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2020 NASPA Virtual Highlights

Workshop Supporting the Profession


The community development and collective rejuvenation that characterizes the NASPA Annual Conference was regrettably unavailable to us this year—for only the second time in over a century. Our 2020 NASPA Virtual Highlights were developed to provide the NASPA family an opportunity to engage with exceptional learning and virtual community building, both live and OnDemand.

Presented By

Emerging Professionals Highlights

The NASPA Virtual Conference for Emerging Professionals is an "unconference" experience that is anchored by presentations from our Graduate Associate Program and the Undergraduate Student Conference. This virtual experience will be offered on Thursdays from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST and will be a mix of presentation, Twitter Chats with the hashtag #SAChat, and networking. Although the experience is open to all members and non-members, the content will be especially relevant to undergraduate students, graduate students, and new professionals.

Please see below for the call information. Please feel free to join as your schedule allows. 

This is the Meeting Link to join virtually.

Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

               +1(470)8692200,,1485120099# (US East)
               +1(623)4049000,,1485120099# (US West)
               +1(720)9027700,,1485120099# (US Central)
               +1(773)2319226,,1485120099# (US North)
               +1(469)4450100,,1485120099# (US South)

Meeting ID: 148 512 0099

International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference

Sessions are still being confirmed, so please continue to access this page for updates.

April 2
April 9
April 16
April 23
April 30
May 7
May 14
1:00 PM - 2:00 AM

Processing the Impact of COVID-19 Twitter Chat


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

#SAChat host: Angela Delfine is a Residence Hall Coordinator at West Virginia University. She received her Student Affairs in Higher Education Master's degree at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in May of 2019. She previously worked as a Graduate Area Coordinator at The University of Pittsburgh Johnstown, PA from July 2017-May 2019, Hall Director at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN from July 2014-June 2017. Follow her blog at https://thatstudentaffairslife.wordpress.com/ and on twitter at @AngelaDelfine24.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Know Your NASPA: NASPA Member Benefits


Video Recording available here.

Danny Anzueto, Associate Director, Recruitment, Engagement, and Volunteerism, NASPA
Jordana Taylor, Associate Director, Recruitment, Engagement, and Volunteerism, NASPA

The presenters will share foundation NASPA Membership and Engagement information to attendees to inform them about the benefits of NASPA as an organization. Attendees will learn about NASPA's history, the wide-range of NASPA's programming and initiatives, and a look at the future of the organization as NASPA enters its next 100 years as the leading organization for student affairs and higher education professionals and advocates.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The Virtual Job Search


Video recording available here.

Kirsten Freeman Fox, Director, The Placement Exchange
Jacob McAbee, Program Coordinator, The Placement Exchange

After the rousing success of The Placement Exchange Virtual, join the TPE staff to learn how to translate what traditionally has been in an in-person experience to virtual. Building off the insights from employers still looking for candidates, hear tips and tricks (and be prepared to ask questions)!

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

From Access to Success: Perspectives on First-Generation Success Through Pre-Collegiate Outreach


Video recording available here.

Juan Cabrera, Resident Director, The University of Oklahoma

Pre-Collegiate outreach programs continue to provide underrepresented students access and opportunity to higher education. This presentation presents data collected from a 5-week academic summer residential program to rising high school seniors. All student participants and staff are first-generation students, with over 90% participants and 95% staff identifying as racially and ethnically underrepresented. The main goal of this presentation is to highlight perspectives on pre-collegiate outreach by participants and staff that explores motivation, resources, sense of belonging, and identity that can help build stronger programming to better prepare students for matriculation into higher education beyond academic enhancement.

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

Who Moved My Cheese: Navigating Culture Change


Video recording available here.

Laura Randolph, Director, New Student Orientation and Family Programs, Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Higher education is a complex organization that is rapidly changing with, and against, our current global climate. We may find ourselves wanting to change more rapidly than our organization. It is critical we understand our organization's norms and rituals to be most effective change agents. This session will unpack how to analyze your organization's culture; identify where the interests, conflicts, and power resides; and learn ways to be effective change agents within the organizational culture.

