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Execution Time: 3.94 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

SA Weekly: February 17

Policy and Advocacy
February 17, 2020 Maya Ward-Fineman NASPA

Welcome to SA Weekly, your destination for higher ed news, NASPA research and policy, constituent blogs, and more.

Another Trump Budget, Likely DOA “Administration touts major boost in spending for career and technical education, but proposed cuts to student aid and core research programs draw colleges' ire.”

Will Coronavirus Crisis Trigger an Enrollment Crisis? “U.S. colleges could see a major enrollment pipeline cut off this fall if the coronavirus epidemic persists. Meanwhile, Australian universities are missing more than half their Chinese students weeks before their fall semester begins.”

India Opens the Door Wide for Online Learning “The Indian government is opening up the market for fully online degrees, and U.S. companies are poised to be players.”

Growing Federal Subsidies for Graduate Loan Debt “Almost half of federal student loans are being repaid through more generous income-driven repayment plans, new data show, with 80 percent of government subsidies now going to graduate student borrowers.”

New International Enrollments Climb at U.S. Grad Schools “Survey finds increases in international applications and first-time international enrollments at U.S. graduate schools last fall. But looking ahead to this fall, uncertainties abound.”

Endowments at 2-Year Colleges “Despite the presumption that endowments are a four-year college's game, community colleges have made significant gains in fundraising over the years.”

College Lobbying Declined After Earmarks “Many colleges have pulled back on lobbying Congress. But with talk of earmarks coming back, will higher education institutions start spending big on K Street lobbyists again?”

Harvard, Yale Accused Of Failing To Report Hundreds Of Millions In Foreign Donations “The Ivy League schools have been singled out in a federal crackdown on institutions of higher learning for allegedly not reporting hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign donations.”


Policy Update

Hoops and Hurdles of Financial Aid: How Misleading Information Costs Students by Alexa Wesley, Associate Director of Research and Policy

What is Reauthorization? by Teri Lyn Hinds, Director for Policy Research and Advocacy


Relevant Bills

President's FY 2021 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of Education, Department of Education, February 10

President Trump released his FY2021 budget request on February 10. The request cuts non-defense spending and increases defenses spending, including cuts to ED of 7.8%. Congress has indicated it will chart its own course for the FY2021 budget and adhere to the two-year budget deal reached last year. The proposal is in conflict with the two-year budget deal the White House agreed to with Congress last year. As in past years, Congress is expected to set their own course

Name, Image, and Likeness: The Players’ Plan for Economic Liberty and Rights by National College Players Association, February 7 

Federal Judge Blocks Enforcement of DHS’ “Unlawful Presence” Calculation by Amy Peck, National Law Review, February 6


Relevant Regulations

House Joint Resolution 76- Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to "Borrower Defense Institutional Accountability"

Primary Sponsor: Rep. Susie Lee (D-NV)

Latest Action: Passed the House vote delayed in the Senate, February 11 

New Campus Sexual Misconduct Rules Will Tackle Dating Violence by Erica L. Green, New York Times, February 10 

Want to submit comments of your own? Check out NASPA’s Q&A on submitting public comments


Around NASPA

Latino Students Underrepresented at Most Public Colleges by Precious Porras, Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community