Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 5.31 ms
Record Count: 1
Cached: Yes
Cache Type: timespan
Lazy: No
SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Infuse Your NASPA Experience with Paying It Forward

Region IV-W Region IV-W
August 27, 2018

This Fall, your Foundation Ambassadors have an incredible incentive for you to give to the NASPA Foundation!  The first 30 NASPA members who let David Adams at [email protected] know (starting now) that you donated, (monthly, yearly since July 1, 2018 or have made a new donation of at least $25.00) will receive the Water Bottle Infuser, pictured above.  The Water Bottle Infuser will primarily be distributed during the Regional Conference in Wichita, KS, October 23-25, 2018.  For anyone who is unable to attend the Regional Conference, the Water Bottle Infuser can be mailed by sending your mailing address to David Adams at [email protected].   In addition, if you are picking up the Water Bottle Infuser at the Regional Conference, fresh fruit, cutting supplies and drinking water will be available for you to experience the full effects of the Water Bottle Infuser! **(disclaimer below)**

Donating to the Foundation, whether your gift is $25 or more, affords you many opportunities to infuse your interest, passion and encouragement toward supporting the advancement of the Student Affairs profession.  No matter where you designate your gift, you should feel good about paying it forward and supporting the Student Affairs profession.   Your donation to the Foundation has the ability to support multiple NASPA priorities.  When donating, you have the option of selecting the NASPA Excellence Fund – Priority Initiatives or selecting one of the many distinct gift designations.  Three of the gift designations we would like to highlight include the Social Justice Fund, Jim Rhatigan Fellowships or a Knowledge Community. 

The Social Justice Fund supports access and education through compelling thought leaders for NASPA Briefings and scholarship for members to attend NASPA programs to further their social justice education.  Jim Rhatigan Fellowships provides NASPA Annual Conference scholarships to graduate students.  There are currently eight Knowledge Communities (and more coming) listed in the Foundation website that allow donations to support their priorities.  Giving to any of these priority areas is a great way to “give back to the profession” and your gift, no matter the size, can have a huge impact!

In addition to designating your gift to a NASPA priority, new donors have the option of becoming members of the Century Club.  The Century Club was designed to celebrate NASPA’s 100th Anniversary Campaign. Donors can pledge to give $100 (all at once or monthly) to celebrate NASPA’s work the past 100 years.  If given monthly, it’s approximately $15.00 per month from now until March of 2019.  For more information on the Century Club, contact David Adams at [email protected].  The Foundation has additional donor recognition levels that can be found by clicking here.

Your Foundation Ambassadors are here to answer any questions you may have pertaining to any area of the Foundation.  Don’t hesitate to reach out to them!  Donations can be made by Clicking Here!  And be sure to let David Adams know you’ve given $25 so you receive your Water Bottle Infuser!

Region IV-W Foundation Ambassadors:

David Adams, [email protected]

Mary Alice Serafini, [email protected]

Disclaimer: Water Bottle infusers will not be pre-washed.  If you receive the Water Bottle infuser at the Regional Conference, you will need to sanitize on your own, just go for it or wait to try the infuser until you get home.