Alcohol and Other Drug
Health, Safety, and Well-being Alcohol and Other Drug
The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Knowledge Community provides an institutionalized and ongoing structure within NASPA to discuss issues around alcohol and other drugs on campus. The AOD KC serves as a resource for both members of NASPA and other AOD groups that are addressing this ever-present issue in our respective college environments.
Message from the Co-Chair Elects
Welcome to the Alcohol and Other Drug Knowledge Community. The AOD KC was created to share ideas/programs/results, debrief successful and problematic practices, and to bring together professionals at all levels to support each other as we all navigate the terrain of substance use on our campuses. Please add your voice to the dialogue!
Signature Initiatives
The purpose of the AOD KC Conference Scholarship is to support graduate students who are interested in alcohol and other drug (AOD) prevention work in Student Affairs. The scholarship covers the cost of conference registration and also provides the recipient with a $100 stipend for the conference to cover expenses such as housing and meals. Recipients must attend at least three AOD-related programs at the conference and write a summary of key learning or reflection relevant to AOD issues on campus for possible publication after the conference. To learn more, visit here.
The purpose of the AOD KC Research Grant is to support the creation of new knowledge focused on the intersection of alcohol and other drug issues and Student Affairs and assist in the dissemination of this research to the NASPA and Higher Education community. This award is intended to support either professional or graduate-level scholarly research. To learn more and to apply, download the AOD KC grant application. To learn more, visit here.
Complete Your Profile
Login and update your profile.
In conjunction with other professional organization, the AOD Knowledge Community offers a variety of both online and downloadable resources that make it convenient to stay informed about current research, best practices, and information regarding alcohol and other drug issues on college and university campuses.
AOD KC Resources List
National AOD Resources
- NIAAA's College Drinking: Changing the Culture
- The Network: Addressing Collegiate Alcohol and Other Drug Issues
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Internet Resources
- The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
Research In AOD Prevention
Environmental Management
- Powerpoint presentation on "Engaging University Communities in Environmental Change Programs to Reduce High-Risk Drinking"
- Resident Roundtable Project Report on how students, neighborhoods, and other key stakeholders in key neighborhoods around Lincoln, Nebraska engaged in productive dialogue
The Jed Foundation and Education Development Center, Inc.
The Jed Foundation and Education Development Center, Inc. invite you and other stakeholders in the health and wellness of your student body to join us for a webinar series entitled CampusMHAP (Mental Health Action Planning).
There is no cost to participate in these four expert-led online events that will guide your team in developing the most effective approach to promoting mental health and intervening with at-risk students at your college or university. These sessions will provide valuable content to schools of all sizes, locations and demographics around the following topics:
- Building momentum to address student mental health and wellness
- Identifying institution-specific priorities
- Implementing programs, policies and services
- Measuring impact of campus efforts
Each webinar is live, giving attendees the opportunity to pose questions to the presenters. Attendees will pre-register to view the live event online and use a toll-free telephone number for the webinar audio. After running live, each webinar will be made available online at The Jed Foundation, along with tools that campus teams can use to engage in the strategic process outlined in CampusMHAP sessions.
Please visit the Jed Foundation to get more information about the webinar series, register for future events, and listen to past sessions.
For New AOD Professionals
- AOD Terminology and Glossaries
The AOD Knowledge Community periodically hosts and shares webinars for NASPA members as part of our continuing focus on professional development. Below you can find a list of our previous webinars. If you are looking for future webinars, please visit our Events page.
- Integrated AOD Models for Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Athletics
- A new partnership between NASPA and NCAA Division III provides an institutionalized and ongoing structure to discuss issues around alcohol and drug abuse amongst student athletes. The partnership will help NCAA coaches and student-athletes better understand the impact of substance use through the development of a customizable alcohol and drug education resource for the approximately 450 active and provisional member institutions in NCAA Division III.
- Maintaining and Thriving: A Dial-in Conference Sharing Ideas for Supporting Students in Recovery
- Although transitioning to college and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge for any student, students who identify as being in recovery may encounter unique obstacles as they navigate the college terrain. This dial-in conference will give you an opportunity to hear what your colleagues are doing to support students (and staff/faculty) in recovery. Following a brief presentation by Dr. Robert Reff, Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Oregon State University, we will open the floor for you to share your ideas. How does your campus support students in recovery? Challenges? Successes?
Integrated AOD Models for Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Athletics
Maintaining and Thriving: A Dial-in Conference Sharing Ideas for Supporting Students in Recovery
Current Issues
Four Loko ("Four")
Recently a new product containing alcohol and caffeine has created concerns among substance abuse professionals and college and university leadership, faculty, and administrators. "Four" looks similar to many popular energy drinks and the NASPA AOD KC feels the need to inform our members about it.
Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the similarities between "Four" (on left), a new caffeinated alcoholic beverage that mimics the look of an energy drink (on right). Some colleges/universities are reporting high rates of "Four" use as it has become a popular drink among young adults.
"Four" is an alcoholic energy drink produced by Phusion Projects, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois, USA. The drink is available in nine flavors: grape, fruit punch, orange, watermelon, blue raspberry, lemonade, cranberry, lemon lime and cranberry lemonade.
It is sold in the U.S. as a 23.5 oz aluminum-canned, caffeinated, alcoholic, malt beverage. It also contains carbonation, sugar, and natural and artificial flavoring (similar to other alcopops). Its name is derived from its "four" main ingredients: caffeine, taurine, guarana, and wormwood, an active ingredient in absinthe.
Depending on the U.S. state, "Four" contains up to 12% ABV. According to the NIAAA Rethinking Drinking Cockail Content Calculator, this is the equivalence of 4.7 standard drinks in a single can (excluding the caffeine and other ingredients). A single can of Four Loco is estimated to contain 660 calories and costs approximately $2.50.
Any statement, opinion, or view in relation to any person or organization which is not specifically attributed to NASPA may not necessarily reflect that of NASPA.
One of the best resources available to you is the wide range of professional development opportunities. This list contains both our “Hosted Events,” workshops and webinars that we plan and manage, and some “Related Events,” hosted by the NASPA Central Office or other NASPA Constituent Groups. To see a full listing of NASPA events, please see the Events page.
Leadership Team
Knowledge Community leaders are NASPA volunteers who have generously devoted their time to their Knowledge Community. Chairs are elected by the Knowledge Community members while Regional representatives are selected from within the Region. Additional roles are selected by the Knowledge Community.