3:40 PM - 3:50 PM


3:50 PM - 4:30 PM

Working Remotely With NASPA's Recruitment, Engagement, and Volunteerism (REV) Team


Video recording available here.

Danny Anzueto, Associate Director, REV, NASPA
Colleen Dougherty, Program Coordinator, REV, NASPA
Jordana Taylor, Associate Director, REV, NASPA
Nathan Victoria, Senior Director, REV, NASPA

Working remotely seems to be the new norm for many across the country today. Spend some time with NASPA's Recruitment, Engagement, and Volunteerism (REV) Team to learn how they have managed working remotely for the past four years. With a mix of fully remote, part-time remote, and central office staff, the REV Team has managed to develop virtual and in-person programming for our member, and create community within their team. The REV Team will share best practices on how to work with, manage, and supervise remote staff members.

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Chatty Hour

Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Twitter Chat - Digital Engagement During COVID-19


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

Angela Delfine is a Residence Hall Coordinator at West Virginia University. She received her Student Affairs in Higher Education Master's degree at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in May of 2019. She previously worked as a Graduate Area Coordinator at The University of Pittsburgh Johnstown, PA from July 2017-May 2019, Hall Director at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN from July 2014-June 2017. Follow her blog at https://thatstudentaffairslife.wordpress.com/ and on twitter at @AngelaDelfine24.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Know Your NASPA - Graduate Associate Program (GAP)


Video recording available here.

The NASPA Graduate Associate Program (GAP) is an initiative to increase leadership opportunities of graduate students within NASPA.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

TPE and Job Searching - Building Virtual Connections and an Online Professional Presence


Video recording available here.

The Placement Exchange is your definitive resource for the Student Affairs job placement process. With dynamic, online information, powerful networking opportunities, and a first-class job placement event, The Placement Exchange is dedicated to helping candidates find that perfect job and helping institutions find that perfect hire.

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Social Media & Leadership: Cultivating Student Leaders to Curate an Authentic Digital Identity


Video recording available here.

Christopher Perez, Student Activities Coordinator, Compton College

In today's connected world, one's digital identity has become increasingly important when being considered for personal and professional opportunities. Establishing your digital identity can set you apart, demonstrating both your tech-savviness and your commitment to creating an authentic identity, both online and offline. Learn how to curate and cultivate a digital identity utilizing social media.

3:20 PM - 4:00 PM

Chatty Hour

Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Twitter Chat - Remote Access and Inclusion


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

This SAChat will focus on access and inclusion for students and professionals while working remotely. How are #SApros and #SAGrads able to support and advocate for their students? What support systems are in place for students? What resources are available for #SAPros and #SAGrads looking to create equitable virtual spaces?

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Know Your NASPA - College Autism Network


Video recording available here.

Lee Burdette Williams
Senior Director for Mental Health Initiatives
NASPA College Autism Network

College Autism Network (CAN), a NASPA Initiatve, has a three-part mission to promote research about college students with autism, to provide training for faculty and staff who interact with them, and to advocate for institutions to figure out what it means to be “autism-friendly.”

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

TPE - Job Searching While [insert identity].


Video recording available here.

Kirby R. Gibson
Assistant Director of Residence Education
Michigan State University

Meg Sunga
Digital Education Creator

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Facing the Jabberwocky: How Student Affairs Work Taught Me to Thrive Through the "Impossible"


Video recording available here.

O'Keefe Johnson
UGA Creswell Graduate Resident
University of Georgia

Everyone has a " jabberwocky" to face - a dragon that seems horrifying and impossible to defeat. Perhaps it is a job search, an impending conversation, or a heartache or trauma caused by situations out of your control. The work we do as student affairs professionals is laden with the interactions between mentor and student where the student must face their own " jabberwocky." However, the presenter of this program will share what it looks like for us as professionals to take up our swords and face our own fears.

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

Women Empowering Women In Student Affairs


Video recording available here.

Jasmine Zenn
MSC CAMAC Graduate Assistant
Texas A&M University

Wondering how you can support women in your office and female students you work with, or how you can find support for yourself? In this session, presenters will empower attendees to engage and discuss how women develop self-awareness, navigate difficult conversations, build a supportive network, and understand team dynamics. As female higher education professionals, the presenters would like to share the importance and power of women lifting up one another in the workplace.

