NASPA IV-E Campus-Based Publication Award

Application Deadline: August 31, 2022 | Award Type: regional

This award is presented to an individual or institution that has developed outstanding materials which contribute significantly to the field of student affairs. Nominations will be reviewed based on the creativity of the publication; execution of the publication; and the positive impact or influence on the intended community.

Awards may be made in three categories:

  • Campus-Based Publication Award
  • Campus Based Literature/Research Award (corresponds with the Outstanding Contribution to Literature and/or Research at the national level); and
  • Campus-Based Video/Digital Publication Award 

To make a nomination for a Regional Publication Award

  • Complete the "Award Nominee" section by indicating the name of the publication and the "Person Making the Nomination" section.
  • Include the description or information about the publication under the Supporting Letter 1.
  • Attach a pdf file or a link to the publication as Support Letter 2.
  • Resumes of the authors of the literature/research publication nomination must also be included as an attachment.
  • No additional supporting letters are needed unless the nominee would like to submit additional letters of support.

Please contact the Awards & Innovation Coordination to submit files in alternate formats (e.g. video files).



Tess Barker, Awards & Innovation Coordinator 
[email protected]

Presented By

Region IV-E