Region V Fred Turner Award for Outstanding Service to NASPA

Region V
Application Deadline: September 8, 2024 | Award Type: regional

This award is conferred upon a professional for significant service to NASPA.  It is named in honor of one of NASPA’s most distinguished past Board Chairs (1958-59) and former senior student affairs officer at the University of Illinois. Recipients demonstrate the following:

  • evidence of significant volunteer service to NASPA via leadership roles at the state, regional, or international level for 7 or more years;

  • evidence of at least 15 years of continuous and active individual membership with NASPA;

  • evidence of significant contribution to the advancement of NASPA.


For national award consideration, nominees must meet the following criteria:



  • Volunteer service to the association via leadership roles at the state, regional, national, or international levels

  • Minimum of ten continuous years of NASPA membership

  • Active individual NASPA membership


  • Progression from entry-level to senior-level leadership roles within NASPA’s volunteer ranks

  • Involvement in multiple branches (e.g., Regions, Knowledge Communities, Divisions and Groups, etc.) of the association

  • Volunteer service that has had a significant impact on NASPA as an association

Presented By

Region V