Region I: Outstanding Contribution to Higher Education Award

Region I
Application Deadline: September 27, 2024 | Award Type: regional

NASPA membership is required for this nominee.

The winner of this category will be forwarded to the NASPA national office for consideration for recognition at the national level.

This award is presented to an individual or organization that has provided dedicated service, consistent advocacy, and outstanding leadership to the higher education community on the national or international level.  The honoree will have made a meaningful and appreciable contribution to the issues and concerns affecting higher education.  Nominations for this award may be solicited from the NASPA Board of Directors.

The winner of this category will  be forwarded to the NASPA national office for consideration for recognition at the national level.

Required Criterion:

  • Advocates for student affairs within the higher education context, nationally or internationally

Presented By

Region 1