Bronze
Promotions & Unicorns Bronze
Christopher Street Tours Bronze
TELUS Health Bronze
RecRe Bronze
Barry's Bootcamp Bronze

For questions, please contact: Elizabeth Koch elizabethk@cmu.edu or Paul Ferrante pferrante674@gmail.com, Region II Conference Sponsorship Co-Chairs


Pace University, NYC Campus

New York City, NY

One Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038

In an effort to make this conference as accessible as possible, the Conference Committee is actively working to provide local and affordable hotel options near Pace University in addition to a limited number of bed spaces on-campus. Check back in January 2023 for information about hotels and on-campus accommodations.

Conference Committee

We are grateful for the volunteer service of the 2023 Conference Committee members. Their names, committee assignments, and institutions are listed below.




Severino Randazzo 2023 Conference Co-Chair Hofstra University
Tiffany Hughes 2023 Conference Co-Chair Columbia University School of Professional Studies
Scott Sheehan Assessment Rochester Institute of Technology
Eric Cottrell Chief of Staff University of Pennsylvania
Paul Ferrente Corporate Sponsorships New York Institute of Technology, Long Island
Elizabeth Koch Corporate Sponsorships Carnegie Mellon University
Melissa Mayard Featured Speakers Columbia University School of Professional Studies
Evelyn Ortega Featured Speakers New Jersey City University
Jamie Baldwin First Time Attendees New York University
Chrissy Feil First Time Attendees Rowan University
Scott Siegel - Ortiz Local Arrangements Columbia Business School
Anna Zinko Local Arrangements Adelphi University
Whitney Hedgepeth Marketing & Promotions Teachers College, Columbia University
Patrick Bussiere MyNASPA App Westminster College
Sharne Dillard-Parrish On-Site Logistics Pace University
Gabrielle "Abby" Lester On-Site Logistics Pace University
Tava Bingham Pre-Conference New York University
Gustavo Nascimento Pre-Conference Syracuse University
Kim Harvey Programming Nazareth College
Michael Thompkins Programming Ursinus College
Ashley Adams Registration Community College of Baltimore County, Essex Campus
Gabby Colageo Social Media Berklee College of Music
Kelsey Matukas Volunteer Coordinator West Chester University
Nicole Zisa Volunteer Coordinator Columbia Business School