3:40 PM - 3:50 PM


3:50 PM - 4:10 PM

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in Conservative Environments


Video recording available here.

Sarahina Borgia
Hall Director
Stephen F. Austin State University

Sexual minorities encounter unique challenges due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression that can prevent them from achieving their full academic potential or participating fully in the campus community. LGBTQIA+ students face daily discrimination caused by gender-exclusive policies and practices: residence halls, bathrooms, records, programming, and training. The presenters will focus on ways institutions with social and community restrictions can begin creating an inclusive environment for their LGBTQ+ population.

4:10 PM - 4:30 PM

Dear brown skin girl you are more than enough!


Video recording available here.

Laquala Coleman
Dean of Students
Jackson State University

The presenter attended Predominantly White Institutions for undergrad and graduate school. The presenter went on to work for multiple PWIs, where the presenter faced numerous challenges as a young, black, Student Affairs professional woman. The presenter will outline her life's journey from a Hall Director to her current role, as a Dean of Students. All in all, the presenter will empower brown skin girls that aspire to work in the field of Student Affairs to continue to rise above adversity, in an effort to reach their goals. To the brown skin girl that may read this, you are more than enough!

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Chatty Hour


Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Twitter SAChat - Virtual #SAGrad Experience


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

This #SAChat will focus on the virtual #SAGrad experience from searching for a program, deciding on a program, and what a virtual experience is like for #SAGrad students, including classes, internships, and jobs.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Know Your NASPA - NUFP


Video recording available here

Angela Clark
Associate Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Initiatives

By mentoring students from traditionally underrepresented and historically disenfranchised populations, this semi-structured program diversifies and broadens the pipeline of our profession. Students and mentors apply as a pair. If accepted into the program, students are then known as Fellows and have opportunities for scholarships, on-campus mentorship, and professional development events.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

TPE Presentation - Asking All The Questions: Questions to Ask During Interviews


Video recording available here.

Brenda Ice
Assistant Dean and Director of Campus Life
Scripps College

Unsure what to ask employers in interviews? How many is too many?  How many is not enough?  Get all your questions ... about questions ... answered! 

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Navigating the Student Affairs Graduate School Application and Interview Process


Video recording available here.

Krista Bailey
Clinical Associate Professor
Texas A&M University

Glenda Musoba
Associate Professor
Texas A&M University

Kelli Peck Parrott
Associate Director - Clinical Professor and Program Leader
University of Florida

Ricardo Montelongo
Assistant Professor
Sam Houston State University

The search for a master's graduate program can be daunting and sometimes feel overwhelming. Join a panel of faculty members from diverse institutions who will help to demystify the search for a program. The panel will discuss the application process, identify key differences between graduate programs, and help attendees determine the factors that matter the most to them in the search process. Ultimately, attendees will feel better prepared to navigate the graduate program search.


3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

Meet Culture of Respect


Video recording available here.

Alli Tombros Korman
Senior Director, Culture of Respect

Jennifer Henkle
Program Manager, Culture of Respect


Culture of Respect is NASPA’s signature initiative for supporting colleges and universities in ending sexual violence. During this presentation, senior director Allison Tombros Korman and program manager Jennifer Henkle will introduce Culture of Respect’s approach to ending campus sexual violence; share signature tools and resources, many of which are available to colleges and universities at no cost; and discuss how every campus stakeholder, including students and new professionals, have an essential role to play in the work of fostering a culture of respect.

3:40 PM - 4:10 PM

True Life: I thought being an #SAgrad would be easier


Video recording available here.

Heather Stevens
Assistant Director, Student Advocacy & Divisional Initiatives
University of Miami

Whitney Platzer O'Regan
Assistant Dean of Students & Director of the William W. Sandler, Jr. Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Education
University of Miami

Together we will talk about the behaviors that can make or break your graduate assistantship experience from office nuances to mismatched expectations. Paraprofessionals roles can be hard to balance with school, join us to maximize your learning and feel empowered to be an amazing #SAGrad. The presenters will share real experiences and challenges they have encountered as former grads and current supervisors.


