Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Interstate Passport: Streamlining Transfer for Increased Student Success

Virtual Engagement Events Student Success

Interstate Passport is a transformative program that makes transfer more affordable and efficient for students. A national approach, it enables block transfer of lower-division general education attainment based on agreed upon student learning outcomes. Although general education courses and credits vary widely among institutions, there is a high level of agreement about the expected student learning outcomes of a general education program of studies. Students who earn a Passport at one Interstate Passport Network member institution are recognized as having completed all lower-division general education requirements at any other Network institution, eliminating the need for course-by-course articulation of those courses after transfer.
According to the National Student Clearinghouse, approximately 37 percent of today’s students transfer at least once, and 24 percent of those students transfer to another state. Too often transfer students lose credits, have to repeat or take additional general education courses, and thus spend additional time and money to complete their degrees, or don’t complete a degree at all – challenges that are even more acute for low-income students, underrepresented students, military students, in particular due to the challenges Covid-19. 
Interstate Passport responds to students’ changing needs by prioritizing innovation at a time that calls on all of us to find more effective and efficient strategies to support the success of both students who are normally most likely to transfer as well as the many students caught up in the pandemic who will need to transfer or to stop out and return later to a different institution. As of May 2020, after its fourth year of operation, over 49,000 Passports have been awarded and robust tracking system evaluates Passport student progress after transfer.
Goals of Live Briefing
As a result of this live briefing, attendees will:

  • learn about the background and theoretical basis of the Interstate Passport;
  • understand how Interstate Passport prevents credit loss for all students and institutions, and especially for low-income students, underrepresented students, military students, as well as the changing needs of students who will need to transfer due to Covid-19 challenges;
  • engage with the data analysis, to date, that demonstrates the success of Passport students post-transfer;
  • know the requirements for and process of becoming an Interstate Passport Network member institution.

Presented By



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Contact Information
Registration Issues/Questions:  
NASPA Main Office - (202) 265-7500
Program Questions/General Information:
Joseph DeSanto Jones - (202) 903-0654
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Captioning Assistance

Text Captioning Support: NASPA kindly requests five business days notice for captioning requests. Please contact Joseph DeSanto Jones to request text captioning. If your registration is received within the five business days prior to the live event, you will be contacted by NASPA staff.