NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP)
Career and Workforce Development NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP) Undergraduate
By mentoring students from traditionally underrepresented and historically disenfranchised populations, this semi-structured program diversifies and broadens the pipeline of our profession. Students and mentors apply as a pair. If accepted into the program, students are then known as Fellows and have opportunities for scholarships, on-campus mentorship, and professional development events.
NUFP Mission
Because some students need more opportunities than others, NUFP creates possibilities and changes the landscape of student affairs and higher education.
The mission of the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program is to increase the number of historically disenfranchised and underrepresented professionals in student affairs and/or higher education, including but not limited to those of racial and ethnic-minority background; those having a disability; and those identifying as LGBTQ.
Learning Objectives & Outcomes
Learning Objectives & Outcomes
Learning Objectives | Learning Outcomes |
Reflect on personal identities, positionality, and interests and how it applies to higher education | Fellows will able to reflect on multiple personal social identities |
Fellows will be able to break down how their personal social identities and positionality relate to power and privilege | |
Fellows will be able to identify their professional and personal interests | |
Learn about historical context, contemporary issues, and professional competencies in student affairs | Fellows will be able to familiarize themselves with the NASPA/ACPA professional competencies |
Fellows will be able to examine different functional areas within student affairs | |
Fellows will be able to outline differing institutional types and structures within student affairs | |
Fellows will be able to articulate the histories, missions, and purposes of higher education | |
Prepare for future academic and post-undergraduate career opportunities | Fellows will be able to assess current skills in order to develop an academic and professional plan for future skill development |
Fellows will be able to build a plan to apply to graduate school | |
Fellows will be able to prepare for internship and/or graduate assistantship application processes | |
Fellows will be able to prepare for future full-time professional job application processes | |
Lead by applying knowledge learned through NUFP to current undergraduate roles | Fellows will be able to articulate knowledge and skills learned from the NUFP program |
Fellows will be able to integrate knowledge and skills learned from the NUFP program to current undergraduate roles |
NUFP Program Elements
The following are the four main components of the NUFP. Fellows who successfully complete all four components of the program will achieve all of the learning outcomes.
On-Campus Mentorship
At the heart of NUFP is the ongiong exchange between the Fellow and mentor to develop a sense of what a career in students affairs and higher education might be like. Mentors serve a critical role in executing the goals and objectives of NUFP by engaging Fellows in mentoring and networking experiences, providing Fellows with knowledge, insight, and understanding of the professional opportunities available in student affairs and higher education, and creating experiences that the Fellows would otherwise not have.
Fellows and Mentors should meet in a formal advising session at least once a month. One of the first tasks for the two to accomplish is the development of goals for the year, as well as expectations for one another. How often will meetings occur? Are there publications or books that you would like to read and discuss? Is there a particular project to accomplish? Alone? Together? Put the answers to these questions in writing so that there is clarity about the direction for the year. Then, get started.
A research project completed by an alumna of the program indicates that the mentoring relationship is the greatest predictor of whether Fellows ultimately choose Student Affairs as their career path. Fellows should take full advantage of the opportunity to explore the profession with a well-experienced guide, the mentor.
Please see the NUFP Resources website for more specific information, including a goal setting worksheet.
Regional and Annual Conference Programming
Fellows are provided specific programming at NASPA's annual conference, as well as many regional conferences. Various scholarships are available to help defray the cost of attendance.
Summer Internships
Fellows are offered the opportunity to apply and participate in a paid summer internship in student affairs or higher education, at an institution other than their own, as a means of broadening their experience base and their perspective on student affairs and higher education.
More information can be found on the Summer Internships webpage.
Dungy Leadership Institute
Fellows are invited to apply to and attend the Dungy Leadership Institute (DLI), a five-day workshop focused on skill building and career development. Formerly known as the Summer Leadership Institute and renamed after Executive Director Emeritus Gwendolyn Dungy in 2012, fellows have the opportunity to meet and interact with other Fellows and administrators from across the country, as well as student affairs administrators serving as institute faculty, at this event.
Who is eligible to participate in NUFP?