4:10 PM - 4:30 PM

Chatty Hour

Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Twitter SAChat - Unpacking the #Firstgen Experience Amid a National Crisis


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

Many institutions have transitioned to remote learning but have they intentionally considered one of the largest subsect -- first-gen students? During this #SAChat we aim to unpack the #firstgen experience and identify strategies to support #firstgen students during this time.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Connecting with the Center for First-generation Student Success


Video recording available here.

Sarah E. Whitley, Ph.D.
Senior Director
Center for First-generation Student Success

Deana Waintraub Stafford
Assistant Director
Center for First-generation Student Success

The Center for First-generation Student Success (Center) is an initiative of NASPA and The Suder Foundation. The Center is the premier source of evidence-based practices, professional development, and knowledge creation for the higher education community to advance the success of first-generation students. During this time we will share more information about the Center and resources to support your work.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

TPE Presentation - Transitioning in a Time of Change and Uncertainty

Video recording available here.

Josh Hartman
Director of Residential Life & Learning
Tufts University

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Fireside Chat: Finding Success in an Online Program


Video recording available here.

Delasia Rice
Graduate Student
SUNY Brockport

Jordana Taylor
Associate Director, Recruitment, Engagement, and Volunteerism

In these extraordinary times, many have had to shift to working online 100% whether for school or for work.  This shift has not always been the easiest and some platforms have not been as intuitive to use.  But some have already worked and learned in this virtual space and have found successful means of feeling connected and engaged.  Join Delasia Rice, a rising second-year Master’s student at SUNY Brockport’s Higher Education Administration online program as she chats with NASPA’s Jordana Taylor about seeking out an online master’s program, her strategies for success and organization, and what she sees as the evolving nature of online learning, especially after our current events.

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

What They Don’t Tell You: Tips Tricks for Navigating Grad School SA


Video recording available here.

Melanie Harris

Andraelya Moody

With more than 5,000 colleges in the US, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of student affairs. This interactive session will equip you with tips and tricks to navigate entering the student affairs field. The presenters will provide insight into their experiences in the field from undergrad to mid-level management through “traditional” and “nontraditional” routes. This program will also provide an opportunity for reflective conversation and establishing meaningful connections.

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

Chatty Hour


Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Twitter #SAChat - The Future of Student Affairs


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

This SA Chat will focus on the near future of student affairs and higher education as institutions begin to roll out their anticipated plans for the 2020-2021 academic year.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Know Your NASPA - Knowledge Communities


Video recording available here.

Matt Clifford
Assistant Vice President for Campus Life and Dean of Residence Life and Housing
Wake Forest University

Knowledge Communities (KC) are member-driven networks that empower you to explore key topics, professional functions, and personal identities alongside other student affairs educators . KC members support community-curated resources, opportunities to leverage expertise into meaningful initiatives, and participation in developing strategies and tactics to advance key higher ed issues.

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

TPE Presentation - The Waiting Game: Why haven't they reached out?


Video recording available here.

Jacob McAbee
Program Coordinator
The Placement Exchange

It's now May and you STILL haven’t heard anything. Don’t fret! Many candidates are in the same boat and are fixated on waiting by the phone (or computer) to hear a response. At least I was. The post-interview wait can be agonizing, especially if you feel like you did very well. Some of you may have heard back from employers, and that’s great! For those of you who still haven’t heard anything, we will discuss the reasons why that may be!

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Authoring Your Specialist or Generalist Journey in Student Affairs


Video recording available here.

Kevin Carey
Director of Student Involvement
Illinois Wesleyan University

Marjorie Miller
Assistant Director of Student Involvement
Illinois Wesleyan University

The purpose of this presentation is to help students navigate their self-authorship as they consider entering the student affairs profession. Students will be able to process through the four elements of self-authorship to explore formulas, crossroads, authoring one's life, and building an internal foundation as applied to the student affairs profession. Together, we will discuss and reflect generalist and specialist roles in student affairs through exploring areas of challenge, comfort, and the unknown and continue to author your journey.


3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

Dismantling Oppression: Developing Critical Consciousness through Social Justice Advocacy and Cultural Competence


Video recording available here.

