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Execution Time: 2.8 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Introducing the Assessment, Evaluation, & Research KC Coaching Service

Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
January 23, 2023 Dayna S. Weintraub, Ph.D. Dr. Pamelyn Klepal Shefman

Have you ever finished a big project and thought, “wow it would be great to help someone else make this happen for their department/division/campus”? Or are you looking at a new-to-you project thinking, “I have read all the listserv posts, know others have done this, and just wish I had someone to turn to with experience on the topic”? The AER KC is here to help connect you with fellow AER KC members for just those things.

The AER KC coaching service is a way to connect AER KC members in a one-time session around a topic of assessment, evaluation, or research. This is a new, AER KC member-only benefit.



Coaches are any level of professional who are willing share their expertise in assessment, evaluation, and research. We are currently recruiting coaches. Anyone interested can learn more and create their profile here: apps.naspa.org/aerkc_coaching.

Coach profiles should include any and all areas you are willing to have a colleague connect with you to ask questions. Coaches do not have to “look” for matches; that is the responsibility of the coachee.

We recognize that coaches can also be a coachee on a different assessment, evaluation, or research topic that they have less knowledge on. If that's you, please read on about what a coachee experience is like.



“Coachees” can create a profile but should only look to be coached on a single assessment, evaluation, or research topic at a time. Coachees will see the coach(es) that they match with based on the coachee's profile. So if you add more than one item you won’t know what coach can help with what specific assessment, evaluation, or research topic you want to work around. Once a match is made, the coachee will need to reach out to the matched coach and create the space to “meet” and discuss. Once the coaching opportunity has past, the coachee can change the content in the profile for another match or delete the coaching profile (until a new need arises).  

This is a new engagement opportunity for the AER KC and NASPA. We are looking forward to our members taking advantage of this unique way to interact, learn, and broaden skills. We hope to continue to improve this benefit as we have more members engage.

You can create your coach or coachee profile today. If you have any questions about this new opportunity, please reach out to the coaching team at [email protected].