Mobilizing Conservative Christian Students in Racial Justice Discourse and Action
Virtual Live Briefings Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Spirituality and Religion in Higher Education Mid-Level New Professional
April 26, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST
Pre-Recorded Session with Live Discussion and Q&A with the presenter.
Evangelical students can be reluctant to engage in issues of racial justice, with political, ethnic, and religious identities influencing their posture towards systemic racism. However, these students' religious world-views can offer an on-ramp into conversation and action. The presenter will explore frameworks for engaging Evangelical students, as well as consider ways student development professionals, chaplains, and campus ministries can collaborate in racial justice work.
Any questions about this event should be directed to Janelle Rahyns - [email protected] - (202) 921-4507
Registration is Free.