Sean Hembrick
Coordinator, Equity & Inclusive Excellence
Auburn University

Many students understand the importance of Social Justice however, many fail to understand how to combat systems that continue to perpetuate inequality. Critical Consciousness is the ability to recognize and analyze systems of inequality and the commitment to take action against these systems. Utilizing key concepts in Social Justice Advocacy and a Cultural Competency for Social Justice; the presenter intends to help prospective student affairs graduate students implement Critical Consciousness in creating a sense of urgency starting to dismantle systems of oppression.

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

It Ain’t Always Easy: How Do I Relate to and Support Students with Different Values Beliefs and Identities


Video recording available here.

Neffertia Tyner
Assistant Community Coordinator
Kansas State University

Equity and Inclusion training educate us about identities our students hold, things we can do to support them, and ways we can challenge our biases but they often miss something important. They miss the reality of feeling oppressed and sometimes uncomfortable when working with students. The presenter will provoke honest conversations about student groups you may find hard to support and encourage discussion about ways to protect your identities while offering the support students deserve.

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

Chatty Hour


Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Twitter Chat - Care, Compassion, and COVID-19


Utilize the hashtag #SAChat to join this chat. 

As we continue to move forward in uncertain times, this SAChat will have partiicpants reflecting on the importance of compassion, caring, and understanding, for both themselves and others. At the best of times, it is easy to feel lost and confused as to what steps to take next and how to focus. During this time, we'll reflect on what has worked, what hasn't, and how we can continue to help each other moving forward.

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Know Your NASPA - NASPA's grant-funded work


Video recording available here.

Amy Geist
Director of Strategic Initiatives

Alexa Wesley
Associate Director of Research and Policy

NASPA’s Research and Policy Institute intentionally links research, policy, and effective student affairs practice in support of student success and the strategic priorities of the Association. Additionally, NASPA receives grants from funders in order to conduct additional research and develop resources for the field. Come learn about some examples of this grant-funded work


2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

TPE Presentation - "Hire" Education: Redesigning your Future as an #SAPro


Video recording available here.

Kirsten Fox
The Placement Exchange

As COVID-19 continues to impact Higher Education and Student Affairs, particularly in terms of job availability, graduate students and new professionals searching for jobs must look differently towards opportunities. This session will focus on how to stay relevant and connected in the field, while also providing some practical tips for both immediate future and longer-term professional planning.

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

Three Words: Yes, You. Belong!


Video recording available here.

Demarcus Merritt
Assistant Director, Staff Recruitment and Training & Inclusion
Housing and Residence Life
UNC Greensboro

With what seems a continually racially dividing country, the need for the reaffirming and confirming of the fact that there is not only a place but a purpose for you as an aspiring professional of color and leader in this field is more critical than ever. I will share my journey from tripping into the field of student affairs as a should have been fired graduate hall director to now a confident and impacting professional that has built nearly a 10 year career. Student leaders will be empowered and encouraged to treasure their ticket (themselves) and prepare accordingly to impact this field boldly and authentically! Yes, Yes, Yes & YOU BELONG!

3:20 PM - 3:40 PM

No Pressure, No Diamonds: Leaning into taxing growth using challenge and support theory


Video recording available here.

Jose David Melendez
Graduate Supervisor w/ Residential Life
Indiana University

Challenges that expand the boundaries of one's comfort zone allows for new perspectives to be absorbed, which can lead to various degrees of growth within one's own self. While it is important to identify one's own strengths and champion them into everyday work, it is also important to identify the areas that we may not be fully knowledgeable/comfortable in. The presenter will invite participants into maximizing these areas of discomfort by illustrating how challenge and support theory looks like in practice through a graduate school anecdote.

3:40 PM - 4:00 PM

Chatty Hour


Join us for Chatty Hour to discuss various topics impacting Student Affairs today. Each session will be an opportunity to network with other colleagues across the country.

