Peer Education Initiatives

Health, Safety, and Well-being Health, Safety, and Well-being Initiatives Mid-Level New Professional Undergraduate

Welcome to NASPA's Peer Education Initiatives! Since the 2014 merger of the BACCHUS Network with NASPA, our team has worked to promote student leadership and support peer educators and their advisors. 

About Us

Peer Education Initiatives' provides training and support to both professional staff and student peer educators who contribute to an environment where peer-led programs, events and workshops can be a catalyst to elevate holistic well-being.

Check out the information below and please email [email protected] to connect with our team.

Peer Education Advisors Continuing Education

Featured Webinar


Wednesday, October 2, 2024 @ 1 - 2 p.m. EST

Designing Success: Elevating Peer Health Educator Programs Through Strategic Job Design

Join McKenzie Sorrells-Western, Director of Wellness Services at Boise State University, and explore the power of job design theory in peer health education programs to elevate their peer health educators' performance and impact.

Register Now


Registration rates for the NASPA Peer Education Advisors Continuing Education Sessions are based on NASPA individual membership status. Check out our Membership page to learn more about the benefits of membership, and how to sign up!

Registration Rates

 Member Rate  FREE!
 Non-Member Rate  $39


Each continuing education session will be hosted via zoom. Participants are highly encouraged to attend each session continuing education session since the topics and presenters are going to be different each time. Active participation is highly encourcaged.

All times are listed in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Fall 2024 Webinars
Designing Success: Elevating Peer Health Educator Programs Through Strategic Job Design
Supporting Student Mental Wellness and Resilience with Physical Activity and Sport Based Peer Leadership Programming

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 @ 1 - 2 p.m. EST

This session explores the power of job design theory in peer health education programs. Using the job characteristics model, we reimagine roles, responsibilities, and tasks to boost motivation, job satisfaction, and overall effectiveness. Join us as we delve into how strategic job design empowers universities to elevate their peer health educators' performance and impact.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Gain an understanding of the key principles of the job characteristics model and its relevance in optimizing peer health education programs.
  2. Explore strategies for redefining peer health educator roles, responsibilities, and tasks to enhance their performance and job satisfaction.
  3. Discover how your university can leverage strategic job design to maximize the overall effectiveness and impact of their peer health education programs.

Click HERE to Register Now

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

This webinar will explore how peer leadership models in sport and physical activity settings can effectively support student mental wellness and resilience. By examining the value, program impact data, and research outcomes of the student-led mental wellness programs, Fitness Buddies and Mountain Lion Strong, participants will learn how empowering students as mental wellness advocates enhances campus culture. We will highlight the importance of cross-campus partnerships for fostering a holistic approach to student well-being. Attendees will leave with actionable, research-backed recommendations for implementing peer leadership programs that prioritize mental wellness and resilience across diverse student populations and student groups.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand key factors in designing and implementing peer leadership programs that promote mental wellness and resilience among students in physical activity and sport settings on campus.
  • Gain insights into the research outcomes and lessons learned from the peer led mental-wellness initiatives, Fitness Buddies and Mountain Lion Strong, at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
  • Understand how collaborative efforts across departments and units on campus, including athletics, student affairs, campus recreation, and counseling/health services, can strengthen mental wellness initiatives.
  • Learn tips to implementing similar strategies on other campuses

Click HERE to Register Now!

Peer Education Blogs

Peer Education Awards

Every year, the Peer Education Initiatives, a part of the Health, Safety, and Well-being Initiatives of NASPA and carrying forward the legacy of BACCHUS, proudly recognize outstanding achievements in peer education. These awards honor peer educators, advisors, peer education groups, and programs that exemplify the innovative spirit and commitment to student well-being that BACCHUS pioneered. Award finalists will be featured and winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at the annual Peer Education Conference. Congratulations to the individuals and institutions who have been recognized for their excellent work! 