Undergraduate students carrying full-time enrollment (as defined by their institution) who identify as being a racial or ethnic minority, or individuals with a documented disability, are eligible to participate in NUFP. Annual application procedures and deadlines are noted on the NASPA website.
I am a full-time graduate student interested in NUFP. Am I eligible to apply?
NUFP is a program specifically for undergraduate students. NASPA supports a Knowledge Community for Graduate Students and New Professionals, which strives to meet the differing needs of graduate students.
How much does it cost to participate in NUFP?
There is no direct required cost to the student or the institution in order to participate in NUFP. The program does require the senior student affairs office (SSAO) of the institution to approve of the fellow and mentor participating in the program, in light of the time staff members spend mentoring Fellows. Many schools also provide some funds for Fellows to attend professional development programs, such as the annual NASPA conference. However, this is not a requirement to participate in NUFP.
Complete Your Profile
Login and update your profile.
The NASPA Minority Undergraduate Fellows Program (MUFP) was initiated in 1989-90 under then NASPA President Doug Woodard. Concerned by the lack of persons of ethnic-minority in the student affairs profession, President Woodard sought to identify ways for members of those communities to become aware of and involved in the field and to continue in higher education. He asked Constance Rockingham, an at-large member of the NASPA Board of Directors, to develop a program that would identify and encourage undergraduate students of ethnic-minority to continue in higher education, and even more than that, encourage them to consider student affairs as a profession. Frederick Preston, a former at-large member of the NASPA Board, had given consideration to the same issues some years before. With the benefit of Preston's experience and Wooodard's encouragement, Constance Rockingham developed MUFP.
Nearly a decade after its founding, discussions began about including students with disabilities within the scope of MUFP. NASPA President Shannon Ellis, National MUFP Coordinator Saunie Taylor, and MUFP Advisory Board President Sarah Shumate worked together during the 2000-01 year to develop consensus for the broadening of the scope of MUFP's mission, and they along with Disability Concerns Network Coordinator Michael Shuttic set in motion the outreach effort.
At the December 2003 meeting of the NASPA Board of Directors, the proposed recommendation was reviewed, discussed and approved: "In recognition of changes in society, the Task Force for Undergraduate Mentoring Opportunities recommends designing and implementing a selective undergraduate fellows program to increase the numbers of underrepresented ethnic minorities, LGBT, and disabled professionals in the fields of student affairs and higher education. The mission of the program will be reviewed every five years with the first review to occur in July 2009."
The MUFP Advisory Board, representatives from six NASPA knowledge communities and others met in July 2005 in order to realign MUFP with NASPA's goals and vision, including the recent NASPA Board of Director decision to expand undergraduate mentoring opportunities to LGBT students. This planning group reviewed at all aspects of the current program, the new program considerations and redesigned the program to continue to support underrepresented students and address changing constituencies.
Advisory Board
The NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program is led by NASPA volunteers who generously devote their time to the program. The NUFP Board Chair provides vision and direction for the program, being nominated by NASPA staff. Regional Coordinators and Knowledge Community (KC) Representatives are selected from the leadership of the Region and KC, respectively. Additional roles on the NUFP Board are appointed by the NUFP Board Chair.
Questions about NUFP should be directed to [email protected].
NUFP Strategic Plan
The NUFP Board has been working on a strategic plan o identify areas to further develop within NUFP and NASPA in order to better serve the needs of undergraduate students who come from traditionally underrepresented and historically disenfranchised populations. We invite you to take a look at the full plan and let us know where you would like to contribute.
NUFP Strategic Plan
Advocate for Student Success
Strategic Planning Committee Member: Dhaval Patel, Associate Director for Campus Life Operations, Pacific Lutheran University
Goal: Evaluate the curriculum and structure of the Dungy Leadership Institute
- Review past DLI assessment data
- Create a strategic DLI advisory team to make recommendations to the NUFP board (Former faculty and DLI scholars)
Goal: Develop strategic marketing efforts to increase visibility of NUFP, fellows, alumni, and impact to our profession (Potential Partners: New Professionals and Graduate Student Steering Committee)
- Utilize alumni to spread the word about the NUFP program
- NUFP highlights of all the seniors applying to graduate schools
Goal: Generate financial support to support the advancement of scholarship from NUFPs
- Attend national/regional conferences and applications for graduate school.
