NASPA-FL 2024 Awards

Region III
Application Deadline: September 20, 2024 | Award Type: regional

2024 NASPA Region III Florida Awards

Application Deadline: September 20, 2024| Award Type: regional

Each year NASPA recognizes outstanding programs with regional awards. To continue with this tradition, please consider nominating an institutional program or outstanding colleague. 

State winners will be forwarded for consideration at the regional and national awards level, as applicable. Each nomination should include a letter of nomination, up to three support letters (preferably one from a current supervisor), and, for the program awards category, an in-depth overview of the program being nominated and its success.

Nominations are now open and the submission deadline is September 20, 2024.  Finalists will be notified prior to the conference and the presentation of the awards will take place at the 2024 NASPA Florida Drive-In Conference at Florida Southern College on Friday, October 18, 2024. Award winners should make every attempt to participate in the conference.

Please review the criteria required in each section and provide the information needed. Only one award can be selected per submission. 

Questions regarding the awards process can be directed to:

Dr. Edna Jones Miller


Award Types

Individual Awards

  • NASPA-Florida Graduate Student of the Year Award
    • NASPA-Florida wishes to recognize the contributions of graduate student members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services and effective administration. Through the implementation of this award, all NASPA members are encouraged to nominate graduate students in the field of Student Affairs whose programs, initiatives, and outreach to the university excel on at your institution. 
    • Nominees must be a NASPA member and currently employed at an institution within the State of Florida.
  • NASPA-Florida New Professional of the Year Award
    • NASPA-Florida wishes to recognize the contributions of new professional members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services and effective administration. Through the implementation of this award, all NASPA members are encouraged to nominate new professionals with 1 to 5 years of experience in the field of Student Affairs whose programs, initiatives, and outreach to the university excel on at your institution.
    • Nominees must be a NASPA member and currently employed at an institution within the State of Florida.
    • Preference will be given to individuals who have demonstrated active involvement in NASPA.
  • NASPA-Florida Mid-Manager of the Year Award
    • NASPA-Florida wishes to recognize the contributions of Mid-Manager members who are transforming higher education through outstanding programs, innovative services and effective administration. Through the implementation of this award, all NASPA members are encouraged to nominate mid managers with 5+ years of experience in the field of Student Affairs whose programs, initiatives, and outreach to the university excel on at your institution.
    • Nominees must be a NASPA member and currently employed at an institution within the state of Florida.
    • Preference will be given to individuals who have demonstrated active involvement in NASPA.
  • NASPA-Florida Outstanding Service to Students Award
    • NASPA-Florida wishes to recognize the contributions of professionals who consistently give time and effort counseling, advising and supporting students. Through the implementation of this award, all NASPA members are encouraged to nominate professionals whose mentorship of students exceeds an individual's given job responsibilities. Nominees should exhibit some of the following characteristics:
      • Genuine and since sense of caring and concern for students
      • A commitment to personalized student experiences and evidence of successful efforts in humanizing the campus community
      • High quality interaction with individual students and student groups
      • Evidence of successful student advocacy
      • Evidence of performance above and beyond the call of duty while serving multiple roles within the campus community
    • Each nomination must include a letter of support from a student. Any NASPA member, regardless of position, is eligible for this award.
    • Nominees must be a NASPA member and currently employed at an institution within the state of Florida
    • Preference will be given to individuals who have demonstrated active involvement in NASPA.
  • NASPA-Florida Research Award
    • NASPA-Florida wishes to recognize the outstanding ongoing scholarly and research contributions of an individual or individuals in the area of higher education and student affairs. Considered during the selection process for this award are
    1. Contributions to the field of student affairs through scholarly research, publication, and presentations
    2.  Support and promotion of scholarly research through mentoring and positive role modeling for other professionals and graduate students
    3. Contributions to the mission, vision, and goals of NASPA.
    • A successful candidate may possess any combination of the aforementioned characteristics. Through the implementation of this award, all NASPA members are encouraged to nominate professionals at any stage of their higher education career. Any NASPA member, regardless of position, is eligible for this award.
    • Nominees must be a NASPA member and currently employed at an institution within the state of Florida.

Program Awards

  • NASPA-Florida "Programs of Distinction"
    • The NASPA-Florida "Programs of Distinction" awards are designed to celebrate strong programs and services provided for students throughout the state of Florida. Entries will be submitted and judged within one of the following ten categories:
      • Housing, Residence Life, Contracted Services, Student Conduct, and related
      • Student Union, Student Activities, Greek Life, Leadership, and related
      • Enrollment Management, Financial Aid, Orientation, Parents, First Year, Other Year, and related
      • Student Health, Wellness, Counseling, and related
      • International, Multicultural, Cultural, Gender, LGBTQ, Spirituality, Disability, and related
      • Careers, Academic Support, Service-Learning, Community Service, and related
      • Off-Campus, Commuter, Non-traditional, Graduate, Professional, and related
      • Athletic, Recreation, Physical Fitness, Non-Varsity Sports, and related
      • Administrative, Assessment, Information Technology, Fundraising, Professional Development, and related
      • Violence Education and Prevention, Crisis Management, Campus Security, and related
    • Submissions must:
      • Correspond to one Program of Distinction Award category
      • Include a program title
      • Include an Executive Summary (500 words or less)
      • Include a Description and Outline (1,250 words or less)
      • Include Assessment/Outcomes Data (1,250 words or less)
      • Include Letters of Support (Maximum of three)

Presented By

Region 3