Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 4.9 ms
Record Count: 1
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Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

NASPA Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Knowledge Community Recruitment

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
April 10, 2024

The NASPA AER KC is excited to announce that we are recruiting for a variety of leadership roles! These roles are critical to the success of the community and the larger field of student affairs assessment. Each role will work to develop the community by developing meaningful learning experiences, researching and advocating for assessment practices in student affairs, and collaborating with other professionals in the field. The AER KC is currently focused on a number of exciting initiatives, including building strategic planning skills, supporting practitioners, and career exploration. 


We are recruiting for a variety of roles. Please review the following brief descriptions and use the URL for each position to review the full role description and application process.


  • Career Development Coordinator

    • This position will be responsible for developing and implementing a career development plan for the AER KC members. This role will continue to evolve, however, the primary focus will be to document the landscape of career development in student affairs assessment. This may include gathering perspectives of student affairs assessment professionals, career beginnings and trajectories. Additionally, it will participate and lead opportunities to discuss the competencies needed to conduct student affairs assessment. It will also facilitate opportunities for assessment professionals to consider future career opportunities. 

    • Application URL for Career Development Coordinator

  • Engagement Development Coordinator(s)

  • Finance Chair

    • This position will be responsible for providing insights, analysis, and strategies to achieve the financial goals of the AER KC. 

    • Application URL for Finance Chair 

  • KC Partnership/Collaboration Coordinator

  • Practitioner-Scholar Coordinator  

    • This position will be responsible for developing and implementing a career development plan for the AER KC. With the advancement of the field of student affairs assessment, this position will help to formalize the skills needed for practitioner-scholars through ongoing development opportunities. It will engage with folks both in formal assessment roles but will also work to encourage other student affairs professionals in their development and publications.

    • Application URL for Practitioner-Scholar Coordinator

  • Regional Representatives 

    • Actively engage in the Regional Board and Assessment, Evaluation and Research Knowledge Community Leadership Team meetings and discussions, represent the needs and perspectives of regional membership as best as possible, collaborate with other board members to plan professional development and engagement opportunities, and contribute to the various team efforts, including the efforts that help achieve the following goals. 

    • Region II application URL

    • Region IV-E application URL

    • Region V application URL

    • Region VI application URL

  • Research Coordinator(s)

    • This position will be responsible for initiating, developing, and supporting the research opportunities for the knowledge community. This may include producing verbal and written products that help to communicate the research priorities. This role will also work to implement the research agenda in the AER community.

    • Application URL for Research Coordinator

  • Strategic Planning Competency Coordinator  

    • This position will be responsible for creating opportunities to foster involvement and engagement opportunities that are designed to build connections and share knowledge across the knowledge community specific to the topic of strategic planning. 

    • Application URL for Strategic Planning Competency Coordinator


Additional detail about the commitment: In addition to fulfilling the individual responsibilities of the position, folks will also participate in the monthly leadership team meeting. Most of the positions will dedicate approximately 10 hours per month to fulfilling the responsibilities. Position descriptions are available in the volunteer central portal or by emailing Kim Kruchen (kruchen@colorado.edu).


Application process: To apply (and access the links listed for each position above), you must be logged into your NASPA account. To find all currently open positions, once logged into your account:

  1. Select “My NASPA” and “Engagement Portal”

  1. Select “Volunteer Central”

  1. Select “All Open Volunteer Opportunities”

  1. Scroll down to the Assessment, Evaluation, and Research KC to view open roles.  


** Thes images are from the Engagement Portal and Volunteer Central on the NASPA website. If you are unable to find this information, please contact Kim Kruchen (kruchen@colorado.edu) for a link to a role you are interested in.**


Timeline: Each of these positions are open until filled. However, we have a priority deadline of May 6, 2024 and will begin reviewing all applications at that time. 

If you have any questions, please contact the AER KC Co-Chairs Kim Kruchen (kruchen@colorado.edu) and Shaun Boren (shaun.boren@ufl.edu).