Goal: Implement comprehensive training programs for NUFP fellows and mentors
- How professionals advocate for students
- How the field will be for the next generation of professionals
- The reality of working in student affairs and higher education
- The business of student affairs and higher education
- Q&A sessions for NUFP’s to ask questions to graduate students and staff
- Training for mentors on how to assist NUFPs achieve academic achievement/success and how to effectively be a NUFP mentor
Goal: Create partnerships to increase representation of marginalized communities in our field (Potential Partners: NASPA First-Generation Center and Identity-Based Knowledge Communities, AANAPISIs, HBCUs/HSIs/Tribal Colleges/CC member institutions)
- Collaborate with career center, first generation programs, and other university departments
- Build connections for graduate school
- Partnership with the NASPA first-generation center
- Work with leaders at MSIs (inclusive of AANAPISIs, HBCUs, HSIs, TCUs) and at community colleges to discuss how to best implement NUFP at these institutions
Goal: Develop a sustainable structure and model for all colleges who host NUFPs
- Develop training Manuals with NUFP curriculum, university commitment agreements, and chair and committee responsibilities
Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice
Strategic Planning Committee Member: Zduy Chu, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Florida State
Goal: Provide financial support and scholarship for NUFPs to attend professional development such as Regional or National Conferences as well as any supporting materials
- Fundraising campaign to recruit financial resources. Partner with institutions / non-profit organizations to raise funding.
- To not only provide educational opportunities for NUFPs to further their understanding of SA/HE but to provide equitable access to information to NUFPs on areas of higher education and representation
Goal: Create affinity based groups/networks for all NUFP participants (Potential Partners: Identity-Based Knowledge Communities)
- Utilize a platform such as Slack or Facebook to allow affinity groups to create a virtually accessible space
- Utilize Regions to support networks of identity based groups
- Bring further awareness to Fellows on differing identity based groups in Higher Education
- Create networks for increased participation among underrepresented groups, including those at MSIs and community colleges
- Deeper connections to the KC’s
- Further education on identity based groups and providing support networks for Fellows & Mentors
- Utilize these affinity groups/networks to showcase all populations within Higher Education
- Support growth in identity development and awareness for all participants
Goal: Offer affordable (if not free) curriculum for NUFP Campus Coordinators (or Mentors if no CC exists) to educate all NUFP participants on areas of DEI & Social Justice (Potential Partners: Scholarship & Research, Region Representatives)
- Create either a DEI Chair or Committee for NUFP to create a curriculum that focuses on areas that better support holistic identity and community development.
- Identity Development
- Social & Cultural Awareness
- Impacts on Higher Education through DEI & Social Justice Initiatives
- Advocacy & Allyship
- Historical Contexts & Practice
- Navigating different institutions from the lens of someone from an underrepresented population
- Utilize regions to crowdsource any curriculum currently used on campuses with strong NUFP bases to support the point curriculum creation person.
Goal: Create database of all NUFP participants (Past and Present)
- Utilize NASPA’s website and under profile creating a tag for NUFP Participants such as NUFP Mentor, NUFP Fellow, Previous NUFP Mentor, Previous NUFP Fellow.