🌟Now accepting Award Nominations through Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Submit your nomination HERE

Peer Education Award Winners


Tom Goodale Award for Exceptional Advising in Peer Education

  •  Charlotte Robbins, The University of Alabama


Gerardo Gonzalez Award for Graduate Student Service in Peer Education

  • Anna Comer, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


Outstanding Peer Education Advisor

  • Gil Perez, College of San Mateo


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Megan Van Vort, University at Albany, State University of New York


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Students Fight Back: Stepping Up Against Violence, Miami University, HAWKS Peer Health Educators


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Peer Wellness Advocates, Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles



Tom Goodale Award for Exceptional Advising in Peer Education 

  • Aaron Maracle, University at Buffalo


Outstanding Advisor

  • Ryan Anderson, Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Sarah Supplee, West Chester University

  • Jorgann Holgersen, Texas Tech University

  • Huntyr Hill, Florida Gulf Coast University


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Euphoria Exposé, Florida Gulf Coast University


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Healthy Dawgs Peer Educators, Mississippi State University


Tom Goodale Award for Exceptional Advising in Peer Education 

  • Kerri Mahoney, Stony Brook University


Gerardo Gonzalez Award for Graduate Student Service in Peer Education

  • Kay Igyor, Millersville University


Outstanding Advisor

  • Alex Faris, Texas Tech University
  • Tiffany Lawson, The University of Alabama 


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Casandra Sanchez, Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Miguel de Peralta, Miami University (OH)


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Film: A recipe for disaster: Talking about cooking the way we talk about sex, University of Maine
  • Asking for a Friend, Springfield College
  • Art 6 Feet Apart, Bellarmine University


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • GoodKnights, Arcadia University
  • Sandler Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Education Peer Educators, University of Miami
  • Health Promotion Division (HPD), Rutgers University- Newark

Tom Goodale Award for Exceptional Advising in Peer Education 

  • Robert Cardom, University at Albany, SUNY 


Gerardo Gonzalez Award for Graduate Student Service in Peer Education

  • Emma Valvo, SUNY, University at Buffalo 


Outstanding Advisor

  • Charlotte Petonic, The University of Alabama 
  • Lori Bishop-Ley, University of Cincinnati 
  • Nicole Giglia, Seton Hall University  


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Alexis Raysik, University of Central Missouri 
  • Joyous Njoku, Texas Tech University 
  • Bethany Tracy, University of Montana- Western


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Golden ARCHES’ Sex Week Program, University of California- Riverside
  • Trojan Outreach’s Interpersonal Violence Awareness Week Program, Troy University
  • High(er) Education, University of Miami 
  • It's On US, Newberry College


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Student Advocates for Wellness, Springfield College
  • HEROES Peer Educators, Montana State University- Billings
  • PAWS (Peers Advocating for Wellness and Safety), Mount St. Joseph University 
  • ROARS Peer Educators, Langston University

Tom Goodale Award for Exceptional Advising in Peer Education

  • Mandy Parente, University of Alabama at Birmingham


Fifty Years of Exemplary Peer Education

  • Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program, University at Albany, SUNY


Outstanding Advisor

  • Melanie Perry, Saginaw Valley State University
  • Natalie D’Azzo, University of California, Irvine
  • Kelsey Lueck, Texas Tech University


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Kace Garcesa, Georgia Gwinnett College
  • Emily Kollar, Bowling Green State University
  • Jordyn Livingston, University of South Carolina
  • Danielle Greenberg, Florida Gulf Coast University


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Can I Kiss You? Featuring Educator Mike Domitrz, Miami University
  • What's your Love Language?, Saginaw Valley State University
  • Got Your BAC & Positive Consent Orientation Workshops, Babson College
  • Stomp Out Stigma 5K for Suicide Awareness, St. Mary’s College of Maryland


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Health and Wellness Educators, Roger Williams University
  • Peer Wellness Advocates, Mount Saint Mary's University
  • SHORE Peer Educators, Coastal Carolina University
  • Health Promotion Division, Rutgers University-Newark

Tom Goodale Award for Exceptional Advising in Peer Education

  • La' Tesha Hinton, Tulane University


Gerardo Gonzalez Award for Graduate Student Service in Peer Education

  • Arianna Camel, Millersville University


Outstanding Advisor

  • Kendra Gaillegos-Reichle, Fort Lewis College
  • Jayme Trogus, Millersville University
  • Christina Cetti, Stetson University
  • Kennybel Pena, Manhattanville College


