Leadership - Pro Comp

Leadership - Professional Competency

January 1, 2015

Addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of a leader, with or without positional authority. Leadership involves both the individual role of a leader and the leadership process of individuals working together to envision, plan, and affect change in organizations and respond to broad-based constituencies and issues. This can include working with students, student affairs colleagues, faculty, and community members.

Professional Development

Professional growth within this competency area reflects shifts from knowledge to critical application and then to fostering the development of leadership within and among others.

In July 2015, the NASPA Board of Directors approved Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Educators. The set of professional competency areas is intended to define the broad professional knowledge, skills, and in some cases, the attitudes expected of student affairs professionals regardless of their area of specialization or positional role within the field.