Template: /var/www/farcry/projects/fandango/www/action/sherlockFunctions.cfm
Execution Time: 6.32 ms
Record Count: 1
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'

Applications Invited for Editor of the Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education

Gender and Sexuality Womxn in Student Affairs
April 29, 2022

Application Submission Deadline: October 14, 2022

NASPA–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education invites applicants for the position of Editor of the Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education (JWG). The official term is for three years beginning March 2023. Applications for co-editorships are welcome.

Scope of JWG: 

JWG is published four times a year in both print and electronic formats. The journal publishes scholarship that centers gender-based experiences of students, faculty, and staff while examining oppression, including but not limited to patriarchy, sexism, trans* oppression, and cisnormativity as they intersect with other systems of domination. JWG includes manuscripts that not only focus on a gender-based group but also critically interrogate the ways in which gender has been used as a construct to limit opportunities and shape outcomes and experiences. The journal publishes high-quality and rigorous scholarship that can be used by to transform daily practice, research, and the field of higher education. JWG is published by NASPA, the foremost professional association for student affairs administrators, faculty, and graduate and undergraduate students, in collaboration with Taylor and Francis.

Qualification and Requirements: 

The Editor position is a substantial professional service commitment requiring the experience and judgment of a senior scholar. The ideal candidate will have an established record of scholarship in the field of higher education; managerial skills to oversee the editorial cycle and meet deadlines; the ability to foster a developmental review process; and the ability to attract respected experts to the editorial board. Applicants should have recognized expertise in the field, possess editorial experience, and be able to lead an active editorial board in working effectively with publishing professionals. It is expected that the Editor be a member of NASPA.

Major Responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that JWG is published four times per year on schedule.
  • Managing the peer review process of manuscripts through an online system.
  • Soliciting high-quality manuscripts from potential authors, and (with the support of the Taylor and Francis staff) assisting these authors in seeing their manuscripts to publication.
  • Deciding which manuscripts to publish.
  • Selecting a sufficient pool of competent reviewers to reach conclusions and render decisions on manuscripts in a timely fashion.
  • Identifying and appointing qualified members to the Editorial Board and the New Professional and Graduate Student Review Board.
  • Participating in the mentoring of members of the New Professional and Graduate Student Board.
  • Representing and promoting the journal at professional conferences and other events throughout the year, including the NASPA Annual Conference.
  • Providing a clear vision for the direction of the journal.

How to Apply: 

Applications should be submitted online at http://apps.naspa.org/cfp/evt_frm_user.cfm?event_id=2778. Applications will be reviewed by the Search Committee immediately after the submission deadline date.

The application packet should include a cover letter and a curriculum vitae (CV). The cover letter should be no more than 5 pages and include:

  • A Vision Statement: Set forth your goals and plans for the content of the journal. This may include an assessment of the current strengths, weaknesses, or gaps that you plan to address and how you will implement your plan. You may present a list of articles that have been published in other journals that you believe represent your vision of JWG. Also, provide an outline of how you plan to reach your target author community and how you will attract their papers.
  • Background Information: Your name, affiliation, and other relevant information. Describe the qualifications that support your application. Provide evidence of your ability and experience to provide sound judgment and guidance to potential authors. Please include a CV with your application. The CV is not included in the 5-page limit, and no standard format is required.
  • Institutional Support: It is important for candidates to consider and address the feasibility of serving as Editor in light of the resources likely to be available to the applicant. NASPA does not pay for office space, clerical assistance, or release time, but can provide basic financial support for office resources as necessary to journal editors. This support may include funds for office supplies, postage, and telephone beyond what is provided by the editor's home institution. Since the support offered by different institutions varies widely, you are encouraged to contact the Executive Office of your institution as necessary to ensure the feasibility of your application.

Questions regarding the application process may be addressed to:
Melissa Dahne
Senior Director of Publications
NASPA–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education