Keynote Speakers

Selected #NASPAhighlights Recordings

Community Meetings Schedule

April 6
April 7
April 8
April 9
April 10
March 30
March 31
April 1
April 2
April 3
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wellness & Health Promotion Knowledge Community Meeting

Interested attendees should register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4903174653353252875

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

International Education Knowledge Community Open Business Meeting



Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
           +1(773)2319226 (US North)
           +1(469)4450100 (US South)
    Meeting ID: 148 668 6126

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Sustainability Knowledge Community Open Meeting



Or Telephone:

  • US: +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)
  • +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)

Meeting ID: 148 798 8237

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

LBTQIA Womxn's Virtual Connection


Sponsored by the Gender & Sexuality Knowledge Community


Or Telephone:

  • US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 202 719 1195

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community Leadership Bootcamp



Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
           +1(773)2319226 (US North)
           +1(469)4450100 (US South)
    Meeting ID: 148 668 6126

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Region II Open Business Meeting



Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

Meeting ID: 705 785 2580 

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Region V Business Meeting


Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
    US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
           +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
           +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 148 295 3895

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

New Professionals and Graduate Student Knowledge Community Open Business Meeting and NASPA Now Awards Ceremony



Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1(773)2319226 (US North)
           +1(469)4450100 (US South)
           +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
    Meeting ID: 149 036 9196

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Region IV-West Advisory and Business Meeting


Open meeting for Region IV-West Advisory Board and Business Meeting.

2 pm - 4 pm CST, 3 pm - 5 pm EST


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1486029582


Or iPhone one-tap :

    US: +1(470)8692200,,1486029582# (US East)

           +1(623)4049000,,1486029582# (US West)

           +1(720)9027700,,1486029582# (US Central)

           +1(773)2319226,,1486029582# (US North)

           +1(469)4450100,,1486029582# (US South)

Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

    US: +1(470)8692200 (US East)

           +1(623)4049000 (US West)

           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)

           +1(773)2319226 (US North)

           +1(469)4450100 (US South)

    Meeting ID: 148 602 9582

    International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community General Assembly



Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location in the US): 

  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)
  • +1(469)4450100 (US South)

Meeting ID: 148 149 9724

International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Sexual & Relationship Violence Prevention, Education, & Response Knowledge Community Business Meeting



Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

  • US: +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)
  • +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)

Meeting ID: 148 798 8237

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Trans and Queer Professionals of Color Virtual Connection


Sponsored by the Gender & Sexuality Knowledge Community


Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

    US: +1(623)4049000 (US West)

           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)

           +1(773)2319226 (US North)

           +1(469)4450100 (US South)

           +1(470)8692200 (US East)

    Meeting ID: 149 979 4708

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

MultiRacial Knowledge Community Open Business Meeting



Or Telephone:

  • US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 202 719 1195

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Socioeconomic and Class Issues in Higher Education Knowledge Community Open Business Meeting and Awards Recognition


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/1499367302

 Or Telephone:

Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location in the US):

  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)
  • +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)

Meeting ID: 149 936 7302

International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference

11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

NASPA Small Colleges and Universities Division Advisory Board Meeting

This is a closed meeting for members of the Small Colleges and Universities Division Advisory Board. Board members will receive login information from James Stascavage (jstascavage@naspa.org). 

3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

NASPA Advisory Services Reviewer Meeting

This is a closed meeting for NASPA Advisory Services reviewers, who received login information already. Questions: jdesantojones@naspa.org

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Gender & Sexuality Knowledge Community Leadership Retreat




  • US: +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)
  • +1(469)4450100 (US South)

Meeting ID: 148 174 5676

2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Gathering of NASPA Indigenous Peoples Knowledge Community Relations (IPKC Closed Leadership Meeting)

This meeting is for the Indigenous Peoples Knowledge Community leadership team, who will receive log-in information from the KC chairs. 

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Student-Athlete Knowledge Community Business Meeting


Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
    US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
           +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
           +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 148 295 3895

3:45 PM - 4:45 PM

NASPA Advisory Services Steering Committee Meeting

This is a closed meeting for NASPA Advisory Services Steering Committee Members, who received login information already. Questions: jdesantojones@naspa.org

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

NASPA Annual Business Meeting


Join your colleagues for the virtual version of the 2020 NASPA ANnual Business Meeting. This meeting is open to all members of the Association. Connect with current and future leaders at the organization's annual business meeting. Help us thank Denzil Suite for his service to the organization and welcome Angela Batista as this year's Board Chair. Join in to learn about the Association's leadership, finance and operations, and what is in store for the future of the organization.