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Katie Barnhardt, Appalachian State University
  • Lynn Jean-Louis, Stony Brook University
  • Matthew Koehl, Texas Tech University
  • Blake Archer, University of Alabama


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • LGBTQ&A, Boston University
  • You Can’t Save The World Alone, University of West Florida
  • Social Identity, Weber State University
  • Be The Creed, Bowling Green University
  • 4th Annual Out of the Darkness Walk, Coastal Carolina University


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • POWER (Peers Offering Wellness Education and Resources), Villanova University
  • Peer Health Advocates, University of Chicago
  • OWLS Care Leaders, Florida Atlantic University
  • Changing Carolina Peer Leaders, University of South Carolina
  • Health Education and Awareness Team, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Outstanding Advisor

  • Jessica Gargus, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Christine Ditter, Montana State University Billings
  • Cortney Heileman, Saginaw Valley State University
  • Aaron Maracle, University at Buffalo SUNY
  • Alicia Cambron, University of West Florida


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Meghan Sullivan, University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Suzannah Kal, Montana State University
  • Alexandra Harris, Radford University
  • Madison Turner, University of Cincinatti
  • Nicole Bulanchuk, University at Albany SUNY


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Project Condom, Millersville University
  • Sex in the Ballroom, Pittsburg State University
  • Message in a Bottle, Roger Williams University
  • So What's All the Buzz About?, University of Miami
  • Humans of UNLV, University of Nevada Las Vegas


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Project Health, University of Alabama
  • Red Watch, Stony Brook University
  • STEP UP BC, Bridgewater College
  • Bradley HEAT, Bradley University
  • Wellness Ambassadors, Ohio State University

Outstanding Advisor

  • Leslie Haxby McNeill, Miami University
  • Lexi Benson, University of Montana Western
  • Craig Kimmelblatt, University at Albany SUNY
  • Trisha Tinney, University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Sandra Adams, Furman University


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Robert Lemaire, Frostburg State University
  • Kelsey Miller, Coastal Carolina University
  • Tara Wong, University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • Margo Leitschuh, University of Missouri
  • Michael Romano, DeSales University


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • HIV Hi/Low/No Risk, Georgia Gwinnett College
  • Red Watch Band Bystander Intervention Training, Northwestern University
  • UA Wellness Week, University of Alabama
  • Fall Harvest Festival, Valencia College East Campus
  • Wellness Fair, Radford University


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Joe's PEERS, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Gorilla Peer Education, Pittsburg State University
  • Health and Wellness Educators, Roger Williams University
  • RESPECT (Rape Education Services by Peers Encouraging Conscious Thought), University of Arkansas
  • UWF Peer Educators, University of West Florida

Outstanding Advisor

  • Kristy Sillay, Villanova University
  • Brittney Vigna, University of Alabama
  • Emily Werner, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Don Swogger, Frostburg State University
  • Anna Sotelo-Peryea, University at Buffalo


Outstanding Peer Educator

  • Brandon Piazzola, University of Montana Western 
  • Devin Smith, Bowling Green State University
  • Krystle Griggs, University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Brittany Hensley, University of West Florida
  • Maria Thaman, Butler University


Outstanding Peer Education Program

  • Love Your Body Day, University of Nevada Las Vegas
  • 420 Forum, Millersville University
  • P.S. I Love You: Stalking Awareness Evening, Pittsburg State University
  • Campus Clean Up, Montana State University Billings
  • Step Up: Bystander Intervention, Miami University


Outstanding Peer Education Group

  • Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program, University at Albany SUNY
  • Peers Reaching Out, University of Montana
  • Millersville University Peer Educators, Millersville University
  • MU Student Wellness Advocates, University of Missouri
  • WellPAC, Fort Lewis College
  • HAWKS Peer Health Educators, Miami University

Peer Education Advisor Faculty

The Peer Education Advisor Faculty work alongside NASPA to advance the field and improve the impact of peer education. Faculty members share their knowledge and experience to help NASPA provide the best training, development, support, and mentorship for peer education advisors. Our sincere thanks go out to the current members of our Peer Education Advisor Faculty!