- Create opportunities for all NUFP Participants and campus partners to engage in conversations surrounding DEI & Social Justice (Potential Partners: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Division)
- Host webinars / dialogue spaces focusing on different areas of DEISJ
- Bi-weekly newsletter highlighting underrepresented populations with Mentor spotlights / dialogue corners
Goal: Creating a portion that discusses current and previous issues affecting DEISJ in Higher Education
Research and Scholarship
Strategic Planning Committee Member: Antonio Duran, Assistant Professor and Program Co-Coordinator, Higher and Postsecondary Education Program, Arizona State University
Goal: Offer avenues for NUFP students and alum to learn about the process of engaging in scholarship and research (Potential Partners: Faculty Council and New Professionals and Graduate Student Steering Committee)
- Hold webinars to discuss what it means to engage in research and scholarship generation in the field of higher education and student affairs
- Develop a chatty hour where NUFP students can meet with faculty and scholar-practitioners
Goal: Generate financial support to support the advancement of scholarship from NUFPs
- Develop research grants for current NUFP students or alum who are doing research in the area of higher education and student affairs
- Run a fundraising campaign to raise money for NUFP research grants
Goal: Create opportunities for NUFPs to actively engage with the research process (Potential Partners: Faculty Council)
- Work with the Faculty Council to produce a list of a faculty who would be willing to mentor an undergraduate student interested in research
- Lead a research project about the NUFP program
Goal: Develop ways to recognize and draw awareness to NUFP students and alum who are engaging in research and scholarship (Potential Partners: Faculty Council and KC Publication Committee)
- Recognize current NUFP students or alum who have published scholarship using social media platforms and NUFP notes
- Hold a symposium or poster session at the NASPA annual conference or virtually specific to NUFP communities
- Create a monograph or edited book showcasing the work of NUFP students and alum
Professional Development and Engagement
Strategic Planning Committee Member: Andrew Mutsalklisana, Program Coordinator, UC-Davis
Goal: Offer robust professional development and training resources for NUFP fellows
- Revisit a formal NUFP curriculum for participants to guide progression through the program and ensure learning outcomes are achieved.
- Develop a list of high impact learning activities that fellows must complete each year in the program to maintain good standing.
- Develop an online NUFP Resource Library containing helpful resources (e.g., articles, case studies, podcasts, etc.) for fellows and mentors.
- Expand existing resources and training opportunities for campus coordinators.
Goal: Expand existing engagement opportunities available to NUFP participants (Potential Partners: NASPA Identity-Based KCs, New Professional and Graduate Student Steering Committee).
- Provide quarterly virtual webinars that expand participant’s understanding of student affairs, including how it functions at different institution types (e.g., MSIs, community colleges).
- Offer periodic regional or local NUFP “meet-up” opportunities for fellows and mentors to facilitate networking and community building within the program.
Goal: Reduce financial barriers to signature NASPA events and other professional development opportunities
- Increase NASPA regional and annual conference scholarship opportunities for NUFP fellows and alumni to encourage attendance.
- Provide graduate school application fee waivers for NUFP alumni.
Application Information
Admissions Requirements
To be considered for admission to the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program, each applicant must meet the requirements listed below.
Identify as a member of a traditionally underrepresented or historically disenfranchised student population, including, but not limited to Black/African American, Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander/Desi American, Hispanic/Latinx/a/o, Indigenous (Native American, Alaskan, Hawaiian), Multiethnic, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or as having a disability
Have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA at the time of application. Applicants with a 2.7 cumulative GPA will receive preference in the review process
Have a NASPA member serve as your mentor. Fellows and Mentors apply to NUFP together so a proposed mentor must be identified as part of the application. The proposed mentor does not need to be a NASPA member at time of application. However, Fellows will not be fully admitted to the program until the mentor becomes a NASPA member. All proposed mentors must be full-time professionals with at least two years of experience, post-master's.
Have at least two more semesters of undergraduate education left at time of application.
- Fellows returning for another year must also complete the 2024-2025 application as a renewal.
Application Guidance
- Individuals are increasingly using Artificial Intelligence (AI), including ChatGPT or related tools for the creation of text, images, computer code, audio, or other media. For the purposes of this application, we ask that your responses are written using your own original voice/thoughts. If you employ ChatGPT for the purpose of streamlining your ideas, please make sure to include proper attribution for the use of the resource.
- Mentors are expected to review the fellow's application before submission to ensure that they can provide feedback and help guide the student in their intention in applying with the program.
Applications dates:
Round 1: April 1, 2024- July 31, 2024 Extended Ideal for ealy admissions to ensure program acceptance by September. This is helpful for fellows interested in attending fall conferences at the member rate.