Click here to register.

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice Business Meeting

This is a closed meeting for JSARP Editors, who will receive login information separately. Questions: mdahne@naspa.org

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Knowledge Community Social



Or Telephone:

  • US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 202 719 1195

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

NASPA James E. Scott Academy Advisory Board Meeting

Board members will receive login information from James Stascavage (jstascavage@naspa.org). 

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Student Career Development Knowledge Community Business Meeting

Interested attendees should register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8527816988898095371

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Higher Education's Role in Restoring Environmental Justice


NASPA’s Sustainability Knowledge Community (SKC) is proud to host an interactive dialogue that will get to the heart of our field’s collective call to action. With environmental justice issues like equitable housing, clean water, and yes, quality education, higher education is well positioned to create the societal change that can uplift our communities. Join us to learn more about the sustainability efforts from higher education leaders and national environmental justice movements relevant to student affairs professionals.


Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +1(773)2319226,,1490369196# (US North)
           +1(469)4450100,,1490369196# (US South)
           +1(470)8692200,,1490369196# (US East)
           +1(623)4049000,,1490369196# (US West)
           +1(720)9027700,,1490369196# (US Central)
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1(773)2319226 (US North)
           +1(469)4450100 (US South)
           +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
    Meeting ID: 149 036 9196

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

NASPA AVP Steering Committee Meeting

This is a closed meeting for members of the NASPA AVP Steering Committee Meeting, who will receive login information from James Stascavage (jstascavage@naspa.org). 

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Parent & Family Relations Knowledge Community Open Meeting



Or Telephone:

  • US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 202 719 1195

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Region II Advisory Board Meeting

This is a closed meeting for the Region II Advisory Board members, who received login information already. Questions: tsmithbergollo@pace.edu

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Gender & Sexuality Knowledge Community Open Meeting; Trans Inclusion



Or Telephone:

  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)
  • +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)

Meeting ID: 149 890 7613

International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Orientation Transition & Retention Knowledge Community Open Business Meeting



Or Telephone:

  • US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)
  • +1(470)8692200 (US East)
  • +1(623)4049000 (US West)
  • +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
  • +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 202 719 1195

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Region V Advisory Board Meeting

This is a closed meeting for NASPA Region V Advisory Board members, who received login information already. Questions: danielle.kleist@wsu.edu.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Off Campus and Commuter Student Services Knowledge Community General Body Meeting


Link: https://uichicago.webex.com/uichicago/j.php?MTID=m4b08d57d4a55694734ae8f056b66f438
Meeting number: 802 567 350
Join by phone: +1-312-535-8110 United States Toll (Chicago) | Access code: 802 567 350

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Technology Knowledge Community Business Meeting



Dial by your location

        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 253 215 8782 US

        +1 301 715 8592 US

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 587 328 1099 Canada

        +1 647 374 4685 Canada

        +1 647 558 0588 Canada

        +1 778 907 2071 Canada

        +1 438 809 7799 Canada

Meeting ID: 145 828 609

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

NUFP Advisory Board Meeting

This is a closed meeting for members of the NUFP Advisory Board, who will receive login information from Angela Clark (aclark@naspa.org). 

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Adult Learners and Students with Children Knowledge Community Annual Business Meeting



Or Telephone:

    US: +1(469)4450100 (US South)

           +1(470)8692200 (US East)

           +1(623)4049000 (US West)

           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)

           +1(773)2319226 (US North)

Meeting ID: 149 101 2110

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Student Leadership Programs Knowledge Community Open Meeting



Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 

US: +1(623)4049000 (US West)
+1(720)9027700 (US Central)
+1(773)2319226 (US North)   
 +1(469)4450100 (US South)
+1(470)8692200 (US East)
Meeting ID: 149 738 8653

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Student Affairs Partnering with Academic Affairs Open Meeting



Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
    US: +1(470)8692200 (US East)
           +1(623)4049000 (US West)
           +1(720)9027700 (US Central)
           +1(773)2319226 (US North)
           +1(469)4450100 (US South)
    Meeting ID: 148 668 6126