CLDE Strategies to meet the CAS Revised Standards for Civic Engagement & Service-Learning
Civic Engagement Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement
Higher Education has a responsibility to current and prospective students to move our focus beyond service-learning to include the larger fields of civic learning and democratic engagement in every college graduates collegiate experience. This live briefing will explore the changes made to the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education’s (CAS) ideals for Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Programs, as well as to provide some guidance for effective program and student learning outcomes that balances student, institutional and community goals.
Participants will leave this session with the tools to:
articulate how civic engagement and service learning programs afford benefits to students, institutions, and communities;
intentionally link how sharing civic engagement and service-learning resources with community partners can result in a wide range of reciprocal benefits between the institution and its’ community; and
utilize the CAS Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Programs (CES-LP) as a model to demonstrate effective student learning and development.