Round 2 August 8, 2024- October 31, 2024
Winter Round November 18, 2024- January 8,2025
Applications for 2024-2025 academic year are now open for Round 3.
Round 1 Applications have been reviewed and decisions were communicated in late August.
Round 2 Applications have been reviewed and were communicated in mid early November.
Round 3 Applications will be reviewed and commicated in mid to late February.
Application Requirements
- Create NASPA login account (no need to pay for a membership as membership is complimentary for fellows upon acceptance.)
- Answer demographic information
- Complete Information about your Mentor (remember mentors must commit to being active NASPA members during the program duration.)
- Upload Fellow questions
- Upload Letter of Recommendation
- Upload Transcript
One of the best resources available to you is the wide range of professional development opportunities. This list contains both our “Hosted Events,” workshops and webinars that we plan and manage, and some “Related Events,” hosted by the NASPA Central Office or other NASPA Constituent Groups. To see a full listing of NASPA events, please see the Events page.
Please access resources below.
The NUFP Assessment Subcommittee also created the following video to go with the NUFP Mentor Rubric: “Oh the Places We Can Go,” to support the growth and development of our NUFP Fellows: http://youtu.be/21W2mrrfBww.
Summer Internships
The NUFP Summer Internship Program gives fellows an opportunity to gain insight into the fields of higher education and student affairs through a campus-based experience at a campus other than their own. Internships can last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks, and it is required that host institutions offer a minimum of a $2000 stipend (or sum equal to minimum wage whichever is greater), as well as help coordinate the intern's room and board. The stipend does reflect a slight increase due to cost-of-living changes. Please see our updated host institution resource page for more details.
Institutions that host an intern create a mutually beneficial arrangement between the fellow and the institution, as well as gain the satisfaction of mentoring a fellow and providing hands-on experience in the fields of higher education and student affairs. Hosting a summer internship also demonstrates a commitment to increasing the number of under-represented administrators in higher education.
An internship allows a fellow to:
- Expand the knowledge and understanding of the fields;
- Increase the network professionals and administrators in the fields; and
- Gain hands on experience.
Hosting a fellow as an intern allows a host institution to:
- Gain the resources of a talented undergraduate student;
- Invest in the personal and professional development of an undergraduate student looking to enter the field;
- Expose an undergraduate student to a new campus experience and additional perspectives; and
- Demonstrate a commitment to increasing the number of under-represented administrators in the field.
Host Application | Fellow Application
1. HOW DO I SUBMIT MY INTERNSHIP POSTING? When is the submission date?
The summer internship application is open now. The priority deadline to post internship notifications is January 16, 2024. The process is done completely through the NASPA applications system Open water. While students gain access on January 29th, you can continue to post positions after the application portal opens for students through Febuary 7, 2025.
Anyone that is a NASPA member or who is on a campus with an NASPA institutional membership can host a NUFP Fellow as a summer intern. You do not need to have a current NUFP Fellow on your campus in order to host one in the summer. Your institution can host as many interns as you would like!
By agreeing to host a Fellow(s) on your campus, you guarantee your intern a student affairs experience on a campus other than their own. We ask that you give your intern specific job responsibilities and expose your intern to as many student affairs departments and administrators as possible. We also ask that you help them become more familiar with NASPA and the field.
Internship start and end dates are flexible. You work these out with the Fellow you choose to hire. Most internships last 6-8 weeks during June and July.
We require that you pay your intern a minimum of $2,000 (or minimum wage) for a 6-8 week internship. While hosts are not required to pay for housing, meals, and/or transportation, we ask that you offer assistance to your intern as they make arrangements. Please note that positions that are able to cover some of these expenses are much more attractive to candidates.
Institutions wishing to host a Fellow submit an internship description online. After the position submission deadline, Fellows are notified of the internship opportunities available and submit their applications online. Each Fellow will select positions for which they would like to be considered.
After the application deadline, host institutions receive copies of all Fellows' applications. Host institutions then set-up interviews with the candidates. Most interviews are conducted over the phone but, can be done in person if both parties are attending the NASPA Annual Conference.
