Emerging Practices in Campus Mental Health Services
Virtual Live Briefings Health, Safety, and Well-being AVP or "Number Two" Senior Level VP for Student Affairs
July 28, 2020 1:00 - 2:00 pm EDT
Between 2009 and 2015, campus counseling center utilization increased at five times the rate of enrollment growth. Furthermore, with anxiety and depression rising among teenagers, there is no reason to believe this trend will subside. Then, earlier this year, the coronavirus pandemic hit and created new, or amplified existing, challenges institutions face related to mental health services: budgets shrank and demand surged.
Join four senior student affairs practitioners from a variety of institutional types for this session during which the presenters will examine the various tools and resources some campuses are implementing to supplement their traditional counseling services in order to meet the escalating demand.
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This event has been sponsered by the NASPA Community College Division. We invite you to learn more about the Division and to join this enriching dialogue. Reserve your seat by registering today.