Once a Fellow has accepted a position, the Fellow and/or institution must notify the NASPA office of the match. Please email [email protected] to confirm your match.
Host Institution application priority submission date |
December 1, 2024 |
Internship Opportunities Posted |
February 7, 2025 |
Host institutions receive and review applications |
February 7-20, 2025 |
Round 1 Interviews Begin |
February 20, 2025 |
Host institutions offer period |
March 31 – April 7, 2025 |
Notify NASPA of internship placement date |
April 3, 2025 |
Round II opens for unfilled positions and new applicants (rolling basis) |
March 20, 2025 |
Applications will open January 29, 2025 and close Wednesday, February 7th at 11:59pm EST.
The application includes a copy of a current resume and a statement of interest. Please note all applicants must be a current NUFP Fellow to apply. Once the application is open, Fellows are welcome to start populating information into the application at any time. However, all applicants should plan to log back into their application and select their final internship preferences during the designated time.
You commit to work for your host institution for a mutually agreed upon length of time. Usually 6-8 weeks during the months of June and July. You also agree upon a salary and other benefits before accepting a position that is offered to you. Institutions should offer at minimum $2000 for a 6-8 week internship. As institutions are not required to provide housing, meals, or travel expenses, we encourage Fellows to carefully consider the internship duration and benefits prior to accepting an offer. NUFP does not offer scholarship or supplemental funding opportunities for Fellows who accept an internship.
If you are interested in applying for an internship, you submit your application online. On your application you will have the opportunity to preference positions for which you would like to be considered.
After the application deadline, host sites will receive a copy of all completed applications. Each institution will review applications and set up interviews with Fellows that they are interested in pursuing as candidates. Most insititutions will have one to two rounds of interviews to select their summer intern(s). Most initial interviews are phone interviews, but some may occur over video chat.
In order to be fair to all candidates, host institutions can not begin making offers until the March 31, 2025. You will be required to accept or decline all offers no later than April 3, 2025.
Once you accept a position, you and/or institution must notify the NASPA office of the match. Fellows should refrain from sharing their internship placement on social media until their institution has notified applicants in their selection pool.
We will host round two, for any applicants that do not accept a match during round one to attempt to assist all interns and hosts to find a match. Round two will begin on March 20, 2025.
Internship Opportunities posted |
January 20, 2025 |
Finalize Position Preferences before they are shared with hiring managers and Submit Application. |
February 7, 2025 |
Host institutions begin to contact candidates for interviews |
February 20, 2025 |
Offer notification (match) weeks |
March 31 – April 2, 2025 |
Notify NASPA of internship offer acceptance status |
April 3, 2025 |
Round II opens for unfilled positions and new and unplaced applicants (rolling basis) |
March 20, 2025 |
Dungy Leadership Institute

Dungy Leadership Institute (DLI)
DLI is held annually on various college campuses and offers more than 30 NUFP Fellows the unique opportunity to network with their peers and current student affairs administrators serving as institute faculty. DLI provides an in-depth leadership development experience and prepares Fellows for graduate work in student affairs and higher education. DLI is an application-based experience. All Fellows will have to apply and be accepted to attend the institute. We hope you are ready for a transformative experience!
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending the Dungy Leadership Institute our Fellows will:
- demonstrate an understanding how their personal identities and histories have impacted their lives and their ability to work with others
- demonstrate that they are able to find ethical resolutions to critical issues in Student Affairs through case study analyses and other assessment activities
- demonstrate through written and oral presentations that they have developed the requisite writing, research, and speaking skills for entry into graduate school
- demonstrate that they have developed the professional networking skills through their interactions with mentors, faculty facilitators, and other Fellows
Priority submission date: September 30, 2024
Final submission date: April 20, 2025
Past DLI Experiences
Past DLI Host Institutions
2023, Jackson State University
2022, University of Pennsylvania
*This program was formerly known as the Summer Leadership Institute. In 2012, it was renamed the Dungy Leadership Institute after Executive Director Emeritus Gwendolyn Dungy retired.